Teamwork and Cooperation help Class 8 race to success with LEGO Race Cars

Year 3s have started using LEGO WeDo 2.0 robotics sets for the first time this week!  After much excitement and anticipation, Class 8 have been building race cars for their first project.  From building with LEGO bricks to writing the code on screen, the children have demonstrated fantastic teamwork and perseverance to overcome obstacles, locate missing pieces and connect the robots to their iMacs.

The key to success here was good teamwork and cooperation, something which Class 8 realised from the start.  Working in pairs they set about co-ordinating their approach so one had the instructions on screen whilst the other built the model, often switching roles as the process went on.  

In forty minutes we all had race cars built, but then it was time for the biggest challenge of all – getting the cars connected to the computers and moving by themselves!

Of course we had to have a race to finish the lesson, check out the breathtakingly fast action on the video below…

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Amanda Aspden

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Year 3 outside Geevor Tin Mine
Christina Sukstiene

Year 3’s Tin Mine Travels

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