Penpol Tennis Champ!

This weekend Ruby travelled to Bodmin to take part in a Cornwall County tennis competition.  She was playing against 8 other really talented children but she managed to beat them all by winning the most points and won the competition!

Her prize was to take home two very special t-shirts – one of which she is wearing in her photo below.

Ruby says “I felt amazed that I’d won, because I was playing against some really good people.  I practice my tennis at least three times a week and I think all that hard work is why I managed to win.”

“Tennis is such a good sport because when you’re playing it’s not like football where only so many people can play, it’ s game where anyone can play and take it in turns whenever they like.  It’s great fun!”

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Linda Ruffell

Year 3 – Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt As part of their history topic, year 3 started off learning about Ancient Egypt by turning some oranges into mummies! Just like real Ancient Egyptian embalmers we started off by taking out all of

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Jacob Woolcock

Codeblocks at Christmas

This term the students in Years 3 and 6 have been creating their own 3D Winter Ornaments using the Tinkercad program. The Year 3’s have been learning all about 3D modelling and how to adjust, combine

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Jacob Woolcock

Year 4 create their own Map of Africa

This half term our Year 4’s have been studying ‘Which Way to Africa?’ as their topic.  Part of this exciting learning has involved creating Digital Art on the iPads.   The children started learning all about

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Also in the news:

Linda Ruffell

Year 3 – Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt As part of their history topic, year 3 started off learning about Ancient Egypt by turning some oranges into mummies! Just like real Ancient Egyptian embalmers we started off by taking out all of

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