Penpol Pupils Celebrate New Infant Play Equipment

With the sun shining and summer well on the way, you really would think that things just could not get any better.

Well, at Penpol they certainly have!

That’s because the children have returned after the Easter holidays only to be  greeted by a brand new, fantastic, three-tower, multi-activity climbing frame.

When I came to school I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s the best day ever! The slide is amazing because it is super fast! – Dylan – Year 1

Part funded by the Penpol Friends Association (PFA), this amazing piece of equipment has a climbing wall, net ladder, super fast slide, fireman’s pole and many more challenging features. There are also three roll bars for the children to practise their tumble turns. To make things extra safe there is a rubber surface around the climbing frame.

I love playing on the new climbing frame because it’s such fun. My favourite bit is climbing up the ropes – Harvey – Reception

The reaction has been fantastic and the children have swarmed on to have a go. It has certainly livened up playtime activities for the children in the infant playground

I felt really excited  because it looked such fun. I love playing on it on with my friends.  – Lydia – Year 2

We are very grateful to the Penpol Friends Association for their fundraising and hard work. Without them none of this would be possible.

A big thank you to the PFA! – Everyone at Penpol School

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