Super Standing Stones Stables

Class 1 had an amazing time at the standing stones stables.

James and Buddy the horses were very gentle and patient with the children. Firstly they enjoyed being brushed and groomed by the children. We learnt all about how to care for them and how to keep them healthy and happy.

I saw a horse inside the stable that was as big as this room. Daisy wanted to find the fairy king and the fairy village in the woods. We built a village for the fairy king out of sticks – George

Next the horses were transformed into magical unicorns with bows, glitter, coloured ribbons and even a unicorn horn.

I liked it when I rided on the horse. He was called James he was brown – Sorrel

So I was eating lunch and I eated it then I rided on a horse. I went on the horses back and he skipped. I collected sticks in the woods – Daisy

Then for the most exciting part, the pony rides. All the children in the class were brave enough to have a ride and loved this wonderful experience.

There was even time for a lovely walk in the woods for a spot of exploring, investigating and den building.

I rided a horse, it was fun. It feeled like I had a fun day – Poppy

Class one would like to thank Natalie, Debbie, Amy and Sarah for their time, patience and care. They really gave the children the most wonderful experience and a trip to remember.

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