Class 6 get creative

As part of their English and art lessons,  Class 6 have been listening to the story ‘The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon’, written by Richard Adams. The children enjoyed listening to how the character, Emma, made her own dragon out of an egg box and then acknowledging the importance of writing a clear set of instructions for others to follow. The children had a great time planning and then selecting a variety of materials to make an Egg Box Dragon of their own.


Also in the news:

Michael Pearson

Sleeping with the Sharks

To top off a school year filled with adventure, excitement and challenge, Year 2 pupils embarked upon an incredible opportunity to ‘sleep with the sharks’ at Plymouth’s National Marine Aquarium. Following a joyous minibus journey up

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Michael Pearson

Class 9’s Lost Words

This week, Year 4  immersed themselves in The Lost Words, a book of poems and illustrations inspired by the rich wonders of British wildlife. Each lost word is saved through speaking or singing a spell to

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Linda Ruffell

Welcome Back Year 2!

What an exciting first day it has been in year two for both children and teachers.  All children have had a great first day back and from the smiles on their faces you could tell  that they

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Also in the news:

Emily Bodmer

Sticky Jam Sandwich Fun in Year 1

After reading ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich’  in our ‘Talk Through Stories’ session, Year 1 explored instruction writing whilst making jam sandwiches. They focused on sequencing, using time connectives and imperative verbs. Apart from watching their teachers

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Jacob Woolcock

3D Printing our Wonderful Winter Ornaments

BUILDING WITH BLOCKS IN TINKERCAD This half term our Year 3’s have been learning how to use Tinkercad to create 3D models and objects on their computers.  This clever program lets you create anything you like

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Jack Emery

Year 4 Go to Hogwarts!

To celebrate all of the fantastic learning which has been going on, Year 4 celebrated a Harry Potter ‘dress up’ day this Wednesday 22nd February.  The school was awash with the four colours of each of

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Linda Ruffell

Year 3 visits Footsteps of Discovery

Year 3, have just returned to school after visiting and spending the night at the Footsteps of Discovery centre in Summercourt, Newquay. Whilst at the centre, the children participated in a range of lifesaving skills. This

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Tiffany Pope

Platinum Picnic at Penpol

It was such a glorious sight to see the whole school on the field enjoying the sunshine and celebrating the Queens Jubilee. Every child had a smile, younger children danced and played with children from the

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