Creating Mayan Temple Animations in Year 6

Our Year 6s have been learning all about the Mayans in their Topic lessons this half term.  In Computing we’ve been taking this learning and creating our own animations based around the idea of an ancient Mayan Temple.

The animation itself is lovely, but to really appreciate it you need to know that the children have actually built their temples brick by brick in Keynote.  This process has been incredible to watch as the children have added a whole host of new skills in their graphic design and animation toolbox.  Well done Year 6!

– Mr Woolcock

Also in the news:

Linda Ruffell

Year 2 visit Penzance Gym Club

This week, all of the children in year 2 participated in their first gym session at Penzance Gym Club. All of the children received expert coaching, whilst learning how to balance on the beam, jumping from

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Nic Stanlake

South West Title for Super Gymnast

Penpol School now has an Under 11 South West Gymnastics champion amongst its sporting stars. She has, for many years now, been featuring on the Penpol times but this is her biggest accommodate to date. Travelling

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Nic Stanlake

Bright Lights and Big City Sights

This last week 44 of our Year 6 pupils boarded the coach and headed off on our big city adventure. An early 7 am departure began the 4 day-long residential trip to our nations capital; for

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Amanda Aspden

Heyl Crossfit

Class 1 spent a fun packed afternoon at the high energy Heyl Crossfit gym. We practised running, jumping, climbing, crawling, swinging, squats and balancing. “I liked the ropes, I liked to swing on it.” – Cassius

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Christina Sukstiene

Penpol’s Sponsored Mile for Ukraine

Over the past few weeks, Penpol have been raising money for ShelterBox – a charity that are providing emergency shelter and resources to families who have lost their homes during the current war happening in Ukraine.

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Also in the news:

Jono Peck

Surf’s up with Y5/6 Surf Club

Surf’s up – During June and July, the Y5/6  went surfing with Hayle based surf school Shore Surf to learn to surf or improve surfing skills and also learn about key water safety messages and what

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Jacob Woolcock

Fantastic Fireworks in Year 1

This week Year 1 have been learning all about fireworks by writing poetry and creating digital art. The children started on Tuesday by getting used to drawing on the iPads with the Logitech Crayons. They used

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Christina Sukstiene

Year 3 Have a Pharaoh Time At Truro Museum

Last Tuesday (8th November) saw Class 7 and 8 head off to Truro to visit Royal Cornwall Museum as part of their ‘Ancient Egypt’ topic. Once we had (eventually) gotten the train from Hayle to Truro,

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