Reception Home Learning

Hi Class 1 and Class 2, we’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent us some pictures of your home  learning over the past few weeks. We wanted to share some of your brilliant learning with everyone.

We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care and see you soon

Miss Nidds and Miss Aspden


Alayah from Class 2 

Alayah has been being very creative and experimenting with water colours as well as creating a person from nature and going on a bug hunt!


Jack from Class 2

Jack has enjoyed creating a ‘mega den’ in his kitchen to continue with his reading, created a brilliant superhero and enjoyed going on a Bug Hunt in his garden.


Lowenna from Class 1

Lowenna has been doing some great learning at home and has had a teddy bears picnic and wrote invitations to all her bears. She has been doing some great counting games and made a brilliant Owlette costume!



Izzy from Class 2

Izzy has been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, as well as doing some great addition and number writing. She has also designed her own superhero and fairy door along with some sentences about fairies.




Merryn from Class 2

Merryn has been very creative in her learning at home and has been outside flying kites and learning all about the wind, as well as creating a ‘Cat Box’ with working wheels for her toys.


Morgan from Class 1

Morgan has been having lots of fun learning outside and has found some tadpoles, made a boat and his own fairy door out of painted stones. He even had his own festival in his garden!


Alex from Class 2

Alex designed and made a great belt to turn himself into a superhero. He has also been busy painting his favourite insect, as well as making some great pictures and doing some fantastic writing.


Charlie from Class 2

Charlie made a brilliant nature picture of a dinosaur, designed a beautiful rainbow fairy door and had a great time at his teddy bear’s picnic.



Lexi from Class 1

Lexi has been keeping up with her phonics and reading at home, finding different places to read her book in the house. She has made some lovely pictures all linking to our learning challenges and drew ‘The Flash’ as part of our superhero challenge.


Isla from Class 2

Isla has been busy practising her letters and has enjoyed painting and colouring some great pictures.



Dexter from Class 2

Dexter has enjoyed having a Teddy Bears Picnic in his garden as well as creating a great Superhero.


Lili from Class 1

Lili had great fun creating some lovely pictures from her bug hunt and wrote the names of the insects beautifully. She has also been busy creating an obstacle course and a giant picture of a person on the beach!



Well done everyone on your great learning! Keep the pictures coming and we’ll post more next week.


Miss Nidds and Miss Aspden



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Elizabeth Nidds

Class 2 Visit the Yurt

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Christina Sukstiene

Penpol’s Sponsored Mile for Ukraine

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Michael Pearson

Sleeping with the Sharks

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Internet Legends and Beyond with Year 6

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Bethany Waters

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Nic Stanlake

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Surf Club

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