Home Learning Challenges – Year 2 – Week 6 & 7

New – Week commencing – 11.05.2020

Hi Class 6 and Class 5, Mrs Ruffell and Mrs Daniel would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent images of your home  learning, which you have completed  over the past two weeks. We have now created a new home learning page, on the Penpol Times, for weeks 6 and 7.  Please keep sending us images of your learning so that we can share it with your friends and families.

We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care – Mrs Ruffell & Mrs Daniel


New – Half term activity

New –    https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/geography-ks1-how-honey-is-made/z7j76v4 (Copy & paste the link in to your browser)

PE and Outdoor Learning at Home

New -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCStjKlMICO-Em7zMJoHR3A  (Copy & paste link in to your browser)

New – Digital Ocean – Surfers against Sewage – Copy and paste the link in to your browser

: https://www.sas.org.uk/digital-ocean-school

Online safety at home – copy and paste the link in to your browser.


Fun ways to exercise and keep fit! – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.


New – Additional online home learning. – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.


New – Try these simple relaxation and mindfulness activities together and help your child learn to calm down when they feel stressed or anxious. – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.


Use your mind – Laugh & Giggle – Breathe Deep – Stretch it out – Relax


Emily, from Class 6

Wow Emily! I love your spaceship, it’s so colourful and what a great idea to put your photograph inside the space helmet. I can see, from the learning you have completed, that you really enjoyed this literacy based topic all about space.

Also well done on your spelling test results 10/10 great job!

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has been busy with her maths this week, drawn a great picture of a rocket and made a beeswax candle. She also found a little mole in her garden, he’s very cute!

Faith, from Class 5

Faith has really enjoyed the alien project this week, take a look at her amazing photos of all the craft work and writing she has been doing!


Lily, from Class 6

Well done Lily. You have found so many interesting facts about bees and I love your honey comb pattern.

Hana, from Class 5

Hana has been very busy lately with all her home learning, even though she is missing all her friends. Take a look at her photos and enjoy her pirate story.


Rosie, from Class 6

Rosie and George made some cheese today, after completing their numeracy challenges.
They were very proud of what they made, but didn’t like the taste.

Well done, it looks amazing!


Poppy, from Class 6

What great learning you have completed.  I love your pictures, especially your spacesuit….
I was also very impressed with your handwriting . Well done.



Poppy wanted to share this photograph of a beautiful mermaid, which she found swimming in her paddling pool. How lucky was Poppy to find a mermaid in her back garden.

Bella, from Class 5

Bella was inspired by Mrs.Pope’s assembly and has made some amazing frozen flowers! She’s also written a great bee poem and diagram and drawn a couple of brilliant self portraits, one inspired by Gustav Klimt, can you guess which one?

Nicholas, from Class 6

Thank you for sharing your learning from this week Nicholas. I can see that you are really enjoying the space theme. Well done!


Faith, from Class 5

A lovely photo of Faith showing some of her work on Noah’s Ark, she really enjoyed this R.E story. She and her mum thought it very topical at the moment as we are all looking forward to much brighter and happier times.

Bella, from Class 5

Bella has become quite the chef at home again this week, baking cookies that look delicious!
She has also completed some maths sheets and brilliantly illustrated her brothers fantastic story.

Alfie, from Class 5

Alfie has been as busy as usual this week, take a look at his photos to see what he has been up to. I love his alien story and animal game. What  a lovely picture of him on the beach too, making the most of the lovely weather.

Nicholas, from Class 6

Thank you Nicholas for sharing your home learning from this week. It looks like you are really enjoying the space writing  theme. I love your colourful space suit and what a fab rocket! Well done.

Lily, from Class 6

Wow Lily, you have been very busy with your home learning! It was lovely to see your smiley face again and to see that you are showing such dedication to your home learning challenges. I was really impressed to see you calculating your number problems by using such good resources and what a fantastic sunflower picture you have created. Well done.

Emily, from Class 6

Thank you Emily for sharing your home learning challenges from this week. You have shown such dedication towards your learning. I loved your honeycomb pattern and I was glad to see that you are still using your mathematical skills to solve number problems and also completed the R.E activity. I am so proud of you. Well done!


Tilly, from Class 6

Wow Tilly, you have completed some lovely home learning challenges. Your art work is beautiful and I can see that you have taken great care with your illustrations. I was really impressed with your bee mobile. I would love for you to bring it in to school to show your friends when we return. Great home learning Tilly.

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has finished her week by completing some great maths today, and she made some delicious cakes too!


Isaac, from Class 5

Isaac has really enjoyed the pirate craft work, take a look at his photos. A clever idea to stain paper with a tea bag to make it look old and a cleverly disguised egg box as treasure chest, well done Isaac!

Harry, from Class 6

Wow Harry! look at your chilli plant, it looks so healthy and such a lovely colour green. You must be taking great care of it. I look forward to seeing a picture of the first chilli. Well done

Verity, from Class 5

I have been looking forward to reading Verity’s pirate story and here it is, she’s had quite an adventure to find that treasure chest!

Lola, from Class 6

what a lovely picture of a bee Lola! I was also impressed to see that you are using your mathematical knowledge to solve number problems. Well done, great home learning!

Lola, from Class 6

Well done Lola! you have shown great dedication to your home learning this week. You have used your mathematical mind to complete so many number problems. Great home learning!

Emily, from Class 6

Wow Emily! it looks like you really enjoyed the pirate topic. I loved reading your letter and what a great picture of your  treasure chest and flag. What a great idea to complete a V.E day word search puzzle. Well done!

Alfie, from Class 5

Some lovely photos from Alfie this week, he’s been working hard and having fun. I loved his description of the boat journey. Apparently he adopted two snails and made a house for them!

Anya, from Class 6

Thank you Anya for sharing this lovely picture of you being the teacher. It was great to see you sharing your knowledge and supporting your younger sister with her phonics. Well done!

Faith, from Class 5

Take a look at Faith’s fantastic art work, she has really enjoyed completing all the pirate activities this week. Well done Faith.

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has been enjoying doing arty bits.   She had great fun making pebble bees and ladybirds for a game ’noughts and crosses’ and even got Grannie involved by making a special games bag!!
She has been planning her Pirate treasure hunt and has started by drawing her boat and map. She has been talking through her story with me that she is planning to write. Well done Verity!

Emilija, from Class 5

Emilija has been doing a fantastic job with all her home learning lately, take a look at her photos, I really love her paper plate pirates

Nicholas, from Class 6





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Tiffany Pope

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Also in the news:

Michael Pearson

Magic on the Mount

On Tuesday 26th September and Thursday 5th October 2023, Class 5 and 6 embarked upon magical and memorable trips to St Michael’s Mount as part of their Autumn Term topic, ‘Who’s the King of the Castle?’

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Christina Sukstiene

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Linda Ruffell

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Penpol Swim to Success

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