Thanks to the PFA for our Brand New MakerBot!

At the end of last term Mrs Turner and the Penpol Friends Association very kindly agreed to pay for half of a brand new 3D printer for the Mac Suite.

Over the last year our 3D printing work has become more and more exciting and whilst our original MakerBot Mini has helped us create some stunning 3D models in the past, it seemed the right time to push the boundaries even further and invest in a proper full-size 3D printer.

Introducing, the MakerBot Replicator+ 3D Printer!

This new printer can produce models at nearly TWICE the speed of our old printer.  It can also build objects that are up to SIXTEEN times bigger in volume!!  And to top it all off, it’s MUCH quieter when it’s being used.  It really is a fantastic upgrade for the Mac Suite and we are hugely grateful to the PFA for helping us to buy it. – Mr Woolcock

This term we’re hoping that every child in Key Stage 2 will have the chance to design and print their own creation in 3D.

I can’t wait to use the new 3D printer, I can build anything in my imagination! – Will, Y6


Here’s a photo of the very first object built by the MakerBot Replicator+ – the beautiful Egyptian Sphinx!

Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Splendid Standing Stones Stables

Class 1 had a fabulous time at the Standing Stones Stables in Trink St.Ives. We met Rolo, Buddy and James the gentle and patient ponies. I liked riding the horse, the brown one – Jasper We

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Jono Peck

Keep Dancing! – Danceathon 2023

On Thursday 2oth April, the Penpol School community came together for an afternoon of dancing to raise funds for Shelterbox. This all began following the devastating earthquakes in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria in February this

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Linda Ruffell

Class 7’s Ancient Egyptian Day

To finish off this terms  history project, ‘Ancient Egyptians’, Class 7 held an Egyptian dressing up day. During this day, the children were given the opportunity to reflect on their learning journey and also show off their

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Jacob Woolcock

Exploring Stop Motion in Class 14

In Computing this week Class 14 learnt all about Stop Motion Animation and how to bring objects to life in creative and fun ways.  After a short introduction their challenge was simple: “Make your Classroom come

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Mark Pollard

Designing Mars Rovers in Year 5

Last term, as part of our Space topic, the children were inspired by the landing of Perseverance on Mars and so created their own versions of a Mars rover, complete with a motor so that it

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Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Splendid Standing Stones Stables

Class 1 had a fabulous time at the Standing Stones Stables in Trink St.Ives. We met Rolo, Buddy and James the gentle and patient ponies. I liked riding the horse, the brown one – Jasper We

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Amanda Aspden

Brilliant Beach Days

Class 1 had an amazing day at the Bluff beach with the surf lifesaving super star Ben Holtaway.   We started out in the beach hut and learnt all about beach safety. We learnt where and

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