Let’s talk about our worries!

It doesn’t matter what age you are, if you are a boy or a girl, tall or short, EVERYONE worries about something, even adults! Sometimes the things that make us feel upset or frustrated are obvious, like when we have an important test coming up or have got into trouble! Other times we may not understand what is causing us to feel the way we do. This can cause a tummy ache, it can make us feel shaky, unable to sit still and feel sad or scared. This is because when we worry, our body thinks there is something wrong and will try and let us know. This makes worries not very easy to ignore as our body is trying to look after us.

When we worry it can help to talk to someone, before our worries get to much. This can be difficult, but there are lots of people that you can trust and that care about how you are feeling. Imagine seeing that one of your friends was worried. You might try to cheer them up, or help them to solve a problem. Sometimes all your friend might need is a hug and to be told ‘its okay’. It is important to be able to look after yourself when you are worried, like you would look after your friend when they are worried.

Some people you could share your worries with include:

  • A caring friend
  • A family member
  • Your teacher
  • Other grown ups at Penpol School
  • Mr Doyle
  • Mrs Jane

“Its okay to worry. Being worried means you really, really care. And caring makes you a kind person. -Miss Clarey”

Ideas to help you stop worrying:

  • Talk to someone
  • Write a ‘worry list’
  • Draw, paint, cut and stick!
  • Lie still, close your eyes and listen to your breathing
  • Hold something comforting like a blanket or bear
  • Read a good book or poem*
  • Dance and be silly!
  • Ask an adult to help you learn more about why we worry


It is important to challenge our fears and try new things. Remember, it is okay to make mistakes and if you have a big worry, always share it with someone!

Further information for children:

Further information for parents/carers/adults:

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