Year 1 – Home Learning Challenges – Week 11, 12 & 13


Hi Year 1,
We are missing you very much but know that your adults are doing a super job of looking after you and teaching you.
We hope you’re enjoying the home-learning tasks as much as we are enjoying receiving the photo’s and videos?!
Please do send any photo’s through if you have the time. Remember we love seeing you playing as well as learning!
Miss Whear and Mrs Sukstien


New Link 13.07.2020


:// (Copy and paste the link in to your browser)

New -PE and Outdoor Learning at Home (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)


New – Digital Ocean – Surfers against Sewage – Copy and paste the link in to your browser



Harley, from Class 3

Harley has enjoyed – making his information book 🙂 What super facts he’s recorded!



Harrison, from Class 3

Look at all the things that Harrison has been up to. Gardening with grandad.Building confidence in the sea and jumping from the rocks.Picking strawberries 🍓 talking about them needing to be red and letting the green ones grow a little more.


Florence, from Class 4

Florence has written a poem about a shell and also drawn a picture with hidden words in it! I wonder if you can spot them all? Great work Florence!

Miles, from Class 3

Miles enjoyed writing interview question sentences and using real coins to support his maths learning! He also built a bug hotel!

Luke, from Class 4

Luke has had a great week, learning all about the weather and different coins. He has been painting lovely rainbow pictures with his sister too. He also helped his family to sand down and paint their garden furniture – Great work Luke!

Rosie, from Class 4

Rosie has been busy doing mathletics this week and designing a recipe for a garden potion then measuring liquids and making the potion.

Toran, from Class 3

Toran’s garden with ten hidden plant themed words… can you spot them?!

Toran is loving today’s maths 🙂

Harley, from Class 3

Harley wanted to tell us all what happened yesterday, he was very excited to find a baby dove! Lovely writing about it Harley 🙂

Toran, from Class 3

Super code calculations today Toran!

Miles, from Class 3

Miles enjoying taking part in the Cornwall Schools Games!

Keira, from Class 3

Such determination on Keira’s face in these pictures! I’m very impressed!
Keira did 28 jumps in 30 secs
Jumped 22 hands in the long jump
And 2.1/2 hands higher
3 family members, had a go at all 3 events

Also in the news:

Chris Chislett

Gorsedh Kernow at Penpol School

As a part of the Gorsedh Kernow celebrations, we were joined by Go Cornish’s Will Coleman during the summer holidays to help us get to grips with the Cornish language. Children, parents and visitors alike had

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Bethany Waters

Netball Festival at Hayle Academy

On Thursday, twenty Year 6’s went up to Hayle Academy to participate in a Netball Festival against several other local schools. Penpol’s teams both played their hearts out and really enjoyed their afternoon up at the

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Amanda Aspden

Terrific Trevaskis

Class 1 had a lovely day at Trevaskis farm. We learnt some names of different fruits and vegetables including some of the more unusual ones such as kumquats, moolis and romanesco cauliflower and learnt how and

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Linda Ruffell

Year 2 visit Penzance Gym Club

This week, all of the children in year 2 participated in their first gym session at Penzance Gym Club. All of the children received expert coaching, whilst learning how to balance on the beam, jumping from

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Also in the news:

Jack Emery

Penpol Celebrates Languages Day 2023!

On Wednesday 4th October, Penpol School celebrated European Day of Languages for its 6th time. We are so fortunate to have so many languages being spoken as either a first or second language by our students. 

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Mark Pollard

Year 5 wowed by Spaceport Satellite exhibition

On Monday the 13th and Tuesday the 14th of September, Year 5 were fortunate to be offered a visit to Newquay Airport where Spaceport Cornwall currently have an exhibition taking place – ‘Story of a Satellite’.

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Linda Ruffell

Class 7’s Ancient Egyptian Day

To finish off this terms  history project, ‘Ancient Egyptians’, Class 7 held an Egyptian dressing up day. During this day, the children were given the opportunity to reflect on their learning journey and also show off their

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Elizabeth Nidds

Reception Visit Marazion

Classes 1 and 2 had a lovely time last week on our trips to  Marazion beach! I love the beach! We made sandcastles and I wore my hat to keep my head protected – Zachary Recently,

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Jono Peck

Keep Dancing! – Danceathon 2023

On Thursday 2oth April, the Penpol School community came together for an afternoon of dancing to raise funds for Shelterbox. This all began following the devastating earthquakes in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria in February this

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