Year 4 embrace the return back to school!

Today, Class 9 took their Maths lesson outside and, it has to be said, they have embraced the outdoors despite the change of weather!

The lesson today was a recap of what they have been learning about this term – Place value. The students showed great teamwork and were able to confidently partition 4 digit numbers, as well as round their chosen number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.

In addition, our Topic this term is ‘Romans on the Rampage.’ The class have been busy learning about who exactly the Romans were and what they have done for us. For DT, each of the students were tasked with creating a Roman helmet using paper mache, balloons, cardboard and, of course, the red and gold paint! This was a great success, with all students now learning Latin salutes in anticipation of a Roman Legion army drill in the coming weeks. ‘Dextrum sinistrum!

Finally, the good weather so far was not wasted, with many of our Guided Reading sessions taking place outside in the Gazebo and our first session of Tag Rugby taking place in glorious sunshine.

Enjoy the pictures below!

Team Y4

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Savvy Dance Experience for Year 4

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South West Title for Super Gymnast

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Jacob Woolcock

3D Printing our Wonderful Winter Ornaments

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Amanda Aspden

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Year 2 visit to St Michael’s Mount

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Brilliant Balance Ability

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