Year 3 Visit to The Royal Cornwall Museum and Truro Cathedral

Class 7 and 8 were lucky enough to Visit The Royal Cornwall Museum to take part in three Egyptian workshops, all of which proved to be informative and most enjoyable. This workshop has given the children a greater insight into the life of the Ancient Egyptians and has enabled them to use the Museum to discover more about their way of life. The children were able to experience first hand the awe of looking at a real Mummy as well as observing the amazing Egyptian artefacts on display in the museum.

The workshops were about The Weighing of the Heart Ceremony, part of The Journey into The Afterlife where children dressed up and performed some drama. Children became Gods and Godesses and weighed out the heart of the Isat-Naf-Takht (the museum’s resident Mummy) and decided whether he was fit for the afterlife.

Another workshop was discovering hidden clues in the sand in order to learn about Ancient Egyptian Artefacts. The children were able to touch and hold real artefacts which were up to five thousand years old! We also were treated to a tour of the gallery dedicated to much of the Ancient Worlds, particularly, the Egyptians, observing closely through careful sketching certain artefacts as well as The Mummified body of Isat-Naf-Takht,  an Ancient craftsman and priest.

Each class visited Truro Cathedral with an excellent informative workshop which enlightened the children all about some aspects of the Christian faithand some of the everyday occurrences of life in the Cathedral. All children were able to dress up aiding the understanding of the role of certain figures within the Christian community. Isabella said  “It was a great day day. I especially liked dressing up as the Bishop, it felt really special.”  A brilliant day for all!


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Surf’s Up

The reception class spent a glorious summers day on the Bluff beach in Hayle. Ben taught us all about beach safety in the Surf Life Saving Club. We learnt where to swim and surf safely, what

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Class 2 Visit the Yurt

On Wednesday, Class 2 enjoyed their first visit inside the new yurt on the school field.  The children enjoyed sharing stories with each other as well as listening to a story altogether and even found time

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Elizabeth Nidds

Reception Visit Marazion

Classes 1 and 2 had a lovely time last week on our trips to  Marazion beach! I love the beach! We made sandcastles and I wore my hat to keep my head protected – Zachary Recently,

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