Year 2 out and about!



On the 28th and 29th September, classes 5 and 6 visited Trevaskis Farm for a workshop to learn about how and where many of the fruit and vegetables we eat are grown. Did you know that raspberries grow up and strawberries down and out? That the pigs are the award winning British Lop breed and the South Devon cows are exported world wide?





Though dry, it was very, very muddy so wellies were essential but the sows and piglets seemed quite at home!

We also had a talk from the fishmonger and were shown the different types that are for sale. The Gurnard looked quite gruesome!

We finished off with a treasure hunt, following the clues around the farm to find a pot with a hidden seedling, we are wondering what will grow!



It was a great day! – Sonny


I loved the piglets but it was really muddy and I fell over! – Josie

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3D Printing our Wonderful Winter Ornaments

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Amanda Aspden

Dusty and Brownie Visit Class 1

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Nic Stanlake

Year 5 visited by The Beach Guardians

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Nic Stanlake

Penpol Mini Marathon 2022

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Rebecca Best

Proud to be Penpol

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Bethany Waters

Year 6 children gather for evacuation!

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Elizabeth Nidds

Reception Visit Marazion

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