Brilliant Balance Ability


Reception have been enjoying some great Balance Ability sessions since coming back after Easter.

I like letting go when we’ve held the bikes and then we go very fast down the hill – Jude

The children have enjoyed the challenges set for them to ride the bikes around the cones, practise gliding and have learnt about how to keep safe when on the bikes.

When you glide you have a big push off and then your bike moves – Niyah

I like gliding because the bike moves by itself – Suki

Reception have also enjoyed using the bikes in the afternoon and have been showing off what they have learnt.

I like the balance bikes because you can ride them in the afternoon. I like pedalling my bike at home – Seth

Well done Reception, we’re looking forward to seeing your bike skills grow over the next few weeks!

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Amanda Aspden

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Jack Emery

Riotous Romans Invade Penpol!

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Linda Ruffell

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Linda Ruffell

Welcome Back Year 2!

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Amanda Aspden

Surf’s Up

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Michael Pearson

A Giant Adventure for Year 2!

On Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th October, Year 2 enjoyed two truly incredible trips to St Michael’s Mount as part of this term’s topic, ‘Who’s the King of the Castle?’ They were lucky enough to travel by boat

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