Year 6 Activity Week ‘The Best Day of the Week?’

On Wednesday, the Year 6 children boarded the bus and headed off to Flambards with sick bowls in hand! With the drizzle falling in Hayle, we were fortunately greeted with cloud-breaking sunshine on our arrival in Helston. There is a slight lack of photos from today due to 3 different reasons. One, a misbehaving camera. Two, the difficulty of capturing faces as they whizzed around, back to front and upside down and finally, I spent most of the day on the rides with the children!!

Some children decided to ease themselves in gently with the tea cups and some decided to avoid the queues they expected later in the day and head for the crown pleasers; The Thunderbolt, The Hornet, The Skyraker and Skyforce!

Some action shots!

Some children found the day/ combination of rides and sugar too much to cope with! However, another great day was had by all children (including the big ones!)

Also in the news:

Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Surf Club

On Tuesday, still weary from their London trip, some Year 6’s headed over to Gwithian for their first Surf Club session of the year. the sun was shining and the waves were perfect for smashing about

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Jacob Woolcock

Purging Pollution with our Scratch Games

Our Year 5’s have been learning all about conservation, pollution and looking after Planet Earth this term.  As part of this exciting project they’ve been designing and coding their own pollution-busting games in Scratch. Starting with

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Also in the news:

Imogen Robinson

Year 2 visit to St Michael’s Mount

On a very windy, stormy Monday 6th December, year 2 went to visit St Michael’s Mount as part of their Castles topic. After putting on our head-to-toe waterproofs, we got on the coach and drove through

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Amanda Aspden

Fun at the Fire Station

The reception classes have had a great time learning about fire saftey at Tolvaddon Fire Station. We had a talk first with fire fighter Robbie who explained to us all about their role as a fire

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Emily Bodmer

Class 3 Seaside Art

Class 3 have enjoyed exploring a variety of mediums and skills to create Seaside themed art. So far they have used, paint, water colour paint, sketching pencils and pens as well as collaging. They particularly enjoyed

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Jack Emery

Roman Invasion in Year 4!

Year 4 have been learning about the Romans this year and held a special day to celebrate. Everyone dressed up in their finest Roman attire, including the Year 4 teachers! To begin with, the Year group

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Michael Pearson

Penpol Panthers

That’s a wrap on the 2023-24 Cross Country season… What an exciting and incredibly successful first season for the Penpol Panthers running club! The club has grown in numbers and enthusiasm since September, with runners enjoying

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