Healthy Eating with Katie

Isaac’s mum Kate, came in to talk to the children about healthy eating.

Class 1 learnt all about what a healthy plate looks like. We talked about all the different types of delicious fruits and vegetables we could eat daily and that we need to eat at least 5 different fruits and vegetable of different colours. Next we learnt all about what types of foods carbohydrates are and how they give us energy for the day. After that, we learnt which foods are proteins which give us strong muscles.

We need to eat healthy food and five a day, 5 fruits. I like eating cabbage and sprouts and I like eating lettuce and tomatoes. They are healthy for you – Layla.

Next we learnt about dairy foods and how they are good for strong healthy teeth and bones. Then we learnt about how we should only eat a little fats and oils and leant that sugar is only an occasional treat, not an everyday food.

You have to eat five vegetables. I like cabbage and tomato sweetcorn and broccoli and baked beans – Atene

The children really enjoyed putting the different foods onto the correct section of the healthy food plate and we even had time to show how much energy we would have if we ate healthy and non healthy foods.


We have to eat pears and apples and carrots. We have to eat 5 fruit and vegetables everyday. I normally do that with fruits. We need to eat eggs and cheese – Evan



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