Reading Super Stars

A huge congratulations to Bruce, Zak and Ted from Class 4. They decided to take on the reading challenge in class 4 – to read as often as you can at home and climb the reading ladder. The boys successfully reached the top of the ladder by half term and all received a book of their choice. A fantastic effort boys, well done!

Miss Ryan set us a challenge. You had to read at home every night and if you did, you would climb up the reading ladder. I was the first one to get to the top and I got a prize. I was really happy. I read 39 times at home and I was star of the week.




Also in the news:

Jono Peck

Surf’s up with Y5/6 Surf Club

Surf’s up – During June and July, the Y5/6  went surfing with Hayle based surf school Shore Surf to learn to surf or improve surfing skills and also learn about key water safety messages and what

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Nic Stanlake

Dance Fever hits Penpol!

Class 13 were the last in a long list of children to attend an introductory workshop at Hayle’s own Savvy Studios. Years 4, 5 and 6 have all had the opportunity to take part in two separate

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Tiffany Pope

Platinum Picnic at Penpol

It was such a glorious sight to see the whole school on the field enjoying the sunshine and celebrating the Queens Jubilee. Every child had a smile, younger children danced and played with children from the

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Mark Pollard

Designing Mars Rovers in Year 5

Last term, as part of our Space topic, the children were inspired by the landing of Perseverance on Mars and so created their own versions of a Mars rover, complete with a motor so that it

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Surf Club

On Tuesday, still weary from their London trip, some Year 6’s headed over to Gwithian for their first Surf Club session of the year. the sun was shining and the waves were perfect for smashing about

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Also in the news:

Nic Stanlake

Year 5 Tackle Litter in Hayle

As part of our 360 Curriculum, Year 5 needed to start a community project. After our recent walk through Hayle on our way to our beach clean, the children were left reeling at the amount of

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Amanda Aspden

Dusty and Brownie Visit Class 1

Cora’s guinea pigs visited Class 1 today. They are really cute, they are the nbest pets in the world, I love cuddling them every time after school, Dusty is mine and I really love when Brownie

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Amanda Aspden

A Book and a Bagel

The reception classes had a lovely morning sharing stories with Mummy’s, Daddy’s and Granny’s. The children had chosen some books from the library the day before that they said they would like to read with their

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Nic Stanlake

Our Own Hockey Heroes!

A collection of our Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils headed over to Penzance Hockey Club for some friendly festival games on Thursday. A mixed bag of results which culminated in a hotly contested ‘friendly’ derby

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Jacob Woolcock

Coding Underwater Adventure Games in Scratch

Our Year 5 students have been exploring Scratch this term and learning lots about coding along the way.  From small beginnings, the children have quickly developed a really exciting and creative understanding of just what’s possible

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