Terrific Trevaskis

Class 1 had a lovely day at Trevaskis farm.

We learnt some names of different fruits and vegetables including some of the more unusual ones such as kumquats, moolis and romanesco cauliflower and learnt how and where they grow.

We found some chickens, the white chickens lay the white eggs, the brown chickens laid the brown eggs – Vinnie

We saw some interesting eggs of varying colours and sizes depending on the colour and breed of chicken or whether a larger bird had laid it, such as goose.

We saw vegetables, cabbages, carrots, cucumbers, they grow in the ground. Cassius

We walked past some gooseberry bushes and studied their buds then onto the kitchen garden where they usually grow the herbs, leeks and potatos.

Broccoli and carrots and onions, the need sunshine and water to grow and love – Henry

Next was into the polly tunnel where we saw some asparagus, rhubarb and sugar snap peas growing. We learnt that the strawberries grow up then down and the raspberries grow up in a curly wurly shape.

Strawberries have seeds on the outsides of them, raspberries have seeds on the inside – Maya

Strawberries have 200 seeds on the outside – Ferne

We met some animals including the South Devonside cattle, some British Lop pigs and piglets, some chickens, a very noisy cockerel, a goose, some sheep, some donkeys and some goats.

Pigs roll in mud to keep warm so they don’t get sunburnt, soil has nutrients which is something that the plants eat  – Jack

Class 1 would like to say a huge thank you to Bev and everyone at Trevaskis farm for showing us around and making our day fun packed and informative. 


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