Fun at the Fire Station

The reception classes have had a great time learning about fire saftey at Tolvaddon Fire Station. We had a talk first with fire fighter Robbie who explained to us all about their role as a fire fighter and what they do to rescue people and animals. He showed us some smoke alarms and we practised shouting “the fire alarm is going off” as loud as we could. He gave us the task of going home and trying to spot where the smoke alarms are in our homes and count how many we have.

We saw Andy, the station manager, slide down the pole to show us that it is quicker that taking the stairs. We learnt that they have 90 seconds to get into the fire engine with all their kit after a call comes in.

We saw the trucks, they had sirens, they help people and set out fires and they also help animals. They help them if they are in trouble and if there is fires and they don’t know how to get out, they help them. Hazel

Next, we had a look at the fire kit that the fire crew have to wear when attending fires to protect themselves. We tried some of the kit on and it was surprisingly heavy.

After that, we met Gertrude the cow who we learnt is used by the firemen to practise rescuing because they have to rescue many animals from cliffs and mine shafts around the Cornish coastline.

I like how they showed us the fire trucks. I really like how they showed us the hose, we sprayed the water. Maya

Next, Max showed us around the firetrucks. We learnt there are different types of fire trucks with different equipment and different sizes depending on the type of call they have to attend to. Some of the trucks are smaller and some have computers, winches, specialist cutting saws, cutters, spreaders, ropes, pumps, ladders and hoses to name a few.

The fire men save the animals if they are too close to the edge of a cliff. Maia

Finally, we got to have a turn at squirting the water from the hoses. This was great fun and we loved pretending to put out a fire.

The reception classes would like to say a massive thank you to the fire crew on blue watch, we learnt a lot about fire safety.  Thank you for keeping us all safe.


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