South West Title for Super Gymnast

Penpol School now has an Under 11 South West Gymnastics champion amongst its sporting stars. She has, for many years now, been featuring on the Penpol times but this is her biggest accommodate to date.

Travelling all the way to the Welsh Institute of Sport, she undertook 4 individual events which culminated in an overall 1st place. This wonderful young lady placed first in the uneven bars, which is her favourite event. 1st place in the beam (which is only 1o cm wide!!) and 3rd place in both the floor and vault.

This remarkable young lady shows a great commitment to her sport by training up to 16 hours a week at Penryn Gymnastic Club! Keep it up, the hard work is certainly paying off!

Also in the news:

Bethany Waters

Class 8’s Summer Camp

On Tuesday 14th June, Class 8 set off on their first overnight school camp to Footsteps of Discovery; spending all of Tuesday there as well as Wednesday morning. During the camp the children got to try

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Jacob Woolcock

Behind the Scenes of Maths Mania in Scratch

Scratch is a great program that lets us build our own games, animations and tools.  Using brightly coloured blocks of code we can control individual objects (called Sprites) as well as being able to combine multiple

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Michael Pearson

Local Beekeeper Creates a Buzz in Year 2!

On Tuesday 21st February, Year 2 were visited by Tamsin Harris, who has been a beekeeper since 1998 and currently keeps 109 hives in the local area. Tamsin has extensive knowledge and experience in the craft

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Jack Emery

Roman Invasion in Year 4!

Year 4 have been learning about the Romans this year and held a special day to celebrate. Everyone dressed up in their finest Roman attire, including the Year 4 teachers! To begin with, the Year group

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Nic Stanlake

Penpol Mini Marathon 2022

The sun shone brightly for our first Penpol Mini-Marathon for 3 years on Wednesday; with it came the flushed red faces, the gallons of water drank and the hundreds of smiling faces.It always is such a lovely

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Also in the news:

Linda Ruffell

Welcome Back Year 2!

What an exciting first day it has been in year two for both children and teachers.  All children have had a great first day back and from the smiles on their faces you could tell  that they

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Amanda Aspden

Terrific Trevaskis

Class 1 had a lovely day at Trevaskis farm. We learnt some names of different fruits and vegetables including some of the more unusual ones such as kumquats, moolis and romanesco cauliflower and learnt how and

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Rebecca Best

Proud to be Penpol

Many children grow up wondering where they fit in the world. This is especially the case for those subjected to misunderstanding or prejudice because of who they are. During our Free To Be Me day, the children of

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Michael Pearson

Penpol Panthers

That’s a wrap on the 2023-24 Cross Country season… What an exciting and incredibly successful first season for the Penpol Panthers running club! The club has grown in numbers and enthusiasm since September, with runners enjoying

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