🎃 ITV News: “The Cornish school pupils heading to the USA hoping for Lego League glory”

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Tonight the Pumpkins featured on ITV Westcountry news in a segment where they talk about the FIRST LEGO League as well as sharing how excited they are to be heading to Boston.

“There’s so much problem solving, creative thinking and fun involved. There’s trial and error, crashing into things, things falling off the table, robots smashing on the floor.  But at the end of it, you get this creation which they can then run around the board with and earn all these points because they put that work in. And it’s really rewarding to see that come to life because they’ve created that and made it happen.” – Jacob Woolcock

There’s a lovely write-up on the ITV website too – find it here.

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