🎃 LEGO Sale and ‘Dress Like a Pumpkin’ Day

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Today in school we had ‘Dress Like a Pumpkin’ day where everyone was encouraged to come in wearing orange if they could.  As well as this we had a ‘Name the Penguin’ competition and a really exciting LEGO Sale as well (thanks to James B’s dad!) which helped us raise lots of money towards our trip.

More from the Penpol Pumpkins Blog:

Live Stream Details

If you’d like to follow the Pumpkins today the event will be live streamed through Twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/wpirobotics Here are some key timings of when the Pumpkins will be in action on Sunday 11th June: Robot Games Round 3: 🇺🇸 10.06am / 🇬🇧 3.06pm Robot Games

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Robot Games 3, 4 & 5

After a bumpy start yesterday, the Robot Games team came back fighting today and managed to greatly improve on their scores. In the first two matches they achieved 215 points each and in the final match they reached 195. We didn’t get to our ‘perfect’

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The Pumpkins Have Arrived!

After a really smooth flight (and a lovely shoutout from the Cabin Crew over the tannoy when we landed) we have arrived safely in America. As a special treat when we landed, the pilot invited us into the cockpit to see how the plane worked

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