🎃 Pumpkin Fest!

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Tonight the Penpol Pumpkins had a massive party in their honour, called Pumpkin Fest! Organised by their parents we were joined by hundreds of people from the community, all supporting the children by buying raffle tickets, getting their faces painted, enjoying live music, buying delicious cakes and so much more!

This incredible community event was made possible thanks to all of the parents who pitched in together to organise it, with a special thanks to the Bird in Hand for letting us use their pub as the venue.  We had fantastic live music from Patrick Walker, Sandy Acre 7, The Ukehayles and Rumba Diablo who all sounded fantastic playing in the Cornish sunshine and plenty of food from the BBQ run by the Bird in Hand. A big thanks as well to all of the local businesses who kindly prizes for the raffle – this was a huge success with over 50 prizes to be won!

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