🎃 Very Important (Bacon) Update!

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

After a nice evening walk to a nearby restaurant, I’m delighted to inform you all that the bacon in America does indeed meet with James’s approval!

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Live Stream Details

If you’d like to follow the Pumpkins today the event will be live streamed through Twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/wpirobotics Here are some key timings of when the Pumpkins will be in action on Sunday 11th June: Robot Games Round 3: 🇺🇸 10.06am / 🇬🇧 3.06pm Robot Games

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Celtic Sea Power meet the Pumpkins

Today we had the pleasure of being joined by CEO Steve Jermy and some of his team from Celtic Sea Power, who are kindly sponsoring us in our bid to get to America. We learnt all about their plans to launch floating wind turbines the

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