๐ŸŽƒ Photo Challenge: American Flag Selfies

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Today the Pumpkins were set a challenge – to get a selfie with an American flag in an unusual location.ย  You might need to zoom in on some of them!

Extra challenge – can you spot the person who accidentally deleted theirs and then hastily had to use CapCut to hastily make a new one? ๐Ÿ˜‚

More from the Penpol Pumpkins Blog:

Judging Session โœ…

The Pumpkins have just had their 30 minute judging session where they shared their Innovation Project and Robot Design presentations. The judges were laughing and smiling throughout and the children presented the learning and answered the judges questions with such confidence and shared their experiences


Breakfast of Champions!

What better way to start the day than with a surprise waffle breakfast?! Weโ€™re off to central Boston today, starting at the Apple Store for an animation workshop.


A Special Message from RNAS Culdrose

โ€œBest of luck from all here at RNAS Culdrose to the Penpol Pumpkins – the school children from Penpol School in Hayle who are heading off to the USA today to take part in the robotics competition First Lego League.The team won the regional championships