🎃 Robot Games 1 & 2

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

We’ve just wrapped up the first two matches on the Robot Games table and it’s safe to say that they didn’t go quite to plan.

In the first match the game mat on the table lifted up which caused the turbine to tip slightly which in turn caused the robot to get stuck. It wasn’t ideal, but it’s just the way it goes sometimes.

Unfortunately the second match didn’t pan out so well either, due to the subtle difference in the way the rules are interpreted in the UK compared to the USA. Our scores weren’t what the children hoped for on either match and I think it’s safe to say they left the arena feeling quite deflated.

However, when there’s a challenge to overcome you should never bet against the Pumpkins.…

Within minutes of the second match our four Robot Games Engineers were back at the practice table, re-writing two of their programs and scoring a brilliant 265 in a quick final practice run through. The resilience that these children, with a special shout-out to Jenna, have shown today is utterly incredible.

Tomorrow we return to the arena with three more games to play.

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