🎃 Robot Games Matches

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Today is the final day of the WPI LEGO Final and it’s the Robot Games engineers who will be taking center stage today as they play their final three matches. However, they certainly won’t be alone as the rest of the Pumpkins will be cheering on their every move from the side of the arena.

We discovered yesterday that the Robot Games matches here are much more intense than those back in the UK, but we’re all in fighting spirits today and, most importantly, we’re ready to have a lot of fun!

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Live Stream Details

If you’d like to follow the Pumpkins today the event will be live streamed through Twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/wpirobotics Here are some key timings of when the Pumpkins will be in action on Saturday 10th June: Opening Ceremony: 🇺🇸 10am / 🇬🇧 3pm Robot Games Round 1:

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Robot Games 1 & 2

We’ve just wrapped up the first two matches on the Robot Games table and it’s safe to say that they didn’t go quite to plan. In the first match the game mat on the table lifted up which caused the turbine to tip slightly which

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