Penpol visit the BETT Show 2018

Last week myself, Mr Doyle and Paul went on a trip up to London to visit the British Educational Training and Technology (BETT) Show.  Once again the show proved to be incredibly inspiring and our visit has seen us return back to Penpol with loads of exciting new ideas and projects for the term ahead.  To show you just how big and interesting the show is, I’ve made a short video of our trip!        – Mr Woolcock

Also in the news:

Nic Stanlake

Year 5 Tackle Litter in Hayle

As part of our 360 Curriculum, Year 5 needed to start a community project. After our recent walk through Hayle on our way to our beach clean, the children were left reeling at the amount of

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Nic Stanlake

Super Six Announcement

We have now proudly presented some of our pupils with Super Six status. Becoming a ‘Super Six’ is not simply about academic success but more so recognising excellent role models that demonstrate the shared values and ethos

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Surf Club

On Tuesday, still weary from their London trip, some Year 6’s headed over to Gwithian for their first Surf Club session of the year. the sun was shining and the waves were perfect for smashing about

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Also in the news:

Linda Ruffell

Class 7’s Ancient Egyptian Day

To finish off this terms  history project, ‘Ancient Egyptians’, Class 7 held an Egyptian dressing up day. During this day, the children were given the opportunity to reflect on their learning journey and also show off their

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Jack Emery

Riotous Romans Invade Penpol!

Today, Year 4 got a true taste of Roman army life, with Marcus Quintonius, a high ranking legionnaire, visiting Penpol Year 4 children for the day.  Focussing on the Roman invasion of Britannia, students came into

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 hit the heights at The Tide

Our current Year 6 pupils had their activity week curtailed last year due to the pandemic but finally had the chance to don the harnesses and head to The Tide. Thanks must go to Mr Pollard

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Amanda Aspden

The Bluff Beach

Class 1 and 2 had a great time at the Bluff Beach. We dug sandcastles, climbed some rocks and played in the sand. The life guards Charlie and Ben kindly spoke to the children about beach

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