Class 10 are Internet Smart

This half term we are looking at staying safe online, using a brand new set of resources from Google called ‘Be Internet Legends‘.  This week we’ve been looking at the first aspect, Be Internet Smart, which focuses on knowing what information is safe to share online and who we could be sharing with in order to stay safe.  We’ve also talked about being respectful online and remembering that comments and photos you post online tend to stay there for a very long time.

It’s been great to see how much the children have remembered from our online safety lessons last year, showing just how switched on our pupils are already when it comes to e-safety – Mr Woolcock

Remember children, if you see anything online which worries you or makes you feel a bit uneasy, you can always tell an adult!

“You need to be really careful who you share things with, any personal information should only be shared with people that you know in real life.” – Clarissa

As well as learning all about this, we’ve played the Mindful Mountain game on Interland to really help the children cement their new found knowledge!

“I think Interland is really fun and that everyone should play it to help them learn about staying safe online!” – Charlie


“You can be safe by not sharing personal information with the wrong people.” – Caleb

“I think Interland is a good way to learn about sharing because it’s safe and fun at the same time!” –  Grace

Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Super Savvy

Class 1 had an incredible fun packed morning with the super savvy team in Hayle. We practised our ballet moves with Clare and pretended to be cheeky pixies picking a lovely juicy apple from a tree

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Jacob Woolcock

Making Music with Micro:Bits in Year 3

Over the past few weeks Year 3 have been learning to code on our Micro:Bit computers.  These tiny devices are a great way to get hands-on with Computing and enable our students to write programs that

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Amanda Aspden

Police Visit

The reception classes had a great time when Police Officer Mike visited us today. He brought loads of equipment which we tried on and found out all about the different roles that the police do, including

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Nic Stanlake

Sun, Sea and Surf for Year 6

Class 13 had the sun while Class 14 had the surf but both classes have now enjoyed their surf days with Global Boarders at Godrevy. Living where we do, we are fortunate to be situated only

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Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Police Visit

The reception classes had a great time when Police Officer Mike visited us today. He brought loads of equipment which we tried on and found out all about the different roles that the police do, including

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Jack Emery

Year 4 Go to Hogwarts!

To celebrate all of the fantastic learning which has been going on, Year 4 celebrated a Harry Potter ‘dress up’ day this Wednesday 22nd February.  The school was awash with the four colours of each of

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Michael Pearson

Year 2’s Marine Discovery

On Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July, our Year 2 pupils embarked upon some unforgettable boat tours of Mounts Bay with Marine Discovery Penzance. We met the Marine Discovery crew on Albert Pier at Penzance Harbour.

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Emily Bodmer

Year 2 Visit Church for the Easter Story

This morning (Monday 4th April), Year 2 visited St. Elwyn’s Church to learn about the Easter Story before the holidays. We got ready first thing; wrapped up warm in our coats and waterproof trousers to keep

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