Penpol Languages Survey- We Value Your Feedback

With the final term at Penpol School almost upon us, it’s the perfect time to reflect and evaluate on the year so far.

All students here at Penpol have one hour a week of French, as well as the opportunity of attending after school language club on Thursdays. Year 6 are currently involved in an email exchange with Octave Cazauvieilh, a primary school situated on the outskirts of Bordeaux in the South-West of France. We also celebrate students achievement in languages by awarding a Star of the Week badge in both Infants and Juniors.

As a way of evaluating languages at Penpol, please would you be so helpful and spare a moment to complete this short questionnaire below.

Click Here

Your opinion is very valuable and you can be assured that your completed questionnaire will be totally anonymous.

Many thanks,

Mr Emery (Penpol Languages Co-ordinator)

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