Year 6 Create an Animation for Mr Doyle

Today was a very special day at Penpol – a day where we got to celebrate Mr Doyle and his 19 years at school, as well as a chance to wish him well with the next chapter in his life.

All of the children and staff got together in the morning for a very special assembly, where every year group presented Mr Doyle with something special for him to remember them by.  

Below is the video that Year Six worked on with Mr Woolcock, set to the tune of 500 Miles.  Each child has spent several weeks designing their own character in Photoshop, using nearly 30 different layers to allow the cartoon to become animated.  By drawing the different elements on different layers they’ve managed to create some truly unique characters!  They then got to grip with an amazing new program called Adobe Character Animator which is where the real magic happened.  Stay tuned for lots more animations from our Year 5s and 6s after the Easter break!


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Being Kind

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Nic Stanlake

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Amanda Aspden

Splendid Standing Stones Stables

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