Le petit déjeuner français!

Having the confidence to order food and drink in French is fundamental to anyone wishing to visit France.  This week, Year 4 completed their final lesson on the topic of food and needed to use everything they had learnt to order and serve food at a french café.

For one morning only, Classes 9 + 10 were treated to a French breakfast. They were able to sing a song in French (to the tune of a popular Taylor Swift song!), order food and drink in French and, of course, taste the foods typically associated with a French breakfast.

I was nervous ordering in French at the beginning but now I feel much more confident.  Summer, Class 9, Year 4

Every student had a go at both ordering French food, as well as serving. Both classrooms were buzzing with French language, such as “je voudrais” ( I would like), s’il vous plaît (please) and the signature phrase “bon appetit” (used as a salutation to someone about to eat).


I definitely know how to order more in French next time I go to France! Oscar, Class 9, Year 4.

All of the students enjoyed the café atmosphere and certainly took pleasure from tasting the French pastries on offer with a glass of jus d’orange or jus de pomme.

I preferred eating the croissant today, it was tasty!  Freddie, Class 10, Year 4

Check out some of the children singing and ordering food in French below.


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