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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Art from Tehidy by Class 5

Autumn patterns

Class 5 ventured into Tehidy woods to experience the seasonal changes of Autumn and to do some sketching for their art topic ‘Mother Nature’.

Back at school the children used a view finder to choose an area of their sketches which had lots of detail. They then drew what was in the finder and coloured it in.

The children then had to arrange the images to make a pattern.

The results speak for themselves!

I liked the sketching in the woods. I thought I couldn’t do it but then I saw the yellow bits and I could then match them up yo make my pattern – Remy


It was a bit difficult to make a pattern but I like my finished work especially the flower bit – Ruby

Super Surfer Elsie

Elsie is a member of Saints Boardriders in St Ives. They go surfing every Saturday morning come rain or shine and Elsie has really enjoyed it this year. At the end of the year they hold a presentation and Elsie won most improved surfer for her group out of around 25 children!

I love surfing, it’s very exciting – Elsie

Elsie catches a superb wave and surfs it all the way to the shore

I like surfing big waves. I don’t get scared – Elsie

Super Sabina shows she is a Gymnastic Genius!

Fantastically talented Sabina and her team from Penzance Gymnastic Club won a brilliant bronze in her first ever Vault and Floor Competition.

I felt a tiny bit nervous and a little bit shy – Sabina

She may have been a little bit nervous but this did not stop Sabina doing her very best. Taking part in the 5 to 6 year old category, Sabina did incredibly well, competing against five other teams from all over Cornwall.

For my routine I had to do a sit and tuck, roll my arms backwards, do a forward roll and then I finished in a lunge in a wide shape – Sabina

Sabina loves gymnastics and we are very proud of her achievements. Well done Sabina!

Amelie Wins a Medal at a Gymnastics Competition

Amelie from class 4 came to school today with some very exciting news. She had taken part in a gymnastics competition at her local club in Penzance on Sunday and walked away with a medal! Amelie goes to Penzance gymnastics club and took part in a competition for floor and vault at level 7. She and 4 other girls aged between 5 and 7, competed as a group and were awarded a bronze medal. 45 gymnasts from her group took part, so Amelie was delighted to come away with a medal. Amelie was kind enough to show us some of her floor routine. Take a look…


I go to gymnastics on Mondays and Fridays. I go for 2 hours on a Monday and an hour and half on Friday. I do conditioning on Friday, that’s where I do lots of stretching and I do lots of strength training. I do bars and chin ups as well. I want a chin up bar for my birthday.

I showed everyone how to do my vault.

My favourite move in gymnastics is the splits. It’s quite hard and I have been practicing a lot. I also like doing headstands and I practice at home on the sofa.

Tom gets ‘Most Enthusiastic Boy’ award for surfing

Tom started Sandhoppers with the Hayle Surf Life Saving Club last year and has been making amazing progress. He enjoys swimming in the sea and has learnt to use a bodyboard. He has moved up to Nippers and was awarded a shield in October for ‘Most Enthusiastic Boy’. Tom is having great fun learning how to surf!

I feel fantastic because I got the award and my name is on the shield now. It is the first award I have ever won – Tom – Class 7 – Year 3

Operation Encompass: Support for children and young people exposed to domestic abuse

Operation Encompass was launched in Cornwall on the 19th September with the aim of supporting children and young people who have been exposed to domestic incidents where the police have been involved.

Both the police and educational settings  have partnered up to provide rapid support through the use of early intervention and safeguarding.

Children who witness violence and traumatic events often arrive at school the next day without anyone being aware of what has happened. These types of situations can cause their behaviour to seem inappropriate in the classroom, which can in turn negatively effect their academic progress and their social and emotional wellbeing.

Operation encompass works by the police reporting these incidents to the child’s school at the start of the next day (prior to 9am). This information is given to a key adult within the school who can then put in place the support needed for the child.

Penpol strives to ensure that our school is a safe place for children, where they can develop and receive the support they need, that is suitable for them. We understand that these situations can and do happen and we aim to proactively  help children and their families to overcome the difficulties that they may experience. We also realise the vital importance of sharing information between agencies. This helps us and other agencies such as health professionals and those in social care to fully understand each child’s situation.

Penpol School – Key Adults

1 – Mr Aidan Doyle – Headteacher

2 – Mrs Sally Jane – SENCO

3 – Mrs Sarah Connors – Assistant Headteacher

For further information visit:

or contact:


Class 4 have an Art Attack!

Class 4 love art! They have been having great fun investigating materials in their art lessons and have been making metal sculptures using everyday objects including cheese graters, cutlery, tin cans, mixing bowls and anything else they can get their hands on! Check out their fantastic owl creations!

 I love the metal feather bits on your owl Lily. Can I help? – Alfie

Evie and Sienna are really happy with the way their owls are turning out. They are using jam jar lids for the eyes and sticking on squashed foil cases and beads. They’re looking great.

I like my owl. I want to take it home and show my mum. – Tyler

Ada and Flora help each other choose the best buttons and beads to stick on to the wings.

I love my owl. I brought in my sieve and my whisk from home and Mrs Anthoney helped me stick all the bits together. – Zak

I am really happy and so proud of the children. They put in a lot of hard work and were very creative. I think their owls look fantastic! – Miss Ryan

Owl Facts

  1. Owls live in barns, trees, old buildings and tunnels.
  2. Owls eat mice, rats, birds, raccoons, skunks, snakes, squirrels and other small mammals.
  3. Owls can’t digest bones, fur or feathers so they spit it out.
  4. Owls have sharp beaks that they use to shred their food.
  5. Owls grab their ‘prey’ with their sharp claws.
  6. Owls don’t make any sound when they fly.
  7. Owls camouflage themselves in the trees.

Reading Super Stars

A huge congratulations to Bruce, Zak and Ted from Class 4. They decided to take on the reading challenge in class 4 – to read as often as you can at home and climb the reading ladder. The boys successfully reached the top of the ladder by half term and all received a book of their choice. A fantastic effort boys, well done!

Miss Ryan set us a challenge. You had to read at home every night and if you did, you would climb up the reading ladder. I was the first one to get to the top and I got a prize. I was really happy. I read 39 times at home and I was star of the week.




Year 2 out and about!



On the 28th and 29th September, classes 5 and 6 visited Trevaskis Farm for a workshop to learn about how and where many of the fruit and vegetables we eat are grown. Did you know that raspberries grow up and strawberries down and out? That the pigs are the award winning British Lop breed and the South Devon cows are exported world wide?





Though dry, it was very, very muddy so wellies were essential but the sows and piglets seemed quite at home!

We also had a talk from the fishmonger and were shown the different types that are for sale. The Gurnard looked quite gruesome!

We finished off with a treasure hunt, following the clues around the farm to find a pot with a hidden seedling, we are wondering what will grow!



It was a great day! – Sonny


I loved the piglets but it was really muddy and I fell over! – Josie