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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Penpol Pupils Celebrate New Infant Play Equipment

With the sun shining and summer well on the way, you really would think that things just could not get any better.

Well, at Penpol they certainly have!

That’s because the children have returned after the Easter holidays only to be  greeted by a brand new, fantastic, three-tower, multi-activity climbing frame.

When I came to school I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s the best day ever! The slide is amazing because it is super fast! – Dylan – Year 1

Part funded by the Penpol Friends Association (PFA), this amazing piece of equipment has a climbing wall, net ladder, super fast slide, fireman’s pole and many more challenging features. There are also three roll bars for the children to practise their tumble turns. To make things extra safe there is a rubber surface around the climbing frame.

I love playing on the new climbing frame because it’s such fun. My favourite bit is climbing up the ropes – Harvey – Reception

The reaction has been fantastic and the children have swarmed on to have a go. It has certainly livened up playtime activities for the children in the infant playground

I felt really excited  because it looked such fun. I love playing on it on with my friends.  – Lydia – Year 2

We are very grateful to the Penpol Friends Association for their fundraising and hard work. Without them none of this would be possible.

A big thank you to the PFA! – Everyone at Penpol School

Sewing Club


Every Monday after school this term, some of the Year 1 and 2 children have been learning how to sew with Miss Simpson.

They have learnt how to thread needles and tie knots. They have also looked at weaving and how to use different types of stitches. It’s not as easy as it sounds because it requires a lot of patience and concentration. However, the children have risen to the challenge and produced some very creative pieces.

To help them further develop their sewing skills, the children have even been given a piece of canvas, their own needle and some thread to practice at home.

The club has proved to be a great success and the children have really enjoyed the opportunity.


I have stopped watching TV and all the I do is my sewing now. – Elexa

The children are currently working towards making their own Christmas decorations. Keep a look out for their finished masterpieces.


Class 5 Explore Materials Through Wicker Work

In connection with our science topic on ‘Materials’, Class 5 was really lucky to have a visit from Jazmin’s aunty Caroline. Caroline is very creative and she makes absolutely marvellous wicker pieces, from baskets to lobster pots.

During her visit she brought in examples of her craft and even showed us how she makes them. We learnt so much about this ancient craft and are now weaving fish using a wicker frame and raffia. It’s not as easy as it looks, as the children are discovering, we’ll let you know how we get on and will post some photos of the finished product!

Class 5 visit the Maritime Museum in Falmouth

In connection with our history topic on the Titanic, Class 5 visited the Maritime Museum in Falmouth to participate in a “Wreck and Rescue” workshop and a model boat making session. We learnt all about Henry Trengrouse, a Helston man, who back in 1807 witnessed the ship wreck of the ‘Anson’ off Loe Bar. An engineer by trade, he was devastated by the loss of life due to a lack of life saving equipment and so went on to invent a rocket life saving apparatus and the early form of the Breeches buoy.


Seth, from the museum set up a mini demonstration out on the balcony and the children were involved in rescuing John Henry, a fisherman using a model of Trengrouse’s invention


The children were able to test their boats on the lake in the museum, Luke won!


Myles has a go on the ‘ look outs ‘ chair used to help them get to the crows nest.


The children were also able to play on modern day rescue apparatus, a R.N.L.I dinghy, jet ski and inflatable life raft.


Thomas rescues Toby!


Boat building at the museum.


We all learnt a lot and had a brilliant day!



Amazing homework from Class 5 & 6!

In connection with our Science and Geography topics this term, the children in Year 2 were given some suggestions on what they could do for optional homework. These ideas included:

  • Making dinner for the family at home.
  • Making an igloo.
  • Making a Christmas table decoration

Dinner for the family

Eloise decided to show off her very talented cooking skills by making a delicious pasta dish for her family.

“I really like cooking and everyone loved their dinner and ate it all up.” – Eloise

Eloise decided to share her amazing recipe and wrote down a detailed list of instructions.

Igloo’s are very cool!

Several pupils decided to have a go at making an igloo. The children were very creative and came up with very inventive ways of building their igloos.

Myles’s dad kindly helped him to make this amazing model, complete with fishing line and ice blocks.


“It took about half a week to make and I think its really good.” – Myles


Eloise made a smaller one out of clay and painted it, complete with a fierce polar bear! She said she really enjoyed making it.

“My sister helped me but clay is a bit messy and it got everywhere!” – Eloise

Thomas’s igloo was made out of cotton wool and papier-mâché. It took most of an evening to make and even has a little light in it which looks like a fire.


Stunning Christmas table decorations

Christmas is fast approaching and one of the options for homework was for the children to make a table decoration.

Jazmin, Myles and Samuel all made these amazing centre pieces which will proudly grace their tables on the big day!

“I only needed help with the glue gun, it’s good!” – Jazmin

“I needed help with the sand in the jar as it was a bit tricky, it’s definitely going on my table at Christmas!” – Myles

“I did it all by myself except for the glue gun bit.” – Samuel