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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Year 5 Residential at the Mount Batten Center

Last week the majority of Year 5 headed on the Train to Plymouth for a three day residential; not content with the one mode of transport we then headed across Plymouth Sound on a ferry. The Mount Batten Centre is a Water-sports centre based right on the water front. Here we spent the week orienteering, bell boating, giant SUPing, climbing and abseiling.


The children set off in their white water rafts on to the calm waters of Plymouth Sound where they had to work together in teams  to paddle and steer around the buoys to race each other in a friendly race. They then had the opportunity to jump in, a real challenge for some but one in which the children accepted.


We had the opportunity to take advantage of the onsite climbing and bouldering wall. Again an activity that required strength, flexibility and teamwork as the children were responsible for ‘spotting’ and belaying their friends and class mates.

Bell Boating

The bell boating was quite leisurely. That was until we payed a game where you had to drop your paddle between the two boats and crawl to the back to catch it before we paddled off without it!


It was on the abseiling and ladder that many children felt uncomfortable but many a fear was conquered. The still images of the ladder do not show how violently it wobbles as you try to climb it! The sheer nature of the ladder meant that every run the children climbed was a huge step in conquering the fear of heights some possess. The abseiling was not only fun and exciting but provided the opportunity to look over over the sound to Barbican and beyond. The abseiling was the firm fan favourite amongst the children.


The giant stand up paddle boards should be renamed to ‘ the giant sit on paddle boards’ as standing and balancing with 7 to 8 other people was neigh on impossible but boy did the children give it go! The paddle boards again required a huge amount of team work as well are core strength.

Beach Clean

One evening we went for a wander and stumbled upon a small beach; here the children decided to perform a beach clean. This was particularly pleasing as in class we have been studying the topic of conservation and the dangers of plastic pollution. We found lots of different things which we disposed of safely as well as some shells and sea glass to bring home with us.


After the extensive work we have undertaken learning how to orienteer at school, this was a walk in/near the park. The children needed to use their map reading skills to find some clues. These clues were then work different amounts of ‘Mount Batten Money’ which the children exchanged for different materials to protect and safely bring an egg down to land from the balcony- here we had differing levels of success.

School residential are a wonderful way for the children to show a slightly different, more relaxed side to themselves. The provide a wonderful opportunity to spend a night or two away from family, some for the first time and try lots of different things they would maybe never have done before. Residentials are brilliant and this one was no different.

Year 5 Find Their Way Around Orienteering

Over recent weeks Year 5 have been learning how to orienteer. Some may say a dying skill with the maps we now have readily available on smart phones and watches but a valuable one none the less. We have been ;earning how to read a compass, grid references and also, most importantly, a map and its symbols.

Through PE we have had the opportunity to practice these geographic skills by racing around our school site to find the permanent control points. The children have loved the element of competition with their peers as well as the freedom to explore the school site.

The culmination of our block of orienteering was a day in the woods. We headed to Tehidy Country Park with our maps in hand and set to work on finding the control points set out around the 250 acre site (we didn’t cover it all though) The children had great fun zipping and zooming around in the hunt of the control points in small groups with their adults struggling to keep pace (no names mentioned!) hence the lack of orienteering photos.

After a well deserved lunch the children set to work building dens; here they had the opportunity to put their first school skills learnt back at Penpol into action with a plethora of different branches and trees to choose from.

In addition to den building we also out the children’s trust and communication skills to the test with a very carefully constructed ‘blind trail’. This consists of a partner leading their blindfolded partner through a boggy wooded section of Tehidy with only a guideline and their voice. Without clear instruction there was a risk of bumped heads on overhanging branches; soggy bottoms from the muddy sections and wet feet from the river crossing.

Success for Penpol in the LEAP Cup

On a sunny Monday morning both the boys and girls teams headed to Mounts Bay Academy for the first inaugural LEAP cup. Joined by the members of the Leading Edge Academy partnership, the teams played 3 and 4 games respectively. The girls team unfortunately came up a little short in their last game finishing with 2 wins and 1 loss which secured them second place. The boys were eventual winners with 4 wins and impressively without conceding a single goal.

As always, the name on the front of the shirt is more important the that on the back. This was demonstrated with exemplary levels of sportsmanship and teamwork; which for me is equally, if not more important the the trophy we can proudly now present in the School office.

Year 5 Tackle Touch Rugby with Cornish Pirates

Year 5 have been braving the weather in recent weeks to get to grips with touch rugby. We have completed a 5 week block of sessions with Sam, the community coach from Cornwall’s only professional rugby team- the Cornish Pirates.

From not being able to catch a ball to now doing it so in full flow some children have developed their sporting confidence greatly. They have also developed their understanding of attacking and defending space; a skill which can be transferred to many other invasion sports. They have also build on their knowledge of touch rugby with many now moving on to join Mr Peck at touch rugby club. Those that may chose not too will however be taking their newly developed team work and communication skills back into the classroom.

As part of our PE curriculum offer we try to engage many different local clubs. With each year group receiving professional coaching from external sources at some stage during the year with some even attending professional settings; this opens the eyes of our pupils to the world of professional sport whilst also maintaining the most important aspects of physical education- engagement and enjoyment.



South West Title for Super Gymnast

Penpol School now has an Under 11 South West Gymnastics champion amongst its sporting stars. She has, for many years now, been featuring on the Penpol times but this is her biggest accommodate to date.

Travelling all the way to the Welsh Institute of Sport, she undertook 4 individual events which culminated in an overall 1st place. This wonderful young lady placed first in the uneven bars, which is her favourite event. 1st place in the beam (which is only 1o cm wide!!) and 3rd place in both the floor and vault.

This remarkable young lady shows a great commitment to her sport by training up to 16 hours a week at Penryn Gymnastic Club! Keep it up, the hard work is certainly paying off!

Penpol Mini Marathon 2022

The sun shone brightly for our first Penpol Mini-Marathon for 3 years on Wednesday; with it came the flushed red faces, the gallons of water drank and the hundreds of smiling faces.It always is such a lovely afternoon and it was bettered this year to finally be able so many parents back to spectate. I am sure this of you in attendance would agree that the children (and staff) did brilliantly; all showing determination to achieve their own person best! Our PFA do a wonderful job in supporting the school through events like this so please do send any remaining sponsorship money in with them or drop it into the office.

Paul has put together an awesome video of the event for you to enjoy below.

Year 6 Surf Club

On Tuesday, still weary from their London trip, some Year 6’s headed over to Gwithian for their first Surf Club session of the year. the sun was shining and the waves were perfect for smashing about and popping up. Surfing is a huge industry and for many part of their way of life here in Hayle. What better way to spend a summer’s eve than in the surf! We are continuing our long running partnership with the guys at  Shore Surf , who work out of St Ives Bay Holiday Park. The children were changed in record time and set off does to the beach with excitable smiles, so quickly that I could barely keep up. Once on the beach it was a quick warm up and refresher as all pupils have already surfed as part of the the curriculum and into the waves. There were lots of children paddling furiously before popping up expert grace and lots of children falling off with considerably less grace. Anyway, here are some photos for you to enjoy!

Bright Lights and Big City Sights

This last week 44 of our Year 6 pupils boarded the coach and headed off on our big city adventure. An early 7 am departure began the 4 day-long residential trip to our nations capital; for many their first trip for a number of years therefore bringing more challenge than usual.

Our first stop for the fun-filled (and I mean filled) week was at the Natural History Museum where the children had chance to explore through time. From the age of the dinosaurs through to present day. This tied very nicely into our current science topic of ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ where we could see first hand the work of Darwin. Before heading off around Piccadilly Circus before dinner at the Rainforest Cafe.

Wednesday meant PM’s questions, we were however not invited so a tour of Westminster Palace and an opportunity to meet our local MP, George Eustice, was on the agenda. Due to Parliament being in session we were unable to enter the House of Commons but we were able to tour the House of Lords; We were also able to walk the footsteps monarchs from Queen Victoria through to Queen Elizebeth II take through the annual ceremony of the state opening. The palace has so much history and security, which the children were equally interested in, but for that reason we were unfortunately not allowed to take photos inside.

We then headed off on our marathon sightseeing walking tour. Parliament Square- Westminster Abbey- St James Park- Buckingham Palace- The Mall- Horseguards Parade- Whitehall- Downing Street- Parliament Square. Again linking to our learning during the Autumn term in our topic of Wartime Britain.

The weather was very warm, hitting highs of 34 degrees on the Friday, so it was a quick whip back to the hotel for a shower and to out on the glad rags for a night in the West End. The Lion King was truly magnificent. Pizza Express- Covent Garden- The Lion King.

The late night previous led to a later and slightly more relaxed start. A walk from our hotel to Wembley Stadium along the famous Wembley Way. We took our boots but they wouldn’t let us in!

It was then off to the Zoo. A late addition to the itinerary after we were unable to book a guided tour of Wembley Stadium – apparently the Harry Styles Tour is more important – and it certainly didn’t disappoint. Fan favourites were the penguins, gorillas (including some familiar ones), big cats, monkeys and goats (I mean, who doesn’t love a petting zoo!)


It was then back to the heart of the city and a ride on the London Eye. There was one notable admission in the two pods we had, but she was there is spirit and made it into one photo! It was such a clear and beautiful day with a view for miles and miles!

The London Eye really has that WOW factor and was the highlight for many. Once grounded we headed off for dinner, but not before a stroll around Leicester Square and China Town. Another WOW opportunity, even these little walks between activities and venues have such an impact on the pupils.

That then took us into our final day, another early morning that including breakfast, picking up of sweet papers, packing and picking up of more sweet papers. We then loaded ourselves onboard the bus once more and headed back to Kensington but this time for the Science Museum. Not as many pictures I’m afraid as I let the camera battery on charge in the hotel! We were however again able to link our day to our learning in school with links to both our Autumn term biology as well as our Spring term electricity/communication work.

The children were a credit to themselves, their parents and us as a school. Their manners and attitudes were commented on numerous times by serving staff in shops and restaurants as well as members of the public. Residential trips are a wonderful opportunity to see a different side to children but also provide difficult challenge particularly the heat this week and hustle and bustle of a capital city; but they were wonderful and will, I expect, sleep for days. Lots more photos to come but don’t worry kids (and adults), I didn’t take any of you sleeping on the coach…