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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Aboriginal Art

For our topic of Weather Around The World, Class 8 have visited Australia. We found out about the climate there and studied some of the Aboriginal culture: Dream stories and artwork. Inspired by some of the pieces that we had studied, the children set about designing and drafting their own animal based picture in the aboriginal style.

I loved looking at all the different pieces of aboriginal art. I especially liked finding Australian animals. – Harry

We then painstakingly completed our final pieces with acrylic on paper, dot by dot by dot!  The animal designs were made first using paint on black paper. We then used white paper to make our backgrounds. We had to choose colours that complemented our animal designs so they stood out. To create our dots, we used cotton wool buds liberally loaded with paint and carefully applied onto the paper.

I really enjoyed making the background – Tess

Our finished products will be on display in our classroom.



Delilah, Ines and Lola receive ‘Eradicate Plastic Pollution’ responses!

Recently, Year 6 have written letters to different establishments to attempt to persuade them to do more to rid the world of plastic waste, and this week the first responses came through, with Delilah, Ines and Lola each receiving a letter!
Delilah received a letter from Tesco, describing what they already do to try to eradicate plastic waste and what they are attempting to do by 2050. They also praised Delilah for her well written letter.

Ines and Lola both received responses from 10 Downing Street, describing how their letters had been passed onto a different department and that, hopefully, they will have an answer to their letters soon, so watch this space!



I was really happy to get a response, but I think that making these changes by 2050 is too far away – Delilah.

I really enjoyed receiving the letter and finding out that we might be getting another letter – Ines and Lola.


Merci ma famille!

Class 8 have been enjoying sing-a-longs in French this term to help them learn key vocabulary on the topic of family.

So far, Class 8 can already say who is in their family, including pets, size of the family member and colour of their pet. Mr Emery has been really impressed with their enthusiasm during lessons, which is shown in their singing, classwork and homework.

The song for this week is a song which shows appreciation for the family (merci pour ma famille), as well as friends (mes amis). Each student drew and labelled each of their members of the family, which they then each held up for the song.

If you’d like to hear a little snippet of one of class 8’s song, take a look at the video below.

I am really enjoying our French lessons, especially the songs and games we do in class.  Alex, Class 8


I love practising a new language!  I also go to language club every Thursday after school to learn an extra language.  Corran, Class 8

Next up for Year 3 will be the celebration of “Pâques”, which is the name for Easter in France.


Year 6 create books for World Book Day



World Book Day may have been disrupted by the snow a few weeks ago, but that has not stopped Penpol celebrating the event, just a little later than expected.

The Year 6 children have been creating their own books to take down to the Year 1 classes to read to them. They have reworked some traditional tales, created their own illustrations to support their writing, as well as front covers to make their books look attractive. Well done Year 6!

I really enjoyed creating pictures to support our writing – Sammy 

Class 8 are Internet Alert

As part of our five week Be Internet Legends program, the children have been learning about how to protect their personal information online by being on the look out for phishing attacks and spam in a module called Be Internet Alert.  Using the excellent resources from Google, we’ve discussed how to check if a website is safe, how to spot suspicious messages and how to ensure we’re as safe as possible when we use the internet.

“You shouldn’t send stuff that’s important to people you don’t know.  If you aren’t sure you could ask your friends and family if they know that person and if they don’t you don’t send them anything.  Always be careful!” – Brodie

As well as learning all about this, we’ve played the Reality River game on Interland to really help the children cement their new found knowledge!

“I really liked playing on Reality River because it was cool and I learnt about how to be safer online.” – Mason

“I learnt that if a website has a green padlock symbol then it’s usually safe to put your password in.” – Freddie

“I’ve leant that you have to look closely at details in messages that you are sent to see if it’s a scam or not.” – Fynn


Class 10 are Internet Smart

This half term we are looking at staying safe online, using a brand new set of resources from Google called ‘Be Internet Legends‘.  This week we’ve been looking at the first aspect, Be Internet Smart, which focuses on knowing what information is safe to share online and who we could be sharing with in order to stay safe.  We’ve also talked about being respectful online and remembering that comments and photos you post online tend to stay there for a very long time.

It’s been great to see how much the children have remembered from our online safety lessons last year, showing just how switched on our pupils are already when it comes to e-safety – Mr Woolcock

Remember children, if you see anything online which worries you or makes you feel a bit uneasy, you can always tell an adult!

“You need to be really careful who you share things with, any personal information should only be shared with people that you know in real life.” – Clarissa

As well as learning all about this, we’ve played the Mindful Mountain game on Interland to really help the children cement their new found knowledge!

“I think Interland is really fun and that everyone should play it to help them learn about staying safe online!” – Charlie


“You can be safe by not sharing personal information with the wrong people.” – Caleb

“I think Interland is a good way to learn about sharing because it’s safe and fun at the same time!” –  Grace

Teachers 2 Parents Update

Dear Parents/Guardian,

As a school, it is very important that our parents/guardians are informed of updates and changes at school in addition to the personal updates you will receive about your child’s progress and wellbeing.

From the week commencing Monday 5th March, the text messages you receive from school will appear differently on your phone.

Our service provider, Teachers2Parents, are excited to introduce an additional new security verification measure to allow parents/guardians to check that the messages you receive are from school.

Much like telephone banking, you will continue to receive messages from a secure number with the school message ID now in the body of the message, accompanied with a link at the beginning of the message to click through to a Teachers2Parents verification page; confirming that the sender of the message is genuine.

This added security measure is another step forward to help reassure parents/guardians of the safety and wellbeing of your child at school.

When you click to verify the message, you will be taken to the following screen:
The changes to the text messaging service will not affect use of the Teachers2Parents App, as this continues to offer built in user verification and end to end encryption of all messages, plus you will still have secure access to term calendar and school noticeboard updates.

To take advantage of the Teachers2Parents app, please search and download ‘Teachers2Parents’ for free on iOS App store and Android smartphone devices.

We hope you agree, as we do, that this added security measure bolsters reassurance that any important communication about your child is safe and you can always be sure that it has been sent by our school.

For more information about Teachers2Parents, please visit.


Kind Regards,


Aidan Doyle
