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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Year 1 love programming their own Angry Birds!

This half term Year 1 have been learning the basics of coding by giving instructions to the popular ‘Angry Birds’ characters.  In order to help these birds reach their target (the green piggies!) the children have to give them the correct directional instructions to move along the level.  These instructions start off quite simply, but before long the children are giving twelve step answers to get the bird to the target.

“I love how happy the bird is when he gets to the pig!” – Penny, Class 3

An example level from halfway through the Angry Birds puzzles

Using perseverance, logical thinking and imagination the Year 1’s have shown a huge amount of Learning to Learn skills and have proven that just because something is difficult at first they don’t need to give up.  Practice makes perfect and solving these puzzles has helped instil a real love of learning in a lot of these children.

Super Sabina shows she is a Gymnastic Genius!

Fantastically talented Sabina and her team from Penzance Gymnastic Club won a brilliant bronze in her first ever Vault and Floor Competition.

I felt a tiny bit nervous and a little bit shy – Sabina

She may have been a little bit nervous but this did not stop Sabina doing her very best. Taking part in the 5 to 6 year old category, Sabina did incredibly well, competing against five other teams from all over Cornwall.

For my routine I had to do a sit and tuck, roll my arms backwards, do a forward roll and then I finished in a lunge in a wide shape – Sabina

Sabina loves gymnastics and we are very proud of her achievements. Well done Sabina!

Amelie Wins a Medal at a Gymnastics Competition

Amelie from class 4 came to school today with some very exciting news. She had taken part in a gymnastics competition at her local club in Penzance on Sunday and walked away with a medal! Amelie goes to Penzance gymnastics club and took part in a competition for floor and vault at level 7. She and 4 other girls aged between 5 and 7, competed as a group and were awarded a bronze medal. 45 gymnasts from her group took part, so Amelie was delighted to come away with a medal. Amelie was kind enough to show us some of her floor routine. Take a look…


I go to gymnastics on Mondays and Fridays. I go for 2 hours on a Monday and an hour and half on Friday. I do conditioning on Friday, that’s where I do lots of stretching and I do lots of strength training. I do bars and chin ups as well. I want a chin up bar for my birthday.

I showed everyone how to do my vault.

My favourite move in gymnastics is the splits. It’s quite hard and I have been practicing a lot. I also like doing headstands and I practice at home on the sofa.

Tom gets ‘Most Enthusiastic Boy’ award for surfing

Tom started Sandhoppers with the Hayle Surf Life Saving Club last year and has been making amazing progress. He enjoys swimming in the sea and has learnt to use a bodyboard. He has moved up to Nippers and was awarded a shield in October for ‘Most Enthusiastic Boy’. Tom is having great fun learning how to surf!

I feel fantastic because I got the award and my name is on the shield now. It is the first award I have ever won – Tom – Class 7 – Year 3

Penalty Heartbreak For Our Footballers

Some of our Year 5 and 6 children who form the Penpol School Football Team took part in the FA County Schools 7 aside tournament for the West of Cornwall on Friday. They performed remarkably well and were the talk of the tournament with their free flowing passing game.

After games against St Ives (2-0 win), Marazion (3-0 win) and Pensans (3-0 win) the boys knew that victory against Parc Eglos would secure them top stop in their group. With that on their minds they set to work dispatching them with 2 fine team goals to set up a semi-final match against local rivals Bodriggy. A hard fought 1-0 victory meant the boys in black progressed to the final, scoring 13 goals and conceding none en route.

Reaching the final ensured the teams progression to the County finals for the first time in many years which are set to be held on the 17th November. Runners-up from Group A, Parc Eglos managed to overcome Alverton in their semi-final to set-up a re-run of the days earlier match against the Penpol boys. An early goal from Penpol meant for the entire game meant they looked favourites for the trophy however a late goal sent the game to extra-time and then onto penalties. The curse for the English struck and the boys were defeated 4-3 on penalty kicks, a terrible way to lose. However they can be extremely proud of what they achieved and we wish them all the best for the finals.


Operation Encompass: Support for children and young people exposed to domestic abuse

Operation Encompass was launched in Cornwall on the 19th September with the aim of supporting children and young people who have been exposed to domestic incidents where the police have been involved.

Both the police and educational settings  have partnered up to provide rapid support through the use of early intervention and safeguarding.

Children who witness violence and traumatic events often arrive at school the next day without anyone being aware of what has happened. These types of situations can cause their behaviour to seem inappropriate in the classroom, which can in turn negatively effect their academic progress and their social and emotional wellbeing.

Operation encompass works by the police reporting these incidents to the child’s school at the start of the next day (prior to 9am). This information is given to a key adult within the school who can then put in place the support needed for the child.

Penpol strives to ensure that our school is a safe place for children, where they can develop and receive the support they need, that is suitable for them. We understand that these situations can and do happen and we aim to proactively  help children and their families to overcome the difficulties that they may experience. We also realise the vital importance of sharing information between agencies. This helps us and other agencies such as health professionals and those in social care to fully understand each child’s situation.

Penpol School – Key Adults

1 – Mr Aidan Doyle – Headteacher

2 – Mrs Sally Jane – SENCO

3 – Mrs Sarah Connors – Assistant Headteacher

For further information visit:

or contact:


Faster than Usain?? – Year 6’s trip to see the REAL fastest man in the world.

On Monday the 30th of October the whole of Year 6 travelled to Newquay Airport to meet Andy Green – the man who currently holds the world land-speed record, having travelled at 656mph in 1997.

He is now part of a team that is attempting to travel at an incredible 1000mph in the BloodHound SSC (SuperSonic Car) and we were lucky enough to see the car being put through its paces. Despite a blip (it was expected to reach 200mph in a matter of seconds, but had a fault) it was still great to see it. Alongside this, there was an educational tutorial discussing the science behind the car, which included the recreation of a sonic boom which you could certainly feel from where we were sat.

During the educational event there were  lots of experiments and activities to work through, with a real focus and push on engineering. A great day!


I thought it was a really fun day, but I wish that the car had travelled faster! Doing all of the activities in the hangar was brilliant though. – Alex.


BloodHound didn’t travel as quickly as it could, but it was evident that it had the potential. I really enjoyed the whole day and I think I enjoyed working on a stop-gap animation the most. – Taran


Andy Green – The BloodHound SSC driver before the test-run.

Year 6 Language stars of the month!

Classes 13 and 14 in Year 6 have been learning about how to describe their home town in French. From learning about their favourite place to visit, as well as places they dislike in their town, both classes have worked hard to master both pronunciation and memorisation of vocabulary. Their final lesson was an opportunity to test their overall confidence with this topic by completing a language challenge on the website, in the Junior Mac Suite. is a website which allows teachers to create an interactive quiz and share it with a whole class, with each student having their own computer to complete the quiz. The twenty questions on places in town is then shared live with the students at the same time and they are given a time limit of 10 seconds to answer a multiple choice question correctly. It enables every student in the class to compete against each other on this topic to get the highest score.

The winner from class 14 was Juliette, who was the only student who managed to answer all questions correctly, scoring 100%, as well as having the quickest reaction time.

Kahoot is so much fun because it tests you against everyone else in the class. I loved it! Juliette- class 14- Year 6

Juliette received a French certificate for her effort and commitment in French.

In class 13, Trystan was also the overall winner, narrowly beating Lola and Will to first place on the podium.

Kahoot is so much fun!  It’s quick and tests you on what you know.  I loved beating my friends! Trystan- class 13- Year 6

Next up for Year 6 will be the Penpol- Lavignolle email exchange. This half term, students will be receiving their first email from students in France from Lavignolle primary school, which is situated in the suburbs of Paris. This will be the perfect opportunity for the students to develop more of a cultural understanding by learning about the differences between French schools and English schools.

“I asked my French penpal which rugby team they supported, so I can’t wait to hear back from them!” Jack- class 13- Year 6.

Watch this space for more on the Penpol- Lavignolle email exchange.

Fantastic Flowers with Louise

Class2 had great fun this week when we were visited by Louise for a morning of jar decorating. Each child chose a glass jar and a piece of ribbon to wrap around it. Then we carefully glued the ribbon on with the help of an adult and a glue gun!

I chose the orange ribbon for my jar and some orange stickers – Lucas

After we had glued the ribbon on, we had some stickers to decorate our jars with. They looked very colourful when they were finished!

I liked making the jar because I got to put lots of stickers on. It was tricky to get the back off! – Lexie

Next we chose some flowers to put into our jars to take home. There were lots to choose from! Some children decided not to put flowers in their jar, but instead are going to put a tealight inside to make it light up!

I put yellow flowers in my jar. They are pretty – Jessica

We had lots of fun decorating and filling our jars and would like to say a big thank you to Louise for coming in to visit us!

Special Visitors for Year 2

Mark’s Ark arrives at Penpol School

To coincide with their ‘Science’ topic “Animals including Humans’, Class 5 and 6 invited some unusual visitors into their classroom.

During the visit, the children heard a lot of interesting facts about how animals use their senses to stay alive and for those who were feeling very brave, were given the opportunity to handle and stroke some of the animals.

Lily and Zackery feeling very brave

The snake felt all cold and soft – Mia


I felt really scared to hold the snake and then I felt brave – Lily


The owl was my favourite because it looked really soft and cute – Abigail