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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Y5 Compete at the Regional Finals of the FIRST LEGO League 2021

Over the past few months, something very exciting has been happening in the Mac Suite at Penpol School.  Whether it be on a Wednesday afternoon or over lunchtime, two teams of dedicated and committed of year 5 pupils have been hard at work practicing for the FIRST LEGO League Competition.

This is our first year entering at Penpol School and whilst we weren’t quite sure what to expect, both teams got straight to work designing their robots, understanding how the code worked, researching innovative solutions to problems and improving their teamwork and co-operation.  Over these few months all thirteen children have grown closer in their teams and have been focused on a common goal – the Regional Final event!

Well, I’m delighted to say that both teams absolutely blew us away on the day.  Their perseverance, ingenuity and dedication really shone through and they have well and truly done Penpol School proud.  Below is a brief rundown of what happened with each team in all four areas of the competition, as well as any special recognition they received along the way.

Well done Stellan, Chris, Liliana, Dylan, Oliver, Erin, Flora, Ruby, Ben, Obi, Katie, Agnes and Remy!

Team Robo Legends

Class 11: Stellan, Remy, Oliver, Agnes, Ben, Flora and Ruby

FIRST LEGO League: 3rd Place

Team Robo Legends came third overall at the 2021 Cornwall Regional Finals

Robot Games

Robo Legends managed to code a fantastic assortment of activities on the challenge table and managed to finish with a very impressive score of 180.  They coded each activity and tested thoroughly to ensure it was reliable and accurate.  The judges were very impressed with their perseverance and creativity.

2nd Place: Robot Games

Team Robo Legends

Core Values

The judges said the team “showed good co-operation throughout playing to each others strengths, but always coming back together to take on the next challenge.”

They demonstrated incredible teamwork, perseverance and a sense of fun throughout the completion and thoroughly deserved to come first for Core Values in the competition!

1st Place: Core Values

Team Robo Legends

Innovation Project

In an effort to solve the problem that only 0.5% of people in the world surf, the team invented a clever machine that floats off of the coast and cleans sea-water, warns of impending marine life attacks and will offer surfers a panic button to call for help should they find themselves in danger.

The team created a prototype of this invention and did a brilliant job of presenting their research and development to the judging panel, who praised their “outstanding presentation, which the team delivered in a very fun way“.

Robot Design

Finally, team Robo Legends delivered a fun and informative interview-style presentation to the judges where they reflected on the journey they’ve been on as part of the LEGO League Competition, including their funniest moments (involving pillows, dancing and uncontrollable robots!) as well as the challenges that they’ve overcome.

A particular highlight of this section was hearing how the children have become better friends and a stronger team as a result of their participation in the competition.

Team LEGO Legends

Class 12: Chris, Dylan, Katie, Obi, Liliana and Erin

FIRST LEGO League: 2nd Place

Team LEGO Legends came second overall at the 2021 Cornwall Regional Finals

Robot Games

LEGO Legends managed to achieve an utterly incredible score of 280 in the Robot Games.  To put this into context, anything over 100 would have been considered a huge achievement for the children in their first year.

They coded some incredibly complicated algorithms to make their robot work, including one that steered the robot under a bridge, then dropped 13 cubes into a small target before reversing, driving on and ending up dancing on the dance floor.

1st Place: Robot Games

Team LEGO Legends

Core Values

As well as their achievements in coding and presenting, the team showed the judges how well they worked together by supporting each other, cheering on individual successes in the competition and demonstrating exceptional teamwork and co-operation at all times.

A real highlight here was seeing how each and every child got involved in their challenges, whether it was presenting and answering questions with the panel of judges or by working together to ensure a reliable and high-scoring round in the Robot Games.

Innovation Project

For their innovation project team LEGO Legends realised that people were driving for short journeys, even to the shops or to drop children off to school.  To help combat this, the team invented a mobile phone app which would only let you drive in your car after you’d walked a certain number of steps.

What really set the team apart though was their sheer amount of research and development that went into their product.  The judges remarked: “Research and feedback from others through questioning was excellent. A great way of sharing your ideas.

1st Place: Innovation Project

Team LEGO Legends

Robot Design

Finally, team LEGO Legends delivered a compelling presentation sharing what they’ve learnt in the competition, how they’ve improved as a team and how they overcame challenges along the way.  

The judges asked some interesting questions of the team but they all found ways to respond, with one judge in particular praising how they refined their code: “Obi gave the perfect answer for how they tested and isolated faults with the code. This is exactly how it is done in engineering companies all over the world.”

3rd Place: Robot Design

Team LEGO Legends

Sticky Jam Sandwich Fun in Year 1

Jam 3

After reading ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich’  in our ‘Talk Through Stories’ session, Year 1 explored instruction writing whilst making jam sandwiches. They focused on sequencing, using time connectives and imperative verbs.

Jam 1
Jam 2

Apart from watching their teachers get messy whilst they followed the classes vague instructions, their favourite part was of course eating them.

Jam 4
Jam 5
Jam 6

Kids Invent Stuff visit Penpol School

Last week Penpol had a very exciting visit from Ruth and Shawn – otherwise known as Kids Invent Stuff – to talk about all things engineering, inventing and creating!

The day started with the whole school having the opportunity to enjoy an assembly with Ruth and Shawn, where they introduced a challenge for us all to take part in.

 The challenge is simple – to invent something new that utilises wearable technology, a switch or a bicycle.  This competition is being run to celebrate the IETs 150th anniversary and entries from schools all around the world will be collected up, carefully considered and then one will actually be built in real life!  It’s very exciting and over the course of the day our students showed just how creative their ideas are.

Below are some pictures of the visit, including some of our Year 5’s working away on their own invention ideas.

Designing Mars Rovers in Year 5

Last term, as part of our Space topic, the children were inspired by the landing of Perseverance on Mars and so created their own versions of a Mars rover, complete with a motor so that it could move forward and, most impressively a lever system to enable it to pick up ‘space rock’ to study. The children had a great time making and designing their own rover and, who knows, maybe this activity will have inspired our next rover designers of the future. 

After they’d made their rovers, the children used the iPads and iMovie to virtually transport their creations to the surface of Mars with some Green Screen magic.  

You can enjoy some of these videos below:

"I enjoyed making the Mars Rover. My favourite part was designing and decorating the rover, but we did have some trouble with our electrics"
Class 11

Year 2 Den Building Fun!

Year 2 had a great morning today den building. Both class 5 and 6 worked together to show how sharing ideas and  team work can help you to achieve an amazing outcome! As you can see, from the great photographs, all children had a fabulous time.


Year 4 Go on the Rampage!!

Today, Year 4 celebrated the rise of the Roman Empire in true fashion.  Armed with shields, swords and Roman legion attire, the excitement from the students entering school was palpable.


To begin with, the Year group were greeted with Roman army commands: Consiste! (Halt!), Laxate (at ease), silentiurm! (Silence!) and Sin/ Dex (Left/ Right!), which would come in hand later on in the day.


Next, both classes were thrown into the melee and had to use their best codebreaking skills in order to crack a hidden message written by the emperor himself, Julius Caesar.  The hidden message revealed one of Caesar’s greates quotes to date:


“It is better to create than to learn!  Creating is the essence of life.”  Julius Caesar

After exploring this quote and thinking deeper into what Caesar’s quote means, creating is exactly what the students did next.  After having designed mosaics the day before, the students were tasked with creating a Roman mosaic.  This proved lots of fun and the results are already looking promising.

The grand finale, however, had to be experiencing what it was like to march like a Roman.  Led by Mr Wise’s booming commands, Classes’ 9 and 10 both marched up and down the hall, to embed their understanding of Roman commands.  Next, the students practised forming the defence shape, which is the ‘testudo’, or the tortoise.  This proved an effective barrier against incoming missiles aimed by the teachers, as you can witness in the video below.


All in all, the children had an excellent morning immersing themselves in the Roman life and learning first hand how the Roman army worked.





Year 4 embrace the return back to school!

Today, Class 9 took their Maths lesson outside and, it has to be said, they have embraced the outdoors despite the change of weather!

The lesson today was a recap of what they have been learning about this term – Place value. The students showed great teamwork and were able to confidently partition 4 digit numbers, as well as round their chosen number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.

In addition, our Topic this term is ‘Romans on the Rampage.’ The class have been busy learning about who exactly the Romans were and what they have done for us. For DT, each of the students were tasked with creating a Roman helmet using paper mache, balloons, cardboard and, of course, the red and gold paint! This was a great success, with all students now learning Latin salutes in anticipation of a Roman Legion army drill in the coming weeks. ‘Dextrum sinistrum!

Finally, the good weather so far was not wasted, with many of our Guided Reading sessions taking place outside in the Gazebo and our first session of Tag Rugby taking place in glorious sunshine.

Enjoy the pictures below!

Team Y4

Home Learning Challenges – Year 2 – Weeks 3, 4 & 5

WEEK COMENCING – 20.04.2020

Hi Class 6 and Class 5, Mrs Ruffell and Mrs Daniel would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent images of your home  learning, which you have completed  over the past two weeks. We have now created a new home learning page, on the Penpol Times, for weeks 3 and 4.  Please keep sending us images of your learning so that we can share it with your friends and families.

We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care – Mrs Ruffell & Mrs Daniel

PE and Outdoor Learning at Home

New -  (Copy & paste link in to your browser)

New – Digital Ocean – Surfers against Sewage – Copy and paste the link in to your browser


Online safety at home – copy and paste the link in to your browser.

Fun ways to exercise and keep fit! – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.

New – Additional online home learning. – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.

New – Try these simple relaxation and mindfulness activities together and help your child learn to calm down when they feel stressed or anxious. – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.

Use your mind – Laugh & Giggle – Breathe Deep – Stretch it out – Relax

New – As the weather is now getting warmer, many of you have started to plant seeds and watching them grow. Below is a link to a lovely song called ‘One Seed’. Perhaps you could learn the words and record yourself singing it.




A big hello from Shelly.

Mrs Ruffell’s tortoise, Shelly, would like to say a big hello to everyone in Class 6 and Class 5



Chloe, from Class 6

Thank you for sharing your home learning with us Chloe. I was really pleased to see that you have completed the  Easter R.E challenge and also the comprehension ‘A day at the Zoo’. Well done Chloe!

Bella, from Class 5

Bella has been really busy doing mathematical calculations and look at her amazing Aztec collage!..Well done Bella

Oakley, from Class 6

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Oakley, happy birthday to you! (Saturday 8th may) have a great day from everyone in Class 6

Wow! what a fab cake you are making and well done on all of your home learning challenges.

Nicholas, from Class 6

Wow!Look at that amazing bee picture, it looks so realistic. I also love the way you have created your treasure map and included so much detail. Well done Nicholas.

Poppy, from Class 6

Thank you Poppy for sharing all of your home learning from this week. It looks like you are really enjoying writing all about pirates. You have designed a great treasure map and written a detailed description of what you would find inside. That’s if you were lucky enough to find it!

Joseph, from Class 5

Joseph has made a brilliant rainbow mask to put a smile on all our faces!

Bella, from Class 5

Bella has been having fun in the kitchen this week, take a look at her delicious chocolate banana cake! She has also made a mosaic inspired by her brother’s topic on the Aztecs, and keeping her maths brain going with some tricky fractions.



Ava, from Class 6

(Written by Ava) Today I wrote my letter in a bottle from the pirate and completed the RE and some worksheets love Ava.                         Well done Ava, What a great letter from the pirate.

Alfie, from Class 5

Alfie has been very busy again, take a look at a few of the things he’s been up to. I’m looking forward to reading more pirate stories!

Finley, from Class 5

Take a look at what Finley has been up to. What a fantastic model of a bee! His story will also make you want to practise your pirate voice impersonations!

Kensa, from Class 6

Wow! well done Kensa. What a great way to learn you’re spellings.

Oscar, from Class 6

(Written by Oscar) Today we made our treasure maps, we stained the paper with coffee and rolled them up into messages in a bottle. We also started to make a film with dad about our rascally adventures as pirates.
We like this challenge a lot.

Oscar, it was so lovely to see a photograph of you wearing your  Penpol School uniform, I had almost forgotten how smart it looked. Your photograph put a big smile on my face!

Harry, from Class 6

Wow! Harry look at how big your chilli plant has grown, no wonder it needed a bigger pot. Now that it has more room, the roots will be able to grow even better. Keep me updated on how it grows.

Tilly, from Class 6

(Written by Tilly) Today I have had great fun making a message in a bottle from a pirate. After I had written the letter I dyed the paper with a teabag to make it look old and then tore around the outside to give it rough edges. I then rolled it up and put it in a bottle. We took some photos too. (Well done Tilly)

Hana, from Class 5

Hana has been very busy of late. Take a look at all the great activities she has been up to so far, I love her mini beast game!

Violet, from Class 5

Violet would like to share a movie that she wrote and directed herself. She started to plan her movie with a story board
The second video  is a green screen video diary about her thoughts at this strange time.
Lastly she wanted to give you a review of her reading book so far!

Click on the links and continue with website.

Violet’s Video

Violets video

Violet’s video


Emily, from Class 6

Emily, what a great poem about five little bees. well done!

Emily, from Class 6

Wow Emily, thank you for sharing your home learning from last week. I can see that you are still enjoying calculating number problems and what a lovely picture you have drawn. Well done!

Lola, from Class 6

Wow Lola how artistic are you? and what a great idea. I think we will definitely try this activity out when we are back in school. I hope you didn’t get hand prints all over the house?

Isaac L, from Class 5

Isaac L has had a very productive week. Take a look at his amazing beehive he has made and read his story about dream balloons!

Lola, from Class 6

Thank you Lola for sharing your home learning from this week. I can really see that you have been using your mathematical mind to solve the number problems. Well done!

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has really enjoyed listening to the poetry this week and inspired her to write one of her own, fantastic!

Harry, from Class 6

Thank you Harry for sharing the photographs of you keeping fit. I was so impressed to see you skipping. Well done!

Oliver, from Class 5

Oliver has been hard at work, writing a story, working out fractions, baking and even bringing to life his Star War pictures! Take a look at his lovely photos.


Violet, from Class 5

Violet has been up to lots of interesting things this week, from writing poetry, interviewing a friend, to writing in code! Take a look at her lovely photos.


Verity, from Class 5

Verity has found an ingenious way to paint a bee, take a look!

Hugo, from Class 6

Wow! Hugo, you have completed so much home learning. I was really impressed to see that you have remembered to learn your weekly spellings and also participated with the online R.E learning. You are also becoming such a good cook! Well done Hugo, you are demonstrating great dedication to your home learning challenges. Well done!


Jessica from Class 5

As you can see, Jessica has been extremely busy at home engaging with all the home learning.
Brilliant to see, well done and keep it up!


Faith, from Class 5

Faith has been working on some amazing nature projects, take a look at her impressive ice sculpture and clay Goldfinch! She is currently working on a papier mache beehive, looking forward to seeing that as well.


Poppy, from Class 6

Wow! I loved reading all of the information (Data) that you have collected on bees. I have seen so many bees recently. I think there are more bees around this year. Well done Poppy!




Nicholas, from Class 6

Thank you Nicholas for sharing your home learning with us. I can see that you have been using your mathematical knowledge to solve a variety of number problems. I was so pleased to see that you have remembered to edit your number formation, where needed. Also great home learning on suffixes. Well done!


Lola, from Class 6

Wow  Lola!  You have really been thinking about the grammar rules, which we need to apply to our writing.Well done!

Alfie, from class 5

Alfie would like to share what he has been up to. As you can see he’s doing a brilliant job! You have to be impressed with his rock Bumblebee, Mrs. Daniel is hoping for one!!


Emily, from Class 6

What a fab cake Emily. I can see the concentration on your face, whilst creating the bees. I bet it tasted great too!

Tilly, from Class 6

Thank you Tilly for sharing the  learning, which you have completed  this week. You have created a detailed fact sheet all about rabbits and drawn a beautiful picture! I also enjoyed looking at your picture of a bee, which you have labelled correctly. Wow! what a great bee bookmark, I look forward to seeing it when we are all back at school.


Verity, from Class 5

Verity has been doing well with education city this week and decided to complete the story from last week (see attached).
She has enjoyed the bee topic. Unfortunately she found a dead bee but gave her opportunity to compare it to her picture!




Emily, from Class 6

Wow Emily, you have completed so much home learning this week. Again you have been using your mathematical skills to solve several number challenges and completed the English activities on Educational City. I was pleased to see you learnt your spellings and took the weekly test. What a great score!


Oakley from Class 6.

Thank you Oakley for sharing your home learning with us. I can see that you have been busy recapping your letter formation and researching for information about bees.  I enjoyed reading your bee fact file and I am glad to see that you are participating with  the online activities set. Well done Oakley, super home learning!


Faith, from Class 5

Faith is very keen and able horse rider, so no surprise she chose a horse as her pet! Take a look at these lovely photos.

Joseph, from Class 5

Take a look at Joseph’s amazing Hama bead craft work! A lot of patience but I think you will agree well worth the effort.


Kensa,from Class 6

Kensa has been practicing her spellings by writing out words that contain the sound ‘tion’. She has also written an interesting fact file about her dog who is called Bruno. Great home learning Kensa!


Poppy, from Class 6 

Thank you Poppy  for sharing some of your learning from this week. I can see that you have been really busy learning about bees and completed the learning objectives set on Educational city. Great learning and I am glad to see you achieved 100% on your certificates. Well done!


Emilija, From Class 5

Thank you Emilija for sending us all these lovely photos of you and your home learning. Well done, you are doing a great job!


Alfie, from Class 5

Here is a great football story about Alfie’s toys when they come alive at night, it’s exciting to see who finally wins!

Lily, from Class 6

Lily has been learning all about bees and created a poster to show their life cycle. Well done Lily.




Year 1 Home-learning – Weeks 1, 2 & 3.

Hi Year 1,
We are missing you very much but know that your adults are doing a super job of looking after you and teaching you.
We hope you’re enjoying the home-learning tasks as much as we are enjoying receiving the photo’s and videos?!
Please do send any photo’s through if you have the time. Remember we love seeing you playing as well as learning!
Miss Whear and Mrs Sukstiene


Alice, from Class 3

Alice’s Grandma will be excited to receive this lovely postcard that Alice wrote!


Keira, from Class 3

Keira loved making ’arrays’ for multiplication with Mega blocks and using part-whole to multiply. Keira explored measuring practically with her first attempt at making pasties – they look delicious!
Her favourite place to watch TV is now hanging upside down and swinging on her Dad’s pull up bar! Keira practised writing her full name in the sand during her daily exercise time!


Alice, from Class 3

Alice joined in with her brother’s home-learning challenge of finding facts on his favourite animal. Super drawing and facts Alice!

Alice’s papa built a pond in the garden that her and brother have been using as a paddling pool while there’s no fish in there. She also planted some plants for our ‘How does Your Garden Grow?’ topic and did some practical measuring during baking…which Alice loves doing!


Henry, from Class 4

Henry has been working hard writing using his adjectives. He and his brother, Arthur, have been printing with lego and creating space pictures. Super work!


Isla, from Class 3

Isla mixed exercise and phonics by reading red and green words in a game of hopscotch. She also enjoyed playing memory games in the sun! Isla then created super stretchy noun phrases using ‘ee’  sounds! Well done for remembering a comma between the adjectives too 🙂 Isla then wrote a lovely letter to Betty and made a raft … I can’t wait to hear whether it floated! Fingers crossed it did!


Violet, from Class 4

Violet has been so busy at home! She has been creative by making a picture frame and painting eggs for Easter. She has been helping her daddy feed the donkeys at his work and baking some delicious flat breads and hummus for lunch! She has also been out in the garden bug hunting! Well done Violet!


Elliott, from Class 3

Elliott has enjoyed making ’stretchy sentences’ to create noun phrases as well as grouping for multiplication. He’s also written and email to his uncle and sorted animals. Well done Elliott!

Toran, from Class 3

Super stretchy sentences Toran adding information with the 5W’s questions (Who? What? Where? When? Why?)
Great use of part-whole models for multiplication and lovely to see you writing a letter to Grandad, which super punctuation and handwriting. I’m sure he’ll love receiving this! Well done!

Harrison, from Class 3

Harrison made a Jet pack with his dad on Tuesday 🚀 He also went for a walk and drew  a heart and said thank you to the NHS.  He also practiced writing his name in a different way. On his walk he collected lots of leaves and twigs and nature items to make things. He made a H for Harrison.


Toran, from Class 3

Toran enjoying drawing arrays from number sentences.

Miles, from Class 3

Great questions Miles. I would rather eat chocolate for the rest of my life and I’d rather swim that float – I love to swim!
Great to see you enjoying the lego arrays for multiplication so much! They’re fun to make aren’t they?!

Matteo, from Class 4

Matteo has been busy at home. Here he is with a train track he has built! He also decorated eggs to celebrate Easter – Very creative!


Noah, Class 4

Noah has been working hard, practising his hand writing. He wrote all about the film Jurassic Park! He also helped his brother with his home learning and they built a tree using recycling! Super work!


Miles, Class 3

Miles making music with natural objects…to his parents delight! :-)Plus excellent use of the conjunctions ‘because’ and ’so’ Miles. Well done!



Betty, Class 3

Super use of shells to practise grouping for multiplication Betty.
I love that Class 3 are sending each other letters – it’s a great way of keeping in contact with your friends! Lovely use of a question mark as well as the conjunctions ‘and’ / ‘because’. Well done Betty!

Arthur, from Class 3

I loved receiving a letter from Arthur today and enjoyed replying with answers to his questions.
Arthur has great fun making a planet picture – it’s stunning! Well done Arthur – can you name the planets?

Harrison, from Class 3

Harrison has made his own pizza from scratch with his dad and baked it in our pizza oven.
Cooking 🍕  & learning about fire safety 🔥


We went on a bike ride, Harrison is fantastic at riding his bike, using his breaks and we even went on the road in places. Learning all about road safety, what side of the road we should be on, keeping to the side, slowing down at a junction and wearing his helmet etc. Today we have been extending  sentences, whilst  talking about our dog 🐕 ……


Max, from Class 3

Max has enjoyed engaging in the handwriting clips I sent on: Super letter formation Max! Well done!

Merryn, from Class 4

Merryn has been super busy over the past few weeks. She has been baking, painting and writing letters to cheer up patients in hospital who are missing their families. She has been getting creative, making lots of pictures with her sister and has been keeping an eye on the tadpoles in the stream to watch them grow! Great work, Merryn!


Ebbie, from Class 3

Great pen control Ebbie – great to see her practising her handwriting.
Ebbie enjoyed an egg hunt over Easter and had a great time splashing in the sea during her daily exercise.

Ebbie’s Daddy is building a barn and Ebbie likes to take lunch to him and help him dig.
She has also written a letter to her nanny to see how she is – it’s important to keep in contact with your family and friends as everyone is missing each other!


Toran, from Class 3.

Toran explored capacity and recorded in standard units of measure! He has also been exploring which kitchen ingredients fizz when added to bicarbonate of soda – I love seeing the concentration on his face! Well done Toran!


Elliott, from class3

Elliott and his brother out on a scavenger hunt, that Elliott had written, as part of our Fresh Air Friday challenge!


Jack, from Class 3

It’s great to see Jack completing the maths Fresh Air Friday activity of making a bird feeder and the writing task of helping your adult cook and writing a set of instructions for your meal. Super use of time connectives to sequence your instructions! The pizza looks delicious Jack! Well done.

Happy Birthday Jack – looks like you had great fun using hair chalks to turn your hair red!


Ezra from Class 4

Ezra has been super busy at home. He’s been practising his handwriting with his sister and having lots of fun!


Reuben, from Class 4

Reuben made an Easter Maths Maze using his lego! He also, with his sister Lottie, worked hard on making a maze together. Great team work!

Luke, from Class 4

Luke explored capacity by using jugs and containers in his paddling pool! He  has also been busy exploring measurement – lovely work Luke!

Rosie, from Class 4

Rosie has been busy looking after the runner beans she is growing! She has  also been exploring art – on herself! You look great Rosie!


Geoffrey, from Class 4

Geoffrey has been working hard at home on his phonics and has been practising his numbers and counting by playing card games at home!


Joseph, from Class 4

Joseph has been practising writing his own addition number sentences and has been exploring coins and money! He  has also been busy writing down his recipe for banana bread. It sounds tasty!Great work!


Luke, from Class 4

Luke has been practising using conjunctions in his writing!

Lowenna, from Class 3

Lowenna has been exploring Hayle on 2 wheels but cycling during her daily exercise.
After successfully making pasties together in school, Lowenna has been teaching her adults to make them at home – they look delicious!
Great to see Lowenna showing her support for the NHS! Who else has been clapping at 8pm on a Thursday night? I have!
Great use of vegetables to create patterns – super to see Lowenna getting into our ‘How does your Garden Grow?’ Topic!

Darcey, from Class 3

It’s been great to see Darcey engaging with the online RWI phonics lessons and helping her adults to prepare some healthy meals – It’s important to stay healthy!


Arlo, Class 3

Super adjectives to describe your character Arlo! It’s great to see Arlo having fun in the sun during his daily exercise. Arlo had great fun measuring his family using standard untis of measure.



Miss Whear, Class 3

My daily exercise / weekly food shopping has been on my bike.


My thoughtful family surprised me with an egg hunt in my garden for my birthday and socially distanced deliveries from friends and neighbours arrived throughout the day! Don’t worry – my family used the visit as their daily exercise and left before I went out to do the hunt! Thank you Reuben (my nephew in Class 4).

Isla, from Class 3

Isla F made her own addition and subtraction game.

She then played ‘say it, make it, write it’ with pebbles.   I loved receiving a video of Isla reading a story to me too!

Betty, from Class 3

 Betty has been measuring using standard units of measure when cooking. She has also made super use of adjectives to describe animals and been practising drawing the o’clock time – well done!


Betty has been measuring using standard units of measure when cooking and proving that reading can happen anywhere!


Thomas, from Class 3

Thomas has been continuing his reading and writing at home and sharing stories. I love seeing how you have been using your daily hour of exercise time.


Miles, from Class 3

Every Friday Miles’ family have a themed day and the children make flags from a chosen country and they cook/eat food from there for breakfast, lunch and dinner too! So far they have had Italian Day (pizza) and American Day (burgers and donuts) – What a fun idea! Whilst cooking, Miles explored capacity by spooning water into various sized glasses with a spoon.


Miles has been practising spelling the days of the week, using capital letters and his neatest handwriting. He focused on ascenders and descenders (tall letters on the line and long letters below the line).


Miles showed his super writing by retelling the story of  ‘The Enormous Turnip’. Great use of the conjunction ‘and’ as well as commas in a list. also wrote some questions to post to his friend James. 

Miles enjoying fresh air Friday and playing maths Lego games


Ebon, from Class 3

Ebon has been making the most of the sunshine to start our new topic ‘How does your garden grow?’ by planting his own seeds. He also wrote the recipe and helped the adults with measuring and cooking. It was lovely looking at the way you have been using your daily exercise time Ebon.

Poor Ebon fell and broke his wrist. Our thoughts are with him and I hear he’s been incredibly brave!

                                               Ebon’s milk lid boat

Harrison, from Class 3

Today Harrison has been very creative and made some fairy houses out of plant pots.

Harrison has been practising using capital letters and question marks by writing questions for their family and friends.

Harrison watched toy story, he then answered questions on the film and rang his nanny describing the film and seeing if she could guess what he had been watching. Harrison also went on a nature walk and wrote  about what he had seen using commas in a list.

                                  Harrison explored number bonds to and within 20 using dominoes!

Harley, from Class 3

Harley has  been practising using capital letters and question marks by writing questions for his family and friends. Harley chose to measure practically when baking a crumble – it looks like he enjoyed it!

Harley loved the kitchen science investigation where he explored mixing bicarbonate of soda with  kitchen ingredients. Luckily he did this outside as there was quite an explosion. I was lucky enough to see the video.

Class 3, would also like to wish Harley a very happy birthday and we all hope he had a great day!



Elliott, from Class 3

Elliott has been making the most of the sunshine to start our new topic ‘How does your garden grow?’ by planting his own seeds, designing a  garden and writing  a list of what he would like in it. He has also been exploring and describing materials.

Class 3, would also like to wish Elliott a very happy birthday and we all hope he had a great day!


Home Learning Challenges from Year 2 – Weeks 1 & 2

Hi Class 6 and Class 5, Mrs Ruffell and Mrs Daniel would like to share some  home learning photographs with you. Please email Mrs Ruffell or Mrs Daniel with  any home learning challenges completed, so that we can share them on the school web site.

Take care – Mrs Ruffell & Mrs Daniel

Online safety at home – copy and paste the link in to your browser.

Fun ways to exercise and keep fit! – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.


Emily, from Class 6 has been learning about punctuation.

Thank you Emily for sharing this weeks learning. You have been learning all about commas and apostrophes and created a fact file about how to look after a dog. I really love all the images you have used. I was so glad to see that you were able able to access the R.E plans, well done. Keep a look out for next weeks home learning challenges.

Verity, from Class 5 has been counting bees.

Thank you for sharing your home learning from this week Verity. I loved reading all of your facts about dogs and bees. Well done!


Lola, from Class 6 has been researching and collecting data

Well done Lola on researching and writing so many interesting facts about Cocker Spaniels. They really are a lovely breed of dog.  I was also very interested in your data collection. Well done on creating a Tally chart and then transfering the information, which you recoded, in to a Bar graph. Great home learning!



Alfie, from Class 5 has been researching facts.

Alfie has written a couple of fact sheets all about bumblebees and rats, you can read all about their very interesting toilet habits!




Oliver, from Class 5 has designed a poster.

Oliver has written a fantastic poster all about his dog Ted, he loves going to the beach.



Isaac from Class 5 has been writing poetry.

Wow! Isaac has written  a poem and designed a poster to try and gain his blue and green blue letter badges. Fantastic home learning Isaac, your poem is brilliant. Well done!



Faith, from Class 5 has been very creative.

Thank you so much Faith for sharing your great artistic and cheerful artwork with us. Well done!

Anya, from Class 6 has been using her mathematical skills, writing facts and learning about Easter.

Wow, well done Anya! I am glad to  see that you have been using your mathematical skills to solve several number problems and also sequencing numbers correctly. You have also drawn a lovely picture of bee and written some interesting facts. I also found it very  interesting reading all about guinea pigs, I never knew that they loved being cuddled and ate vegetables.




Anya, thank you for sharing the picture of your homemade flapjack, it looks delicious! Also what a great  bike ride you did this morning! Well done.


Bobby, from Class 6 has been learning all about bees.

Thank you Bobby for sharing all of your home learning about bees. I was so excited to see that you are already showing an interest in our summer topic.  I thought that your picture, of a cartoon bee, called Bob was fantastic and what a great name for a bee.  I also loved your bee finger puppet. Well done Bobby, great home learning.

Lily, from Class 6 has been writing stories and sentences.

Thank you so much Lily for sharing your learning with us. I can see that you have been busy learning your 2, 3, 5 and ten times tables and also writing stories and  silly sentences, which were all home learning tasks from week one . I was  also very impressed when I read your sentences  that contained the word of the week ‘Saunter’. Well done Lily! Great home learning.


Emily, from class 6 has been putting her mathematical skills to great use.

Wow! Emily, you have really been using your mathematical knowledge to solve so many number problems. You have been learning about direction, time, mass and comparing numbers. I really enjoyed reading your story and  I was so impressed with your handwriting. I also loved the picture of your penguin, which I will save and put on the classroom wall as soon as we return. Well done Emily, great home learning!



Verity, from Class 5 has been busy adapting stories.

Hello Verity!
It was lovely to read your super story today. I loved the way you story boarded it first, just as we do in school. The Princess and the Pea is one of my favourite traditional tales and I loved the way you made it your own by having dogs as the main characters! Do you remember when I read it in school?

Jowan, from Class 6 has been experimenting and keeping fit.

Thank you Jowan for sharing with us your photographs of you keeping fit and how you are  keeping your learning going by watching and then recording  a variety of scientific experiments. It was also lovely to see you sporting a brand new hair style, which looks great! Well done Jowan.



Ava, from Class 6 has been learning all about bees.

Ava has made a great start on the summer home learning challenges. She has been very busy researching for information about bees and recorded some interesting facts. She has also written a detailed story that was inspired by a picture and created her very own weather chart to record the temperature. Ava also used her mathematical knowledge to measure out a selection of ingredients to make her very own pasty. Well done Ava, great home learning.




Tilly, from class 6 has been recording the weather.

Tilly has been very creative by making her own rain gauge out of an empty plastic bottle. Apart from decorating the bottle, she has also drawn a scale in ml to record the amount of rain that falls. Tilly will also be busy recording the daily temperatures and recording the weather conditions on her weather diary, that goes up until the end of April. I look forward to seeing the final amount of rain fall recorded. Well done Tilly, you have definitely shown an interest in recording the weather!


Oliver, from Class 5 has been busy writing stories.

Hello Oliver!                                                                                                                                                                                 I was so pleased to receive your home learning today and read your story all about the Billy Goats Gruff. I can see that you created a storyboard first and then used this plan to write the story out in the correct order. Well done and thank you so much for sharing it with us.


Harry, from Class 6 has green fingers!

Harry has been busy learning all about seeds and what they need to grow in to healthy plants. He has also been researching for interesting facts about  bees and created a poster all about honey. Well done Harry, great home learning. Remember to let us know how your chilli seed grows,  perhaps you could keep a diary of its growth and share with us again?


Wow! Thank you Harry for telling us what we would need if we were to have a snake as a pet.


Lola, from Class 6 has been very busy writing, calculating  and baking .

Thank you Lola for sharing your home learning photographs with us. You have produced a draft copy of your story, edited your spelling and grammar mistakes and then written the story out again in your very best hand writing. You have also shown that you have given the characters a lot of thought by  drawing them in such detail.  It was also lovely to see that you have been calculating a variety of number facts and problems and then using measure to bake some delicious buns.  I am also very excited to see that you have already started to learn all about bees. Well done Lola, I am very proud of your home learning achievements!




Hugo, from Class 6 gets very creative.

Hugo has sent me some pictures, of his home learning challenges, that he would like to share. Not only has Hugo been busy practicing his letter formation and reading skills, he has also enjoyed creating and  completing many D&T activities and by reading and following instructions, made a delicious chocolate cake, which he knows is one of my favourite treats! I just wish I could have tried  a slice. Well done Hugo! I am very proud of your learning achievements.




Violet, from Class 5 has been planning and writing.

Violet has been very busy planning and writing stories of her own. In her writing she has ensured that she has used her best handwriting and included well structured sentences. Well done Violet, some super home learning! keep it up.

Well done! Some super work about bees Violet. Keep it going.



Poppy, from class 6 has been busy Home Learning.

Poppy has been very busy learning her two and tens times tables and then,  after comparing measures, made some very tasty buns. she also created a storyboard for her own story, ‘The Three Fairies’, which she then wrote out in her best handwriting. Well done Poppy! Great home learning.


Well done Poppy, you have researched and written out some great bee facts. Great home learning again!