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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Freya ready to blast off!

Year 5 are currently preparing to make rockets in class, but one pupil has already got experience in this,creating a fantastic child-sized rocket, made by herself, her dad and her grandad!

I really enjoyed making it, though I wasn’t pleased that ‘We love MCFC’ was written on the side. – Freya

Let’s hope the other rockets can turn out just as well. Watch this space!


The Sinking of the Titanic


During this terms History lessons, Class 6 have been busy learning all about the sinking of the Titanic. Whilst learning about this famous ship, the children  have  also been able to incorporate  DT into their learning  by creating their own moving picture that displays the Titanic colliding  with the iceberg. Some  children also decided to continue their learning at home by creating models, or paintings of the ship,  to share at their weekly assembly.

Children from Class 6 enjoyed sharing their homework during their weekly assembly.


Have you seen an Egg Box Dragon?

During this terms English lessons,  Class 6 have been reading the story ‘The Adventures of the Egg Box Dragon’ by Richard Adams. Whilst listening to extracts from the story, the children have had the opportunity to read aloud,  visualise or picture a place from the story, plan procedural writing, perform a kenning poem about dragons and write a letter to the Egg Box Dragon asking for help. The children have also been able to incorporate this story into their DT lessons, by planning and creating an Egg Box dragon of their own.

Penpol School make their own 3D Winter Ornaments on our 3D Printer!

This year, for the for the third time, we gave every child in Key Stage 2 the opportunity to design and refine their own 3D models on the computer, which we then printed out using our state-of-the-art Makerbot 3D printer.

This year the children had greater design freedom than ever before thanks to the fantastic new ‘Scribble’ tool on Tinkercad which lets the children draw their very own designs on screen, alongside their library of 3D shapes which the pupils have used previously.  This tool was hugely popular and has resulted in us creating some really personal and unique decorations.

We’ve made a short video below to show the process of making our decorations, followed by a very large gallery underneath of every single decoration we printed this year!

This year we printed two hundred and twenty different decorations, which took a very very long time!  You can see all of these decorations in the gallery below – see if you can spot yours…

This year there have been so many lovely designs and each one is completely unique.  They’re all brilliant, but are there any that you particularly like?

Gallery of Decorations

(click a decoration to view it bigger)

Exploring 3D designs for this year’s Winter Ornaments

This half term we’re starting a big 3D printing project in Computing.  Each class has been learning all about 3D design and how to create different models and designs using the 3D design software Tinkercad.

Each class have gone through some quick-fire challenges with limited time and blocks to push their creativity and design skills to the limits.  We’ve seen some giraffes made of just two shapes, rockets made of 6 and even models of St Michael’s Mount made using just 4 basic shapes.

The children have really embraced the creative side of Computing with this project so far and are now starting to develop their own ideas for their 3D printer Winter Ornament.

Over the next couple of weeks each child in Key Stage 2 will design four different ornaments, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each, pick their favourite and then make refinements to their favourite design.  When they’re happy with their finished product, Mr Woolcock and Paul will make sure that all of the designs get printed before the end of term.

Henry has created a very festive talking hat
Jazmin has designed a lovely black cat in a hat
Jade has recreated her favourite teddy bear
Summer has made a very eye-catching winter decoration

Class 4 Get Cooking!


Class 4 love Autumn. We celebrated Harvest time this week and were lucky enough to receive our own Harvest gift from Mrs Smart… lots of delicious cooking apples from her tree, so we decided to get cooking. After a class discussion, we decided on apple crumble – yum!

The children had great fun working together, weighing out the ingredients for the crumble mixture and chopping up the apples. Here is how you do it…

Step 1 – Weigh out 400g of plain flour.

First of all you have to put 5 big spoonfuls of flour in the bowl.  (Rosie)

Me, Suki and Ava were taking turns getting the sugar. You have to weigh how many pounds it is and then put it in the bowl. (Emily)

I was cutting the butter with Reggie. We put it in the measuring box, then put it in the bowl. My favourite bit was squishing the butter. (Kensa)


I was putting my hands in the flour and squish it up. It was exciting and fun.  That was my favourite bit! (Lily)


After mixing the dry ingredients and rubbing in the butter to make the crumble mixture, the children had to cut slices of apple and put them in the baking dish.

I was chopping the apples with Scarlett. We put flour in on top of the apples. (Erin)

Once the apples are chopped and placed in the baking dish, sprinkle the crumble mixture on generously, covering all of the apples. Place in the oven to cook for about 45 minutes or until the apple slices are cooked through. Leave to cool and … Ta-Dah, delicious apple crumble! Well done Class 4, great team work!





Class 4 recreate the Great Fire of London

Class 4 have been learning all about the Great Fire of London this term.  To mark the end of their exciting project, the class gathered outside with their handmade London houses to understand just how quickly the fire spread through the city.

Alan started a small fire at one end of the row of houses and before long it had spread to the next house, then the next and then before long the whole of London was on fire!

Check out the video of what happened here:


Please remember that fire is incredibly dangerous and you should NEVER play with fire yourself.

From the Computer Screen to the Real World

Over the past few weeks Taran has been helping run Computing Club along with some friends on a Thursday lunchtime.  Whilst there he’s been using his extra computing time to design and create a plastic storage unit for his tent on a program called Tinkercad.

When I first opened my tent I saw a very handy hook right in the centre.  I thought “that could have a hanging basket on it” but instead of designing one hanging basket I designed four and had them 3D printed out in the same colour they were on the computer.  I’m going to use my invention for general storage in my tent and I think it will be very useful. – Taran, Y6

He has measured, designed and refined his digital model to the point where he was ready to get it 3D printed.  It took nearly 14 hours to print all four parts of the model, but now it’s finished he’s delighted with the result.  He now has his very own, unique, storage solution for his tent.  Well done Taran, an amazing project.

Computing Speed Challenge: Musical Robots!

This week Class 8 had an unexpected Computing Speed Challenge with the Lego WeDo 2.0 robots.  Their task was to design, build and then code a moving robot which makes noises using just the Lego bricks.  No sound effects allowed!

To make this even harder, the children only had 45 minutes from start to finish, including tidying up time.  The race was on and the children were eager to make the noisiest robot they could.

Here we have Oskar and Henry showing off their robot:


And here are Finley and Lucy with their design:


Finally, here is the robot that Brodie and Patrick built:

Year 6 create books for World Book Day



World Book Day may have been disrupted by the snow a few weeks ago, but that has not stopped Penpol celebrating the event, just a little later than expected.

The Year 6 children have been creating their own books to take down to the Year 1 classes to read to them. They have reworked some traditional tales, created their own illustrations to support their writing, as well as front covers to make their books look attractive. Well done Year 6!

I really enjoyed creating pictures to support our writing – Sammy