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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Extreme Reading Challenge

What a fantastic start to our Extreme Reading Challenge! You have certainly been very busy over the holidays. It is fantastic to see you all enjoying reading and coming up with creative ideas, from reading upside down to reading on top of roof tops. I cannot wait to see what you come up with next. 

Keep the pictures coming in! Don’t forget to email them to


Mrs Riches

Fantastic Feadon Farm

Class 1 and 2 have had another amazing trip to Feadon Farm. We learnt all about our British wildlife through the Gruffalo story and got the opportunity to meet the animals in the story and many more that we are likely to meet in our countryside.

I liked the fox kissing me on the nose best. We learned they won’t bite us and we can’t touch one in the wild – Faith Class 1

After reading the Gruffalo story we met the friendly foxes Todd, Meadow, Copper and a new friendly fox cub. The children learnt some interesting fox facts, fed them some treats, were able to stroke them and some lucky children even had a kiss on the nose from Todd.

I liked the fox kissing me. He felt nice when I stroked him – Anya Class 2

I liked holding the owl best, we saw it fly – Derora Class 1

Next we met the beautiful barn owl. The children took it in turns to hold him then watched him fly silently through the air over their heads. Chunk, the eagle owl also came out to say hello.

Next we met the corn snake and learnt about how we have 3 different types of snake in the UK all with their own way of killing and eating their prey. The brave children took it in turns to hold or stroke the snake. He loved to slither around the children’s necks or under their arms where it was nice and warm.

I loved holding the snake. He wasn’t too big. I was scared, but now I’m not! – Poppy Class 2

We learnt about the reindeer next. The children learnt that they can withstand temperatures of minus 50 because their have a kind of antifreeze in their legs. We heard the click of the reindeers feet as they walked which helps them to identify other reindeer from predators in places with low visibility and we learnt that they shed and re grow their antlers once a year.

We also got the opportunity feed some chickens and goats. We learnt that goats have such big tummies because they eat lots of grass. The grass goes into the first chamber of the stomach to ferment then the goat will bring back up the grass and chew again into smaller pieces which will then back down to be digested in their 4 stomachs.

I liked feeding the goats because I love goats. It tickled my hand when they ate the food – Hunter Class 2

My favourite bit was when we feed the chickens, the white part of the egg turns into a chicken – Bella Class 1

We also got to see some squirrels, hawks, adders, stoats, mice, ferrets, weasels and hedgehogs. We learnt all about how the hedgehogs have reduced in numbers in the last 20 years from 36 million to 1 million. We learnt how to make our gardens more hedgehog friendly by making sure they have access, leaving a parts of the garden slightly wild, leaving food and water for them and making hedgehog homes for them.

The children were really excited to finally meet the Gruffalo, he was shy and hid in the woods. We did manage to get a friendly wave from him as he was more scared of us than we were of him.

We found the Gruffalo in the woods, he was shy, he thought we were the little mice – Finley Class 1

Feadon farm is hands on, fun, fascinating and an unforgettable experience for the children. The wildlife experts, Gary and Kirsty were incredible. Their enthusiasm and knowledge made the whole experience so interesting which is why its one of the best educational and fun school trips we go to year after year.

Surfs up in Class 1

What an amazing day. The children were in their element on their fun filled, action packed day of excitement, thrills and frolics on the beach.

Ben and Kate Holtaway had planned a full day of surf lifesaving activities and games for the children to enjoy. They were both fantastic with the children and the day ran effortlessly from one fun activity to the next.

The morning started in the surf life saving club where we learnt about beach safety, the equipment used by the life guards, the role of the life guards and where is safe to swim on the beach. The children had fun dressing up as naughty tourists and life guards and role played swimming in the wrong area of the beach and saving each other.


Next it was down to the life guard hut to meet the very funny lifeguards. They told us all about what they have to do each day and answered all our questions about their fun and exciting job. We learnt that they had even rescued 3 boats that morning. We also had a go on their rescue surf board.

After the life guard hut it was a picnic on the beach. The moment we sat down to eat our lunch the skies cleared and it was beautiful sunshine.

We needed to wave from the sea then the other children come and save you. If you go too deep the lifeguards will help – Lana

After lunch it was surfs up. The children were amazing on the surf boards and loved catching a few waves.

I liked surfing, you lie on a surfboard, you wait for a wave then it makes you surf – Sienna

After the surf it got competitive on the beach with a few team games and the exciting game of flags.

Next we found a message in a bottle from Captain  Smellybeard with a treasure map inside. It led the children to a pirates cave, where we found some hidden delicious treasure, the best kind of treasure.

I liked finding the treasure best. We had sweeties – Enya

The day was a massive success. A massive thank you to the superhero life guards and the brilliant Ben and Kate Holtaway.

It was good fun, I love Mummy and Daddy – Martha

Fabulous Firemen visit Class 1 and 2

Hayle and Tolvaddon firemen kindly brought the fire engine to school to show the children the types of things they do to help people.

I liked it when i went in the fire truck. I saw the walkie talkies and torches – Erin Class 2

We learnt all about the different equipment on the firetruck. We had a look at the different sized hose reels and jets and learnt when they are used. We saw the 3 ladders carried on the roof and learnt when the firemen would use them. We saw the massive cutters and spreaders to cut cars open. We saw the winches that attach to the fireman if they have to be lowered down into a hole or over a cliff to rescue someone or an animal. We had a look inside the fire engine at the breathing apparatus, torches and walkie talkies.

Inside the classroom, we were lucky enough to learn all about fire safety in the home. We learnt how to stop drop and roll, all about smoke detectors in the home and we even got to dress up in the firefighters kit.

The highlight for most of the children had to be listening to the sirens and squirting the water.

My Daddy put me in the fire engine. I learnt about the hoses and how to stop, drop and roll when you’ve got your clothes on fire. My favourite bit was seeing Daddy – Skye Class 2

I liked the water and the fire engine – Nicolas Class 1

I liked squirting the water and I liked to see the fire engine. I love Daddy – Evie Class 1

Sports Day Fun in Reception

Class 1 and 2 sports day is an annual event which is held in June each year.  All of the children in the Reception classes loved encouraging each other during their races and both parents and guests were invited to come and support.  The atmosphere was great with all of the participants having a wonderful time taking part in the races. The encouragement and support from the parents was amazing as we had parents, Grandparents, brothers, sisters and friends shouting encouragement from the side lines.

The children engaged in the spirit of the day to join in with the old favourites like the egg and spoon race and the sack race. The team games consisted of the bean bag game, the dressing up and the kings breakfast.

I liked the dressing up race best because that was very funny because Finley had some dress on him and it was so funny and there was something funny about it – Hana Class 1

I liked the running race because I love running – Lucas Class 2

The toddlers race was a bit of fun and the children in Class 1 looked after their brothers and sisters and ensured they passed the finishing line together.

The running races proved to be a favourite with the children and crowd. It started with the boys race, followed by the girls race. Finally came the mixed girls and boys race which provided great excitement for the crowd.

I liked the sack race best because you got to go into sacks – Rosie Class 2

The sports day was a great success. The children showed a great team spirit towards each other and cheered along with the crowd to support their friends.

I liked the kings breakfast race. We put a circle on our heads that was a crown, we carried breakfast. It was fun – Emilija

A well deserved ice cream to finish.

Well Done Class 1 and 2.

Reception Visit The Seal Sanctuary

This week, the children in Classes 1 and 2 were very excited to visit the Seal Sanctuary in Gweek as part of our learning about ‘Under the Sea’. We travelled to Gweek on the school minibuses – our very first time on the minibuses at Penpol!

We visited all the different animals at the Sanctuary from seals to penguins to otters and sea lions as well. We learnt all about how the seal sanctuary has rescued 74 seals this year and how they don’t drink but get all the fluid they need from the fish. We also learnt that they can hold their breath underwater for 45 minutes at a time!

We loved visiting the Humbolt penguins and learnt they live in pairs and can live for up to 25 years! We liked seeing them swimming under the water.

We enjoyed having a picnic lunch and even had time to play on the pirate ship play area afterwards!

After lunch we walked down the nature trail to visit the otters at their home in Otter Creek. We loved looking out for all the animals on the nature trail and got to listen to lots of interesting facts about the animals on the way. We saw a bug hotel and talked about the insects that might live there.

We all had a lovely day at the Sanctuary and are eagerly looking forward to our next school trip!

Reception Show they have the ‘F(rançais)’ Factor

This term, Reception have been learning about food and drink in preparation for their French café lesson this week.

The children were brilliant at recalling different foods in French, saying which colour they were in French and also singing a song about food.  They also acted out the classic ‘le Bonhomme de Pain d’Épice'(The Gingerbread Man), with both classes joining in with the rhyme:

Cours,cours aussi vite que tu le peux. (Run, run, as fast fast as you can.)

Tu ne m’attrapas pas! (You can’t catch me!)

Je suis le bonhomme de pain d’épice. (I’m the Gingerbread Man.)

Classes 1 and 2 watched also got a taste of this week’s French café lesson.  They watched a short video of Classes 9 + 10 ordering food and drink in French and enjoyed the song so much they wanted to sing along.

Check out their efforts in singing the French song below…

Around the World in 80 Grooves

Classes 1 and 2 have danced themselves around the world with some amazing dances from India, Mexico, Russia, Hawaii, England and Ireland.

The dance show started with a song to welcome parents in different languages then started with Class1’s graceful Bollywood dance.

I liked the Bollywood dance best. It’s from India. You say hello by saying Nemaste. I liked the changing the lightbulbs bit – Enya

Next we went to Hawaii with Class 2.

I liked doing the Hawaii dance. I liked the beginning where we put our arms in the air. I loved wearing the grass skirts – Poppy

The fabulous dancers hulaed beautifully and some brave dancers came to the front and danced in a duo for the parents.

Class 1 then lept their way to visit Russia and do a sensational Cossack Dance.

I liked the Russian dance best because I liked going into the middle and doing my dance – Layla

The strong and athletic cossacks remembered all the dance moves amazingly well and really enjoyed shouting hey when they leapt into the air.

I liked the jumping bit and twirling bit with your partner. Dobrey dyen is hello- Isaac

Next Class 2 jetted of to Mexico.

With their own class made shakers, they shimmied and shook all the way around the hall to La Bamba.

I liked doing the Mexican dancing. I liked shaking my shaker – Scarlett-Jada

After Mexico, Class 1 came back home to do some English folk dancing in the form of an amazing morris dance.

I liked the Morris dance because it was really good. I like dancing in a circle and waving the hankies – Ruby

The girls skipped happily around waving their hankies in time to the music and the boys marched merrily shaking their bells.

I liked shaking the bells best. I liked dancing in a circle around Will my partner – Mason

Finally, to finish off the show, Class 2 stayed fairly close to home and did some brilliant Irish dancing with great stamps and cuts throughout.

I loved skipping forwards and back. I did a solo with Kieran and did some cuts – Tilly

The children have loved learning about different cultures and have throughly enjoyed learning some new dances. They shone in their performances and remembered all the dance moves like professionals.


We love Maths In Class 1

In class 1 we really love our Maths. Everyday we enjoy practising our counting with our monster numbers. We try to really understand what numbers are and have a go at representing them in different ways.

A sixteen is a ten and a six, a seventeen is a ten and a seven, an eighteen is a ten and an eight – Layla

Whether we are learning addition, subtraction, sharing, doubling, shapes, measuring, time or money etc we see it as a fun and fabulous challenge that that we can all succeed in.

It’s 3 O’Clock – Isaac

In Class 1 we recognise the importance of reasoning in maths and that it helps children to be able to explain their thinking, therefore making it easier for them to understand what is happening in the maths they are doing. It helps them to think about how to solve a problem, explain how they solved it and to think about what they could do differently.

I like adding numbers. I also like measuring in centimetres and meters – Derora

We use a mixture of board games, cards, shapes, bubbles, building materials, junk modelling, slime and gloop, swamp monsters, teddies, competitions, skittles, numicon, role play, computers, stop watches and measuring tapes to name a fraction of the ways we teach numbers and shape to the children.

I like doing 3 minute Maths because its easy. I do it with my brother. It’s his sheet. I do 3 + 3= 6, or 8+8=16, or 10 + 10= 20, or 100+100=200. I know half of 6 is 3, half of 10 is 5, half of 8 is 4 each. I play snakes and ladders and Daddy tried to catch me up but I winned – Joseph

I have made a hexagon prism out of the magnets. I know its a hexagon because it has 6 sides – Evan

We also recognise the importance of teaching problem solving. It allows children to use their maths skills in lots of contexts and in situations that are new to them. It allows them to seek solutions, spot patterns and think about the best way to do things rather than just following maths procedures.

I like adding and learning numbers. I like learning my bunny ears numbers. I know that double 2 is 4, double 3 is 6 and double 4 is 8 – Derora

In class 1 we explain the purpose of what they’re learning to constantly show them how math is useful in real life. We get involved in activities like cooking and baking, telling time, checking temperature and using money in role play situations.


I love Maths because I always count. I like them because I am learning them. We need to learn everything about them so our Mummy’s will be very very proud – Hana

Penpol Languages Survey- We Value Your Feedback

With the final term at Penpol School almost upon us, it’s the perfect time to reflect and evaluate on the year so far.

All students here at Penpol have one hour a week of French, as well as the opportunity of attending after school language club on Thursdays. Year 6 are currently involved in an email exchange with Octave Cazauvieilh, a primary school situated on the outskirts of Bordeaux in the South-West of France. We also celebrate students achievement in languages by awarding a Star of the Week badge in both Infants and Juniors.

As a way of evaluating languages at Penpol, please would you be so helpful and spare a moment to complete this short questionnaire below.

Click Here

Your opinion is very valuable and you can be assured that your completed questionnaire will be totally anonymous.

Many thanks,

Mr Emery (Penpol Languages Co-ordinator)