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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Year 5 Space Spectacul-‘AR’

This half term our year 5 pupils have been learning about Space and the Solar System.  As part of this exciting topic, the children have been using their knowledge of our Solar System to create some video documentaries on the iPads.

However, obviously getting video footage of the actual planets is quite tricky.  So instead the children have carefully re-created each planet using their own artwork and Augmented Reality.

They’ve then put these AR planets together in the video app Clips and added their own voiceovers, titles and special effects.

The children have worked phenomenally hard on this project and the videos below are testament to this.  Please do jump right in and watch a few to get a flavour of our out-of-this-world Space Documentaries!

Class 12 Space Documentaries

Class 11 Space Documentaries

South West Water visit Year 2

As part of their new topic, ‘Make the Change’, Class 5 and 6 had a visit from South West Water to learn about how water is filtered prior to use within the home.

All of the children had the opportunity to carry out an experiment, which enabled them to identify all of the stages that dirty water needs to go through to make it safe for them to drink. They also became aware of the importance of ensuring that only toilet tissue is flushed down the toilet and not to waste water, whilst cleaning their teeth or taking a shower.

Year 4 Robotic Music

This term, Year Four have been learning to combine sounds and rhythms in our music lessons. After composing a range of different rhythms, we used GarageBand to record the rhythms which were played using a variety of everyday objects around the classroom. Using some studio effects and post production techniques, we edited the rhythm sounds and added melodic instruments. After we had recorded a short snippet, we then used a loop tool to repeat the rhythms.



Year 5’s friendship with French school grows

Each half-term, students from Classes 11 and 12 have written a letter or email to a penpal in France.  The aim of the French penpal exchange, which has been running successfully for over two years, was for our students at Penpol to better understand the similarities, as well as differences, between school life in France and at Penpol.  This opportunity also offers a platform for our students to use their French for a real purpose, being able to ask their French counterparts any questions they may have about life in France.

As Year 5 have recently been studying reflexive verbs to say what they do on a daily basis, the first series of questions sent to France were based on what time their French penpal got up, started school, finished school and how much homework they received.  The responses from the French students provided plenty of discussion.  Did you know that French students start school at 8.30am and don’t finish school until 4.30pm?  However, though the school day is longer on most days, children in France only have a half day on Wednesday, followed by the afternoon off school to take part in extra-curricular activities.

As well as sending emails, which is first drafted in their books, then sent on to France, the children have also received and sent festive cards.


It’s great writing to someone from another country.  It’s a fun way to practise French!  Isabella, Class 11

Next up, Year 5 will be creating a guess who game centred on the topic of hobbies.  Watch this space for more news about Penpol’s thriving Cornish- French email exchange!


Year 4 build LEGO robots to help save a stranded astronaut!

In a very dramatic turn of events, Year 4 pupils arrived into the Mac Suite this morning to discover that a situation had arisen overnight.  An intrepid LEGO astronaut had got himself into a spot of bother on the surface of the moon.

He’d unpacked his suitcase and was enjoying a warm drink in the Moon Base when he realised he’d left his Moon Rover back on Earth. Oh dear!  

To make matters even worse, ahead in the distance he could see two massive pieces of Moon Treasure that were too far away to reach on foot.

Thankfully, Classes 9 and 10 were on hand to help.  When faced with a challenge, these classes can always built a robot to help out!  So over the morning, both classes built, tested, refined and polished their Moon Rovers to help Astronaut Alan reach the treasure.  We had a variety of designs, a huge array of different programming styles and a lot of trips back and forth testing their creations.

But at the end of the morning, I’m delighted to say that Astronaut Alan reached the Moon Treasure and safely returned to his base – safe in the knowledge that the treasure was actually just two foam cubes with patterns on.

Mission complete!

Year 3 Create their own Winter Ornaments

This term children in Year 3 have been learning how to use the 3D design program Tinkercad.

They’ve learnt how to rotate, resize and combine objects into creative and imaginative shapes.

As well as this they’ve completed a series of mini-challenges to really test their digital building skills by creating 3D models of various objects using a very limited number of building blocks.

After these challenges the children set about creating their own design for a 3D Winter Ornament.  They were allowed to use two colours and used examples from last year as inspiration.

Everyone got the chance to create several different designs before choosing their favourite one to be printed.

Check out all of the amazing designs below, aren’t they great?

Don’t worry if that’s a little too fast for you – here’s a gallery with all of the decorations in.  Click on a picture to view it bigger.

Roman Week

Raucous Romans

Year Four Enjoy Romans

During December, year four children at Penpol school had a Roman Themed week. They did lots of activies like making and designing a Roman shield and film making.

On Monday The children made and designed a Romanshield out of cardboard Lula age8 said “It was very fun and interesting.” On Tuesday they made flat bread with honey and Sesame seeds.

On Wednesday, A Roman legionnaire came in hetold the children how to play Roman games like the Hadrian‘s wall card game and a Roman top trump game. Connor, age 9 said “It was scary and fun”.

On Thursday They had a dress up day they dressed up like Romans are using the shield to makea shield wall on Friday they madeMosaic me some coloured paper based on a template Ellie age 8 said.”It was great,”

It looked like year four had an amazing week, lucky them.

 Written by BeBe  (Class 9)


Year Four enjoy a Roman themed week

During the first week of December, year four pupils from Penpol School inHayle, had an amazing Roman themed week. The week was filled with lots of Roman activities from Roman shield making to filmmaking. The week finished with a dress up day and mosaic making.

On Monday, the children made fantastic Roman shields.First the children got two massive bits of cardboard then stuck them together and painted them.Then the children put  pieces of coloured paper into shapes and stuck them on.Bebe aged 8 class 9 thought making Roman shields was amazing .

On Tuesday ,the children tased Roman food.The children tased garum, vinegar ,honey and grape squashed wine. It sounds sickly.

On Wednesday, a Roman legionnaire came in to teach the children about life in Britain and Hadrian’s wall and what happened.

On Thursday, the children dressed up as Romans.the children made a Roman timeline animation. Lula aged 8 thought it was very entertaining.

On Friday, the children made Roman mosaics. They designed the mosaics, then got strips of paper and cut them in little squares to make an object out of the little squares.

The children made Roman shields, tasting Roman food, meeting a Roman legionnaire ,dressing up ,making an animation and a mosaic. The best one was making the animation. What an amazing topic! It sounds like year 4 are going to have many exciting topics to come in the future.

Written by Connor (Class 9)

Year 6 Travel back in time for evacuation

Nearly eighty years after thousands of children and young vulnerable adults were evacuated from cities across the country during WW2, our Year 6 children had a go themselves. To celebrate the end of our ‘Wartime Britain’ topic the children (and adults) dressed themselves in period clothing and lived the life of an evacuee for the day.

After being collected from the gate by a member of the British Army General, a U.S. Naval officer and our very own Land Girls they waved a teary goodbye to their parents before being subjected to a roll call and squeezing into a cramped school hall; much like the evacuees of 1939 would have been when they departed the trains.

The children spend the day, writing postcards to their loved ones at home, building model spitfires, making and baking bread and butter pudding using a rationed recipe and completing for the hotly sought after marble championship trophy. A highlight for most of the children were the repeated staged blackout; where the children had to make out the lights and close the blinds before diving for cover under desks when the air raid siren went off. Luckily, all were false alarms and we didn’t have any casualties. At the end of the day we were joined by some parents who came to collect their children from the brief evacuation before spending some time enjoying their children’s learning with them; as well as their bread and butter pudding and well rehearsed air raid drills.


Bringing a little digital snow to Penpol

This week we’ve been having some Festive Fun with the iPads and our Computing lessons by spending time learning how to use the Green Screen tool in iMovie.

The children have learnt how to use this great effect to create their own Snowglobe videos using this technique.  

You can learn how to do this (and perhaps even create your own Snowglobe video as well!) by following the instructions in the video Mr Woolcock has made.

Play Video

Class 13 Snowglobe Video


Class 10 Snowglobe Video
