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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Yr 5 have an awesome time at Porthpean

The eagerly anticipated Y5 Penpol Camp took place last week at Porthpean and what an enjoyable trip it was!

On the first day, the children (and the teachers) took part in climbing and archery before a feast of a tea – a delightful roast dinner. After a contented sleep, drifting off to the sounds of three tractors working away in the field next to us, we woke, had a full English and got on with the day.

Day 2 consisted of cycling, problem solving and a rather exhilarating high-ropes course. It was great to see children and adults push their comfort boundaries with this. In the evening, Penpol, led by dance expert Rocky, busted some moves on the dance floor at the disco before a peaceful sleep ensued.

After packing in the morning of the last day and another fine full english, it was down to the beach to take part in some paddle-boarding, kayaking or coasteering, complete with slate-made make-up!

It was a superb few days made all the better by the glorious weather and friendly experts who guided us through each activity. Thank you, Porthpean!

Class 8 have made an Elephant inspired by Art from India

Class 8 have been learning about India for the last couple of weeks, including looking at some of the beautiful vibrant artwork that has been inspired by Indian culture over the years.

Having considered lots of examples and discussed the colours and shapes that make them stand out, we set to work designing our own colour scheme and patterns in Keynote.

Everyone created their own motif based on this theme and then we put them all together in one document to create that beautiful elephant you can see above.  Finally we used some of the animation tools in Keynote to make each design rotate slowly, creating the mesmerising colourful effect for our whole-class artwork.

Well done Class 8, it looks great!

Year 6s bring their classrooms to life using Stop Motion

This week the Year 6’s have been exploring film making by looking at Stop Motion Animation.  Using the iPads and a huge amount of their own imagination, they have come up with some incredible short films which they have filmed and directed themselves.

This is a showreel of the films made by Class 13:


And here are the short films made by Class 14:


Penwith Schools Touch Rugby Tournament

On Thursday 25th April, Penpol School took two rugby teams to the Penwith Schools Touch Rugby Tournament at Hayle RFC. It was a fantastic tournament and both teams did themselves proud.

The two teams were split into two different pools where they played 3 matches. Depending on these results, all teams were then split down again into further competitions. Team B went into the Plate competition and Team A went into the Cup competition.


It was fast and furious with little time for breaks and matches came quickly one after the other. For some children, it was the first time playing in a rugby team and representing the school. Team B improved greatly over the competition and everybody in this team contributed fantastically.














Team A won all of their games until narrowly losing by one try in the semi-final. The team then played for third place which they won. Team A were presented with medals and have qualified for the Cornwall finals on Tuesday 21st May at Redruth RFC. We will be taking a larger squad of 12 for this tournament and hope to come back with further medals.


Thank you to all the parents and families for supporting us on the day. See you at the next one!

Penpol Pupils extend Be Internet Legends with their own ideas

This half term we’ve been revisiting our learning on E-Safety and reminding ourselves how to stay safe online using the five sections of the Google Be Internet Legends scheme.  We’ve dived into each of these five areas, had some fascinating and honest conversations and we’ve managed to ensure we all know how to stay safe when using the internet.

But towards the end of the sessions lots of children started asking about other elements of Online Safety – areas which perhaps weren’t covered in the Google program.  This got us thinking…

“What would we add to Be Internet Legends if we were Google?”

We explored this question and quickly realised that we could enhance the Be Internet Legends program by adding even more valuable and important information of our own.  Each child made a plan of what they’d like to include along with an idea for the Inter-Naughty (baddie!) who would play against the character of Legend in the game.

Using Keynote and the shapes tool, the pupils then created their own Inter-Naughty characters using triangles and clever colour shading to try to mimic the unique style of the other characters.

With an idea and a fabulous character in hand, the children then set about using a Keynote template to create their own poster, designed to fit into the current set of five made by Google.  They considered colours, key words, messages and style and ended up creating these absolutely stunning posters which wouldn’t look out of place next to the real things.

It’s been a really enjoyable project learning about being safe online this half term, made even more so by the children taking their imagination and creativity to new heights by making their own posters and lessons for others.  Many even designed the level of the Interland game along with sketches of the island itself.

It’s been great to see so many brilliant ideas and terrifying Inter-Naughty characters and these new posters will remain on display in the Mac Suite for the whole school to see.

Penpol Pupil auditions for the Royal Shakespeare Company

A couple of weeks ago one of our Year 6’s went up to London to audition for the lead role of ‘Dennis’ in the new stage adaptation of ‘The Boy in the Dress’.  The auditions were with the prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company, held at Toynbee Studios.

After a tense fifteen minute wait to be called in, Ethan performed his audition piece and he felt it went really well.

“When I sang ‘We Are The Champions’ and everyone clapped for me I felt really proud of myself because I’d practiced for so long on it and before going in I had so many nerves, so it really bought my mood up when I got to sing.”

Ethan thinks that about 8 other people were at the audition, but excitingly he was chosen for a call back!  

We’re all keeping our fingers crossed for you Ethan.

Waiting very patiently for his audition to begin

Class 6 brave the elements, whilst visiting St Michael’s Mount

Before being beaten by the weather, Class 6 had a great time exploring in the sand, rocks and sea.  The children were so excited to find a crab and with a little bit of help from Hazel, managed to find its way back to the sea.

The children enjoyed walking across the causeway and heading up the steep path towards the castle. After visiting the inside of the castle the weather  deteriorated  very quickly and sadly the children had to make a very quick return to the mini buses. All of the children from Class 6 demonstrated great stamina and perseverance against heavy rain, hail showers and a biting cold wind. As their Class Teacher, I am extremely proud of all  of them!






Super Surf Life Saving Results for 6 Star

Last weekend Emi, Class 13, travelled to Cardiff for the National Nipper Surf Life Saving Championships. Emi competes for Hayle Surf Life Saving Club, where she has been a member since the age of 8, alongside a number of other pupils at Penpol.

Emi competed in 6 events all within the Under 11 category achieving brilliant results and personal bests along the way. In her favourite event, the board race, Emi, smashed 4 seconds off her personal best finishing 10th place out 97 participants! Placing her in the top ten nationally for her age group; an amazing achievement.

Emi also competed in: the board relay where she secured a 7th place finish out of 50; the board rescue, 19th out of 50; tube rescue, 21st out 50; flipper, 32nd out of 50; medley relay, finishing 30th!

Really well done Emi, a fantastic achievement!

More information and full results from Hayle Surf Life Saving Club can be found at this linked page-


Class 4 enjoy World Book Day

It was World Book Day this month and Class 4 celebrated in style. All of the children enjoyed a fun filled day, reading books, listening to stories and drawing their favourite book characters. Their costumes were fantastic. Check out our fab photos…

Well done Class 4. You looked great!