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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Staff 4 – 3 Students

The much anticipated staff vs students football match did not disappoint. After a cagey first half, the game finished with a total of 7 goals, 8 less than last years affair. The staff were expecting a difficult challenge this year following the children successes over the season and they didn’t have to wait long for the inevitable. After a very slick move from Luca and Charley, Finn raced through to slot the ball calmly between the legs of debutant goal keeper, Mr Peck. Once Mr Peck had loosened his limbs and tied his laces, he was forced into action again, pulling off a fine save from Freddie. The staff struggled to make their possession count with Mr Pollard and skipper, Mr Wells (who was captaining the side for the first time) combined well but struggled to find a way past Jack and Dylan in defence. Then a fine ball from another debutant Mr Jones fell to the feet of Mrs Loughlin in the box, before she controlled it and fired it goalwards with just one swing of her left foot. A fine shot, matched and bettered by a diving save from Caden in goal for the children.

With the staff starting to settle into some kind of rhythm they were pegged back again as the students took another step towards victory when Charley calmly slotted away a penalty after he was upended by a robust challenge from the effervescent Mr Pollard. The staff needed to find a break through and after immense pressure from Mrs Smart and Mr Jones the ball fell to the feet of Mr Stanlake, who stepped infield and blasted a right footed rocket from distance into what the children will call ‘top bins’. This proved to be the spark to the games fire. It turned into a  fraught affair, with Mr Wise calling it a “ding-dong battle, I’d have been happy to pay to watch”.

The attacks came thick and fast from both sides but some resolute defending kept the score at 2-1 until a strong tackle from Miss ‘Nidiniho’ Nidds send Mr Chislett, another debutant, down the left wing, his clipped cross found the head of the 4th debutant named in the match day squad, Mr Emery who headed home into the students net to level the scores. As the half time whistle neared the staff had an opportunity to take a lead into the break but Mr Emery failed to add to his earlier goal after Mr Stanlake sent Ross for a hotdog down the left wing. Ross was making his second appearance for the students 4 years since his last alongside Jack J, both of whom had unsuccessful trials for the staff during their week on work experience.

The half time break brought the opportunity for tactics and oranges. A string of changes at half time for the staff disrupted the students passing style, but they persevered and trusted their ability to pass the ball out from the back, a tactic that has served them so well this season as they were crowned county champions. It was the introduction of Jack for the students that seemed to buoy them, on loan from Hayle Academy, he slid straight into an already strong and competent back 3. The students began to take confidence in the possession they were becoming too familiar with. Mr Stanlake then clipped the ball towards the back post where Mr Pollard was making his presence felt. The pressure he applied to the student defence forced Jack J into making an error which he always looked susceptible to make. His nervous header looped over Caden and settled into the students net. The staff took the lead for the first time in the match much to the disappointment of the student supporting crowd. Mr Pollard’s job outfield was done as he subbed for goal keeper Mr Peck. The moment had come for the introduction of the combative pair of Caroline and Lady Turner for the staff. The destructive style of this pair in defence was complimented by the guile and calmness of Mr Woolcock who controlled the ball at the back like a young Paulo Maldini. A strong tackle form Lady T led to the award of a freekick, the dissent that followed led to her name being the first to enter the book. She was soon joined by Mr Emery whose rash tackle gifted a very good opportunity for the student to level the scores. Unfortunately for them, their well worked move didn’t materialise with Freddie shooting high over the bar.

With only minutes left on the clock Freddie made amends, some brilliant midfield play from Alfie allowed Freddie to play the ball through the confused and tiring defence to Charley who slid the ball past the new ‘keeper Mr Pollard who was sluggish off the line. 3-3.

The game was nearing its climax and neither team looked happy with a draw. The students kept knocking on the door, with Alfie striking from distance and Finn squandering a good chance. Mr Chislett then had a chance to win the game but Alfie ensured that wasn’t the case with some very brave defending. The staff at this stage were struggling to string passes together, Mr Peck playing some good one twos, only to not receive the return pass. The students had the ability and the confidence to keep the ball on the floor and pass to each others feet, making football look as simple a game as it should. This wasn’t the case for the adults.  The distribution from Mr Pollard seemed to be the answer as the staff decided to cut out middle of the pitch and resort to long ball football.

This would be the key that unlocked the children’s defence and ensured the trophy stayed in the hands of the staff as a long throw from Mr Pollard was flicked on by a clever head of Mr Emery. The bounce of the ball beat Jack and Dylan and allowed Mr Stanlake to rush through and take the headlines. 4-3 to the staff. A real cracker of a game.

The students however can take a huge amount of pride from their performance. They continued to display a very positive attitude and pass the ball simply. Enjoying their football like they have all season long.

Ready, steady, cook………..

On Thursday 12th July, Karen and Louisa from Chartwells came to do a cookery workshop with the Y5.

First of all we got split into groups of two or three. Then we began to cut up some chicken. We put a kind of spice onto the chicken, mixed it up with a fork and put it to the side. Next we cut up onions and two kinds of peppers. We got our chicken back and took everything to the pans. We began to cook everything and it started smelling really, really nice. In about ten minutes it was ready to eat. It was really yummy!!! – By Autumn, Ellie and Ella.


Ready to prepare the food.                                                   Chopping the onions and peppers.


‘We made chicken fajitas, they were delicious. Every day of the week I have school dinners, they are ALWAYS yummy!’ – Freya B


‘We made fajitas and I cut the chicken, Piran chopped the vegetables and Kane cooked everything. The fajitas tasted super (but not as good as my mum’s)’ – Jamie T


Cooking with woks on the hobs.                                        Time to wrap then eat the chicken fajita.

‘I really enjoyed the cooking workshop, it was so fun making the wraps. My favourite part was when we were cooking it but Emi and I hoped Colbie wouldn’t overcook it!’ – Poppy HC

‘The cooking sessions went down really well and the children were very engaging. Each group of children were shown how to put on our protective cut gloves, they were given a selection of ingredients and then shown step by step how to cook a tasty dish of Chicken Fajitas. The children were shown the correct grip for holding a knife and had the opportunity to cut the meat and vegetables and then use our induction hobs and woks to cook the dish. The children also learnt the importance of food safety when working with raw chicken. The children were really surprised how tasty the dish was and how simple it was to make, with a lot of children eating the whole lot and wanting to cook it at home. There were a very high proportion of children that had never tried any of the ingredients before and they all did really well eating what they had cooked’ – Karen from Chartwells.

Wimbledon Fever at Penpol

Tennis fever has taken hold at Penpol School. Since Easter we have been running a KS2 tennis club which has been very well attended by children from year 4 to 6. The children  have learnt to play a series of shots and have progressed to combining them to play structured games against each other.

Alongside the club sessions, many of the classes including Years 1, 4, 5 and 6 have received specialist coaching from Sarah Arnold at Hayle Tennis Club, which they have certainly enjoyed.

It’s wonderful seeing so many children having a go, and enjoying tennis. The club are over the moon with the number of children engaging in clubs and lessons though the link with Penpol School- Mrs Sarah Hampshire, Hayle Tennis Club Chairperson

Below are timings of some sessions at Hayle Tennis Club that your child may be interested in, please click HERE for more information around pricing and club events or speak to Mr Stanlake or Mrs Hampshire.

Saturday mornings:

9-10am for  8 and under

10.15-11.15am for 9-10

11.30-12.30 -11+

Thursday Evenings:

3.30-4.30pm 8 and under

4.30-5.30pm for 9 and 10

5.30-6.30 for 11+



Lizard Claim KS2 Sports Day Title

After a hotly contested series of events it was the yellow ribbon on lizard that was dropped across the handles of the House Trophy award the the highest scoring team on sports day.

The day kicked off with Year 3 and 4 trying their hands at a mixture of events testing their team work, welly-wanging throw, space-hopper bounce, hula-hooping hop and many other skills, before the traditional running races. The day then paused for lunch before it was the turn of the year 5 and 6 children.

The best part of the day for me, is always seeing the children giving their all for their house either by participation or encouraging others. Every single point gained by an individual contributes massively to their teams total- Mr Stanlake

The trophy was presented to Meghan and Finn, who represented Lizard as their house captains by Mr Chislett.

I am so happy we have won but also very proud to be the captain of my house- Meghan, Class 13

Fantastic Feadon Farm

Class 1 and 2 have had another amazing trip to Feadon Farm. We learnt all about our British wildlife through the Gruffalo story and got the opportunity to meet the animals in the story and many more that we are likely to meet in our countryside.

I liked the fox kissing me on the nose best. We learned they won’t bite us and we can’t touch one in the wild – Faith Class 1

After reading the Gruffalo story we met the friendly foxes Todd, Meadow, Copper and a new friendly fox cub. The children learnt some interesting fox facts, fed them some treats, were able to stroke them and some lucky children even had a kiss on the nose from Todd.

I liked the fox kissing me. He felt nice when I stroked him – Anya Class 2

I liked holding the owl best, we saw it fly – Derora Class 1

Next we met the beautiful barn owl. The children took it in turns to hold him then watched him fly silently through the air over their heads. Chunk, the eagle owl also came out to say hello.

Next we met the corn snake and learnt about how we have 3 different types of snake in the UK all with their own way of killing and eating their prey. The brave children took it in turns to hold or stroke the snake. He loved to slither around the children’s necks or under their arms where it was nice and warm.

I loved holding the snake. He wasn’t too big. I was scared, but now I’m not! – Poppy Class 2

We learnt about the reindeer next. The children learnt that they can withstand temperatures of minus 50 because their have a kind of antifreeze in their legs. We heard the click of the reindeers feet as they walked which helps them to identify other reindeer from predators in places with low visibility and we learnt that they shed and re grow their antlers once a year.

We also got the opportunity feed some chickens and goats. We learnt that goats have such big tummies because they eat lots of grass. The grass goes into the first chamber of the stomach to ferment then the goat will bring back up the grass and chew again into smaller pieces which will then back down to be digested in their 4 stomachs.

I liked feeding the goats because I love goats. It tickled my hand when they ate the food – Hunter Class 2

My favourite bit was when we feed the chickens, the white part of the egg turns into a chicken – Bella Class 1

We also got to see some squirrels, hawks, adders, stoats, mice, ferrets, weasels and hedgehogs. We learnt all about how the hedgehogs have reduced in numbers in the last 20 years from 36 million to 1 million. We learnt how to make our gardens more hedgehog friendly by making sure they have access, leaving a parts of the garden slightly wild, leaving food and water for them and making hedgehog homes for them.

The children were really excited to finally meet the Gruffalo, he was shy and hid in the woods. We did manage to get a friendly wave from him as he was more scared of us than we were of him.

We found the Gruffalo in the woods, he was shy, he thought we were the little mice – Finley Class 1

Feadon farm is hands on, fun, fascinating and an unforgettable experience for the children. The wildlife experts, Gary and Kirsty were incredible. Their enthusiasm and knowledge made the whole experience so interesting which is why its one of the best educational and fun school trips we go to year after year.

Music in the Marquee 2018: The After-Movie!

For the last in our series of three posts about this years Music in the Marquee, I’m delighted to share with you our official video of the event!  You may have seen Miss Clarey with her camera out all evening, getting lots of videos of everything that goes on at Music in the Marquee.

She’s taken all those clips and has made this incredible video to show you what the night was all about.  If you were there then try to see if you can spot yourself!

As always, the whole purpose of the night is to try and raise as much money for the PFA as possible.  I’m delighted to say that this year, our concert has raised £3903!!!


This year was the fourth Music in the Marquee and featured Ben Thorpe and DJ Flo Selecta as well as our headline act, Bradley Johnson.  Bradley actually flew in from Corfu especially to play at Penpol and then flew back out to Greece the very next day!  We’re delighted that he came all this way to see us.

Check out the two posts below to see all the wonderful photos of the evening.

Music in the Marquee 2018: Photo Gallery

On Saturday night we hosted our fourth Music in the Marquee concert featuring DJ Flo Selecta, Ben Thorpe and of course, Bradley Johnson.  My friend Matt Bromage was here with his camera and has kindly shared these amazing photos with us. Don’t forget you can click on each

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Music in the Marquee 2018: Meeting Bradley

On Saturday night we welcomed back Bradley Johnson to Penpol School to play our annual Music in the Marquee fundraising concert. We also welcomed a very talented friend of Mr Woolcock, Matt Bromage, who was on hand with his camera to get some photos of the evening. Check

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Class 13 create their own E-Safety animation!

Over the last few weeks Class 13 have been building upon their knowledge learnt from their Online Safety lessons and have taken it upon themselves to share what they have learnt from the Be Internet Legends program with others.

In order to accomplish this they have worked in groups to create their own animation, based around the Be Internet Legends concept.  By writing their own dialogue and designing their own cartoon character, the children have created a short movie which you can enjoy below.  The animation itself has been created in a clever program called Adobe Character Animator, a piece of software which allowed the children to animate every aspect of their characters, from their eyes to their toes!

So, sit back, relax and enjoy Class 13 talking about how to become Internet Legends!


As well as this lovely animation, the other Year 5 and 6 classes are also working on their own short films so check back soon to see those as well.

In the meantime here are some more stories about the children enjoying the Internet Legends program.

Dr. Dolittle at the Minack Theatre

On Thursday 14th June, Y3 and Y5 went to the Minack Theatre in Porthcurno to watch ‘The adventures of Dr. Dolittle.’ It was performed by the Illyria Theatre company.

Dr Dolittle starts out as a human doctor but once he is then taught by his parrot Polynesia how to talk to animals, he becomes a very popular vet. He goes on an adventure to Africa with Jip the dog, Chee-Chee the monkey, Dab-Dab the Duck and Gub-Gub the pig. He always puts the animals first which frequently gets him into trouble but kindness gets you far and all ends very well.

We all had lunch together on the grass before making our way into the magnificent theatre carved into a cliff. The views were amazing of the performers and the scenery beyond that. It was a very hot day so we enjoyed our ice cream during the interval.


The show was full of catchy songs and amazing puppets. We all enjoyed our day greatly.

‘I liked the bit when the pig kept saying, “cake.” Visiting the Minack theatre was awesome. I am afraid of heights but Mrs Smart held my hand. I enjoyed it and hadn’t been there before.’ – Dominic


‘I enjoyed the play. It was sad and exciting at the end. He had to sell the ‘Push me – Pull you.’ – Isabella

I liked all the animals and how he went on an expedition to save them all. You could see the horizon from our seats.’ – Tess

‘It was great at the Minack, I loved the play and I loved the view!’ – Gabby

‘Dr. Dolittle was amazing. My favourite animal was the owl.’ – Miranda

Y5 Hit the Surf

Hit the surf – Recently, Y5 ‘Hit the Surf’ with the RNLI lifeguards at Hayle SLSC and on the beach. They spent the afternoon learning about key water safety messages, how to identify hazards in and around water and what to do if they find themselves in difficulty. Most importantly they got hands on in the surf.

After water safety tutorials and a game of beach flags, the Y5 split into two groups: The first group learnt board skills where they negotiated the surf and caught waves on foam ‘nipper boards. The second group learnt surf and rescue techniques, dolphin diving, tube rescues, floating and appropriate body surfing. The groups then swopped over.



‘I liked learning how to dolphin dive to save my friends. It was amazing! The lifeguards were so kind.’ – Autumn



‘I thought that Hit the Surf was really fun, especially the surf boarding.’- Morris



‘I found Hit the Surf really fun, especially the dolphin dives.’ – Issy



‘I loved Hit the Surf because we learned new techniques and I loved the rescuing.’ – Emilia


‘ I liked spending time with my friends in the sea and learning floating techniques.’ – Jacob

The children had a great time in the sun and surf and our thanks go to the RNLI for such a wonderful time whilst learning key water skills.

Music in the Marquee 2018: Photo Gallery

On Saturday night we hosted our fourth Music in the Marquee concert featuring DJ Flo Selecta, Ben Thorpe and of course, Bradley Johnson.  My friend Matt Bromage was here with his camera and has kindly shared these amazing photos with us.

Don’t forget you can click on each picture to see it bigger and check back on the Penpol Times tomorrow to see our official video of the evening, made by Miss Clarey!

DJ Flo Selecta

Music in the Marquee 2018: Meeting Bradley

On Saturday night we welcomed back Bradley Johnson to Penpol School to play our annual Music in the Marquee fundraising concert. We also welcomed a very talented friend of Mr Woolcock, Matt Bromage, who was on hand with his camera to get some photos of the evening. Check

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Music in the Marquee 2018: The After-Movie!

For the last in our series of three posts about this years Music in the Marquee, I’m delighted to share with you our official video of the event!  You may have seen Miss Clarey with her camera out all evening, getting lots of videos of everything that goes

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