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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

French Email Exchange Excites Year 6 Students!

Year 6 Students at Penpol have begun to take part in an email exchange with a French primary school during Mr Emery’s French lessons. The students have already sent and received two letters each to a French primary school located 60 km outside of Bordeaux in South-West France.

Year 6 students wrote a quick introduction about themselves in French before Christmas to the French school, Octave Cazauvieilh. They were able to talk about their hobbies, saying what they like and dislike doing on the weekend. Every Tuesday, Year 6 students would hopefully await word from Mr Emery to see if there had been a response from their French pen-pals. After a few weeks, Classes 13 and 14 received their first responses from their pen-pals, which of course was written in French!

In the Spring term, Year 6 then wrote a description about what they look like, with a picture they drew of themselves. They also included extra details about their interests they wanted their French pen-pal to know about. Finally, they created a postcard to show off to their pen-pal the local area, with Godrevy and its lighthouse featuring prominently on most of the postcards.

Their letters were posted by mail this time and the French school were delighted with the response that had been sent from their Penpol pen-pals.

Most recently, Penpol have just received a Guess Who game. The game included a class photo of all the students in the French year 5 class, as well as a description of each one. Using the French descriptions of each student, Penpol’s Year 6 classes rose to the challenge.


It was great to try and work out who your pen-pal was from their descriptions and photo.  Juliette- Class 14

Fun was had by all and great progress was made on the current topic, All About Me.

I learnt lots of extra new words to try and find out which pen-pal was mine from the picture.  It was lots of fun!  Ines- Class 13

Watch this space for the next flurry of emails between the French and Cornish school over the next couple of months.

Think you can spot Anaelle?  Read her description below and find her in the picture …

J’ai les cheveux blonds. J’ai un pantalon gris, un T-shirt blanc et des chaussures noires. Anaelle, CM1- Octave Cazauvieilh School



Around The World With Class 2

Since Christmas Class 2 have been learning about the different continents and countries all around the world.  The class have learnt about their own country, as well as others such as China, Mexico, Hawaii and the Arctic. The children have enjoyed looking at lots of photos and videos to see what different places look like and even have a travel agents in the classroom where they can pretend to book holidays!

The class also got the chance to use Google Earth in our IT lessons with Mr Woolcock to look at some different places and really enjoyed the randomise button which showed them lots of different places all over the world.

I liked looking at the places on the computer. I went to China. China is a big country – Hunter

The class have also been thinking about the different ways people travel around the world and some children have been busy making hot air balloons in the afternoons.

We have to put the paper and glue on first. We wait for it to dry and then paint it. I painted mine purple -Kensa

Here are some pictures of the finished balloons!

Class 2 have also been learning about the different animals that live in different countries and the children particularly enjoyed learning all about the animals that live in the Arctic and Antartica! Some have put their artistic skills to use by drawing some great pictures during free choice.

My picture has reindeer in it – Tilly

As a class, we have also been learning about different celebrations from around the world. Before half term, we celebrated Chinese new year in class and tried some different foods from China using chopsticks. We had great fun trying to use them!

The children have also been busy practising some dances from different countries and we are looking forward to showing off our moves to parents in a few weeks time!

Sphero Rolls into Penpol School

One of the reasons we visit the BETT Show in London each January is to try and find exciting and innovative ideas to bring back into the classroom at Penpol.  This year we’ve returned with a dozen brand new Sphero SPRK+ Robots for the children to get to grips with.

These small plastic robots are pretty clever, despite their simple appearance.  Each robot can move at up to two meters a second, controlled remotely via iPad and can run complex sequences of code written by the children.

To get to grips with these new resources the children in Key Stage 2 have been spending time learning how to connect to the devices, how to steer and drive them and of course, having a little bit of fun along the way.  It’s pretty exciting to have a Computing lesson without being sat in front of a computer!

“It’s a great thing to have races with, if you watch the video we did in the hall it was educational to learn how to code but also fun to race them.” – Phoenix, Class 13

“They’re very fun to play with and they’re great to have races with.” – Jake, Class 13

“I like the Spheros’ because they’re fun and great to learn with and I can’t wait to tell my mum that we had a really fun day in Computing with Mr Woolcock!” – Jowan, Class 13


I think it’s safe to say we’re looking forward to writing lots of interesting programs for the Sphero in the future.

“The Spheros’ are really fun and educational at the same time, I’d recommend them to anyone!” – Joe, Class 13


Investigating volume with Year 6

This week we have been investigating the volume of different cuboids, using blocks to help find ways to create a shape with the same volume as another.

The children found many ways to make a cuboid with an area of 36cm cubed, including Ben W’s findings that a cuboid measuring 0.75cm x 24cm x 2cm would match that criteria!

It was enjoyable to investigate in a fun and immersive way.

“I liked the challenge of investigating how to make different cuboids with the same volume using the blocks” – Joe

Penpol Become ‘Supermovers’

The BBC have recently launched a new scheme called ‘Supermovers’ which aims to increase the physical activity levels of children in schools with the help of children TV stars and Premier League football mascots. This is done through a series of videos based heavily around areas of  the curriculum and involve singing and dancing.

For example there are videos that support the teaching and learning of; times tables, word classes, measures, shape, fractions, punctuation marks and much much more. As a school we have been trialling the videos through KS1 and KS2 with great success. Not only have the videos proved to be a very good teaching resource but also allow the children to be active in the classroom.

Physical activity helps with academic achievement, behaviour, concentration and self-esteem. Research has proven that just five minutes of moderate exercise can significantly improve engagement in lessons – BBC Supermovers

Below are some of our Year 4 children taking part and enjoying learning about verbs and adverbs.

It helps us learn – Amber

It helps me improve my movements and its really fun! – Lewis

In Year 5, Class 11 have been perfecting their 6 times tables with the help of Manchester United’s very own Fred The Red.

I love doing these videos as they are really fun and have helped me with my 6 times table – Connah

Its great, they help with times tables but also with getting us moving in the classroom! – Melissa

The catchiness and simplicity of the songs allow the children to be fully engaged in their learning whilst developing not only their times table knowledge but also their physical literacy. But most importantly they are actively learning with a smile on their faces – Mr Stanlake

CLICK HERE to have a go at all of the amazing videos with your children at home.

After a very successful introduction we hope to continue using the ‘Supermover’ videos alongside our daily wake and shake and in class use of ‘Just Dance’ to engage the children physically as well as mentally to both improve their wellbeing and academic achievements.

Safer Internet Day 2018 at Penpol

Today, February 6th is Safer Internet Day.  It’s a day for everyone to reflect on the power of the internet, both for good and bad.  It’s a day to consider all the amazing things that are possible now which haven’t been in the past – such as talking to family across the world, playing games over the internet with your friends and even being able to watch what your favourite YouTube personalities are doing in their latest vlogs.

But it’s also a day to remember the dangers that the internet can pose.  It’s a day to consider how much information you share online, whether you know all of your virtual friends in real life and whether or not you spend a little bit too much time online.  Today is a day to seek reassurance by talking to adults about any worries you might have.

Today is a day to really think about how safe you are online.

After half term we’ll be starting a project all about staying safe online, but in the meantime I’ve found a couple of useful links which you might be interested in.  Remember, if you’re ever not sure about anything online you can ALWAYS come and speak to me.

– Mr Woolcock


The internet is an amazing place to be creative, chat with friends, and find interesting fun stuff.


Safer Internet Day is being celebrated around the world on Tuesday 6th February 2018. The theme is Create, connect and share respect: a better internet starts with you. Everyone has their p


All aboard The Titanic!

Year 2 having been learning all about the Titanic, investigating and researching the questions:

  • What happened?
  • Who did and didn’t survive?
  • Where were they going?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How could the disaster have been avoided?

They have really enjoyed compiling facts, colouring pictures, watching clips on the internet, discussing events, compiling a timeline of events and as you can see making some marvellous models at home!

It took me a couple of weeks to make and my dad helped me. The Grand staircase was very special but my favourite bit was when it sank! – Remy – Class 5

My mum helped me, it was tricky sticking the sticks in and I enjoyed painting on the lighted windows – Agnes – Class 5

My model moves. It crashes into the iceberg because I’ve used a magnet    Austin

Making Music With Recorders

The children in Year Two (Classes 5 and 6), have started learning to play the recorder in music lessons on Wednesday with Mr Jones. The recorders arrived last week to fabulously excited children in Year 2 who have been waiting eagerly. The recorder sessions are provided as part of our music curriculum, where the children will be experiencing what it is like to be an instrumentalist. They will be learning how to read music, practise at home and strive to make a ‘sweet’ sound from their instrument.

“I really enjoy recorders, I love the sound it makes” – Liliana

All of the children in class 5 and 6 have been loaned a recorder from school which they can take home to practise.

“I like to play as much as I can” – Jackson

Year 3: Ready To Rock

Children in Year Three (classes 7 and 8), have started a terms worth of sessions, learning how to play guitar. With guitars on loan from Cornwall Music Education Hub (CMEH),the children are able to take the instruments home to practise becoming ‘Guitar Legends’.

“It is great learning to play the guitar! I have been practising every day” –  Fynn

All of the sessions are provided as part of our music curriculum offer with the hope that some of the children will cary on playing  instruments after the lessons have stopped. Children in years 4-6 have also been given the opportunity to join Penpol School’s guitar club, which has seen an immense popularity and all of the 30 spaces filled within a couple of days.

I like to get up early in the morning and practise” – Alex

The children and I look forward to showing off their guitar skills to parents after Easter. 

Penpol visit the BETT Show 2018

Last week myself, Mr Doyle and Paul went on a trip up to London to visit the British Educational Training and Technology (BETT) Show.  Once again the show proved to be incredibly inspiring and our visit has seen us return back to Penpol with loads of exciting new ideas and projects for the term ahead.  To show you just how big and interesting the show is, I’ve made a short video of our trip!        – Mr Woolcock