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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Barbara Hepworth Inspiration

The reception classes were thrilled to be joined by Steph and Helen, two local artists from the Tate Gallery in St.Ives.

We learnt about who Barbara Hepworth was, what she created and the types of materials she used to create her masterpieces.

You can make sculptures out of glass, pottery, wood and metal – Ruby

We investigated some of the structures she created and even handled some of the tools she used from her art studio.

Next we explored some of the shapes that she made and had a go at creating our own sculptures using 2D and 3D shapes. We discussed the different properties the shapes had and tried to find some examples of shiny, smooth and rough shapes, some with holes and some with many sides.

We experimented with torches to create some shadows. We drew around the shadows to create some interesting art work.

I made sculptures like Baraba Hepworth. They showed us how to make towers out of triangles and squares – Felix

Finally we had a go at making our own Barbara Hepworth inspired models from clay. The children designed, moulded and shaped to make their lovely sculptures.

I made a sculpture. I made it look like a ring. I made a whole in it like Barbara Hepworth – Cameron

Class 1 and 2 would like to thank Steph and Helen for helping us to create our own masterpieces.


Penpol Compete at RNAS Culdrose in the FIRST LEGO League

Last week we took two teams to the Cornwall Finals of the FIRST LEGO League, held at RNAS Culdrose. We have our team of Year 5’s – the Electric LEGO Legends (who were competing for the first time) and our returning team of Year 6’s – the Penpol Pumpkins.

Because of some logistical issues with getting 19 children to Culdrose on the same day we ended up taking one team each day (with the kind help of Hayle Academy letting us share their minibus!).  The Electric LEGO Legends were up first, on Wednesday 8th March.  What they didn’t know was that this was the secondary school day and they were up against 12 other schools – mostly secondaries!

On the Thursday we then took our Year 6’s up to Culdrose where they took part in the competition against 24 other schools!

What follows below is a peek at each day, sharing news of each teams Innovation Project, Robot Games and lots of other fun things they explored on the day…


Part 1: Robot Games

The Robot games is a fun challenge where the children have to design, build and code their very own robot to complete different missions. There is a maximum of 410 points on offer this year and a score of anything over 200 is considered exceptionally good - especially for primary teams!

Electric LEGO Legends

The team had a clear strategy of getting some quick points on the board with the TV and Wind Turbine missions, before heading out to try and achieve some more complex missions too.  They had three attempts to get their best score in just two and a half minutes!

When the final run was over the team were triumphant with their highest score being 205 points.  This stayed the top score for the whole day until the very last team, Nexus, who deployed their  incredibly nifty robot which scored an astounding 260 points on its run!


Round 1


Round 2


Round 3

The Penpol Pumpkins

The Pumpkins have used the same robot they took to the competition last year, meaning they spent longer working on the code itself rather than building a new robot.  They managed to complete almost every mission, but had to cut this right back to fit inside the two and a half minute timeframe.

Over the three runs the children had a high-score of 240 points, thanks to some super-quick work in switching the attachments and a perfect lineup for several of the trickier missions.  They very nearly came top of the charts in the robot games, save for an incredibly exciting final run from Darite School who pipped us to the post with a stunning score of 245.


Round 1


Round 2


Round 3

Part 2: Innovation Project

The Innovation Project is a chance for the children to identify a problem linked to the annual theme (Energy for this season) before researching, creating, refining and presenting their own innovative solution. This takes the form of a five minute presentation to the judges and a ten minute question and answer session afterwards.

Electric LEGO Legends

The Electric LEGO Legends have been exploring electricity this year and how we can use renewable sources of energy rather than non-renewables.  They initially took a keen interest in electric cars and considered basing a project around that, but eventually settled on an idea of building sustainable houses by including a vertical wind turbine alongside a pair of houses.

The judges enjoyed the teams presentation and praised the enthusiasm and interest shared by the team whilst they gave their presentation.  They also loved how the team had consulted with experts in the field and how they’d reflected honestly on the project they’ve created thus far.

The team scored a very credible 32 points out of a total of 40 for their project and received a lot of positive comments from the industry judges.

32 points

out of a total of 40

The Penpol Pumpkins

The Penpol Pumpkins were inspired by the day after Halloween and how many pumpkins are left on door steps to rot and then eventually get thrown in landfill.  They soon realised that it wasn’t only pumpkins that were thrown away in the rubbish – in fact 35% of all black bin bags in Cornwall contain food waste!

Their presentation was focussed on the idea of promoting the upcoming Cornwall Council Food Waste collection by creating an advertising campaign to encourage people to recycle food rather than sending it to landfill.

Having learnt from last years performance, the team opted to deliver their presentation as a play where they all took on different roles.  Having seen these children last year and then again at Culdrose, the difference is quite simply staggering.  The judges agreed and awarded the Pumpkins 39 points out of 40. Incredible!

39 points

out of a total of 40

Part 3: Robot Design Presentation

The last part of the competition was the Robot Design Presentation. This name is slightly deceptive as it isn’t just about the robot that the teams have built. Yes it is largely about this, but it is also a chance to share the story that the children have been on since starting their journey in the competition. This is a chance to share their learnings, their new skills, their strategies, plans and anything else that they want to with the judges.

Electric LEGO Legends

For this presentation the team took an innovative approach and based it around an ‘interview-style’ format where the team asked each other questions about their robot, the way it was coded and how they approached each mission.

This presentation proved really interesting as it allowed the children to share lots of relevant information and impressed the judges with their learning so far.

The judges commented that they were “all involved, testing each challenge and working together to solve puzzles” and that they were very strong at “learning and adapting” as their robot and coding skills developed.

31 points

out of a total of 40

The Penpol Pumpkins

For their Robot Design presentation the Penpol Pumpkins created large A3 posters with code snippets, attachment photos and other commentary on them.  These then formed the core of their presentation as they were able to discuss in detail how different parts of the robot functioned and explain their overall mission strategy.

The team also took some time during the presentation to offer some honest reflections on what the competition means to them and how they’ve grown as individuals and as a team over their two years competing.

The judges were impressed with their journey and their robot, commenting that it was a “superb team effort from start to finish!”

36 points

out of a total of 40

Part 4: Core Values

The final of the four areas that teams are marked on is called the Core Values. These values include Discovery, Innovation, Impact, Inclusion, Teamwork and Fun. Throughout their presentations, their robot games and the day itself the teams are being judged on these six areas.

Electric LEGO Legends

Despite being a first-time team at the competition, the Electric LEGO Legends made a big impact on the judges with their teamwork, enthusiasm and matching team t-shirts!  The judges were very impressed that they’d all taken time to learn how to code and how the team had a “real buzz and enthusiasm” throughout the day.

20 points

out of a total of 24

The Penpol Pumpkins

There’s really no other way to put this, the Penpol Pumpkins blew the judges away with their Core Values and scored an unimaginable full marks in this area!

The judges said they were “simply exceptional” and demonstrated this throughout the whole day with exemplary behaviour, a positive attitude and a real drive to compete at the very highest level possible.

24 points

out of a total of 24

The Final Scores

As you can see from each of the four areas above, both teams did exceptionally well and embraced each and every aspect of the competition. By being such strong all-rounders I'm delighted to final standings for each team...

Cornwall LEGO League: 1st Place

The Electric LEGO Legends came first overall on Day 1 of the 2023 Cornwall Regional Finals and now progress to the UK National Finals!

Cornwall LEGO League: 1st Place

The Penpol Pumpkins came first overall on Day 2 of the 2023 Cornwall Regional Finals and now progress to the UK National Finals!

Photo Gallery

Below are some extra photos from the day, kindly shared with us by LPhot O’Barrow from the Royal Navy.

Success for Penpol in the LEAP Cup

On a sunny Monday morning both the boys and girls teams headed to Mounts Bay Academy for the first inaugural LEAP cup. Joined by the members of the Leading Edge Academy partnership, the teams played 3 and 4 games respectively. The girls team unfortunately came up a little short in their last game finishing with 2 wins and 1 loss which secured them second place. The boys were eventual winners with 4 wins and impressively without conceding a single goal.

As always, the name on the front of the shirt is more important the that on the back. This was demonstrated with exemplary levels of sportsmanship and teamwork; which for me is equally, if not more important the the trophy we can proudly now present in the School office.

Year 4 Go to Hogwarts!

To celebrate all of the fantastic learning which has been going on, Year 4 celebrated a Harry Potter ‘dress up’ day this Wednesday 22nd February.  The school was awash with the four colours of each of Hogwart’s Houses: Gryffinfor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw.

This term, Year 4 have been immersed into the world of Harry Potter, reading Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone.  They have absolutely loved their Guided Reading sessions on this book and have really excelled at retrieving key information to help explain their understanding of the book.

In PE, all students have been learning the many complex rules of Quidditch thanks to our Mr Stanlake, our PE coordinator, training up our young Witches and Wizards in their first ever session. Since then, the students have relished the many challenges of this magical sport and have absolutely loved playing it!  From chasing the Quaffle, dodging bludgers and seeking the snitch, there has been plenty for all to get excited about- check out the action shots below!

In English, they have described Hogwarts using adventurous adjectives, similes and metaphors to really showcase the magic that conjures up Hogwarts castle.  In addition, they have also experienced a Potions lesson with Professor Emery and Professor Peck.  This involved concocting a potion, deciding upon its magical value and then advertising their potion to the masses.

The students were incredible and bowled us over with their enthusiasm and flair for writing this term.  Their persuasive posters and adverts were of spell-binding quality.  Check out the pictures of the students and teachers having an incredible time below!


Local Beekeeper Creates a Buzz in Year 2!

On Tuesday 21st February, Year 2 were visited by Tamsin Harris, who has been a beekeeper since 1998 and currently keeps 109 hives in the local area. Tamsin has extensive knowledge and experience in the craft of beekeeping and also runs her own business, ‘Bee Special’, which produces a wide range of products from her hives, including beeswax candles, furniture polish, candle rolling kits, balms and salves.

Tamsin Harris of Bee Special had a selection of honey and beeswax items for sale.

Tamsin delivered an interactive workshop with the children, in which they learned about the different roles of bees within a colony. This involved the children dressing up as beekeepers, Queen bees, baby bees, worker bees, cleaner bees, guard bees and hive-fanning bees!

. .

The children then explored a virtual hive, layer by layer and frame by frame… The eagle-eyed were able to spot the infamous Queen bee amongst her workers!

To top off the day, pupils had the exciting opportunity to design and make their own honey flapjacks, using a selection of delicious local honeys.



Year 3’s Tin Mine Travels

Year 3 outside Geevor Tin Mine

This half term (25.02.2023), Classes 7 and 8 went on an exciting trip to Geevor Tin Mine as part of their topic for this term – ‘Minecraft’!

We arrived in the morning and put our hard hats on – ready for adventure!

Class 7 line up for their hard hats.

Year 3 outside Geevor Tin Mine

Both classes split into two groups with one going down into one of the mines and the other learning about the different types of rocks and minerals that were mined at Geevor…

The mineshaft was very confined; the adults had to bend down to be able to walk through properly!

    After both groups had explored their respective areas, we swapped over to discover what else the tin mine had to offer!


We were able to have a look around lots of different areas that the miners used from 1911 up until 1990!

We learnt lots of interesting facts about why Geevor was built and how all of its machinery operated – we were also lucky enough to have the chance to pan for gold!

          It was a hugely exciting day packed full of fun, for one and all!

A huge thank you to The Heritage Trust who funded the bus travel to get to Geevor!

Year 5 Tackle Touch Rugby with Cornish Pirates

Year 5 have been braving the weather in recent weeks to get to grips with touch rugby. We have completed a 5 week block of sessions with Sam, the community coach from Cornwall’s only professional rugby team- the Cornish Pirates.

From not being able to catch a ball to now doing it so in full flow some children have developed their sporting confidence greatly. They have also developed their understanding of attacking and defending space; a skill which can be transferred to many other invasion sports. They have also build on their knowledge of touch rugby with many now moving on to join Mr Peck at touch rugby club. Those that may chose not too will however be taking their newly developed team work and communication skills back into the classroom.

As part of our PE curriculum offer we try to engage many different local clubs. With each year group receiving professional coaching from external sources at some stage during the year with some even attending professional settings; this opens the eyes of our pupils to the world of professional sport whilst also maintaining the most important aspects of physical education- engagement and enjoyment.



Police Visit

The reception classes had a great time when Police Officer Mike visited us today.

He brought loads of equipment which we tried on and found out all about the different roles that the police do, including search and rescue, first aid and lots of different things to help us and keep us safe.

Police look after people -Cora

We got to see what is inside the police car and had a go with the lights and sirens.

If someone takes a bike the police take them to jail – Charlotte

I want to be a policeman when I grow up – Isaac

Class 1 and 2 would like to thank Mike for spending the time to share his exciting and interesting career with us.

3D Printing our Wonderful Winter Ornaments


This half term our Year 3’s have been learning how to use Tinkercad to create 3D models and objects on their computers.  This clever program lets you create anything you like in three dimensions, which can then be sent to a 3D printer to turn digital designs into real world objects.

To start with our students were introduced to the basics of Tinkercad (including how to resize, rotate, recolour and arrange 3D shapes).  They then applied this learning to a series of fun (and slightly bizarre!) challenges – including building a Giraffe in 8 blocks, a favourite food item in 6 blocks, a spaceship with 4 blocks and a self portrait with 2 blocks (and the awesome Scribble tool!).  To make it even harder then only had a few minutes for each challenge!

These fun and low-stake challenges helped the children explore the program and encouraged them to create multiple designs very quickly, rather than spending hours on each project.  That meant when we came onto designing our Winter Ornaments the children were able to rapidly prototype different ideas before choosing their favourite.

But rather than me telling you about that here’s a video from some of our Year 3’s talking about the project…


Once the children had designed a few different winter ornaments it was then time to refine those designs to ensure they looked as great as possible (and that they would print out nicely on our printer).

Part of this process involved checking the dimensions to ensure they all fit inside a 60mm box and also the tricky task of choosing which colour combination they’d like to use!

Lastly, we added a hole to the top to ensure our decorations could be hung up if desired.

After that all that was left was to print them out.  An easy task you might think? Well, given we had 113 to print and each one takes nearly an hour it was touch and go whether or not we’d get them all done by the end of term!

Thankfully we managed it and below you can see a gallery of every single decoration designed by our Year 3’s and Year 6’s this year.


Constructing Egyptian Pyramids in Minecraft

This half term we’ve been building Pyramids in Minecraft Edu in our Computing lessons.  Mr Woolcock and Paul have created a shared world where we were all able to work together and build pyramids for our Egyptian Pharaohs.  We researched what would be inside a pyramid and learnt about the traps and secret rooms designed to stop thieves and included these in our designs.  We even created secret chambers full of canopic jars, golden treasures and scrolls of knowledge for the mummies to take with them into the afterlife.

Welcome to our Pyramids!


Here are some more photos of all of our pyramids, along with some extra information about each one.

Class 7

Xander, George and Maverick

This is a maze which is to trick the people that try and break in and take all the gold.  There are pressure plates on the floor and when you step on one they open up a trap door and you fall down!  At the centre of the maze there is lots of treasure which was buried with the god Osiris.

Sorrel, luna and noah

Our pyramid is for Thoth.  We made a patten in the wall which was meant to be a hieroglyphic.  We’ve added lots of gold and treasures inside our pyramid along with a red carpet which feels very royal.  We put some chests in there too with lots of important things in them like precious gems and golden objects.

Koby, Lili, Daisy, Xanthe, Lowenna and Frankie

We’ve built secret tunnels under the pyramid so if people try to get in they’ll come straight out the other side!  There are some other traps too that are supposed to catch people trying to break in.

Lexi, Alice and Alice

We put two chambers into our pyramid one is full of treasures and is where the sarcophagus is placed.  The pharaoh would have been buried with all of their treasure.  There are secret tunnels to get into the chambers to stop anyone naughty coming in.  It’s designed to be really scary in the tunnels!

Bobby, Daisy and Casey

This is where the mummy would be placed in the pyramid.  We have put gold inside for him so he can take it with him to the afterlife.  We put torches inside so it’s not completely dark and so he can see the gold in the afterlife.

Fred, Poppy, Charlie and Darcey

We’ve got a staircase inside the pyramid which takes you up to a large maze where people might think the treasure chests are hidden, but it’s a trap!  They’re actually hidden under the pyramid.  This traps thieves inside the pyramid.  We’re really proud of the fact it has two levels and the fact we’ve added ancient books to give the pharaoh lots of knowledge in the afterlife.

Edwin, Logan and Arthur

It was designed so explorers who come in through the entrance will fall into a trap.  There’s an empty chest filled with really rubbish items which will trap the robbers into a chamber.  We’ve made it really confusing so nobody can get into steal the mummy or the treasure!  It’s full of traps and surprises!

Class 8

Grace, Izzy, Merryn and amelia

This is a hidden part of our pyramid where there’s lots of gold and things inside.  There are false lights in a fake corridor to distract people trying to break in!  The gold is hidden in a secret place behind a trap.

Rory, Darcey, Noah and Charlie

We made an upstairs in the pyramid, but didn’t quite finish it off yet.  But there’s also a dungeon room below the main room where there are spider webs, creepy things and stuff like that.  Our pharaoh was the god of the underworld so we made his dungeon look like the underworld.

Massimo and Jack

We really enjoyed making the pyramid!  We thought “what would an ancient Egyptian think about when the pyramids was created?”  We thought the answer would be glory, cool secret stuff and valuable treasure.  On the top of our building there’s loads of gold and I made the Egyptian symbol of life out of gold!  We also really enjoyed making the secret entrances behind the hieroglyphics.

Maddison, Nevaeh and Lucy

I liked creating the portals for each Egyptian God because I could figure out blocks would best show off the different gods.  We also really liked making the secret rooms which were so important in the pyramids to store things safely for the afterlife. 

Zak, Pearl, Isaiah and Ethan

The trap in our pyramid has a little hole in the middle of it, so if anyone is silly enough to walk in the middle they’ll fall through!  Our little room is really important because you can only fit really special things inside it.  There is a secret treasure chest hiding under our bridge!

Sam and Logan

When you first go in through the passageway there’s a real sense of Ra’s power.  We used glowstone to represent the sun.  I liked the front of our pyramid a lot because it’s so three dimensional and it looks absolutely massive – but still smaller than a real pyramid!

Noah, Dexter, Bailey and Koen

The room in the back corner is a secret space where we’ve hidden some gold treasure.  Another room has other important things in it like a backdoor, a desk and lots of ancient Egyptian scrolls.  We’ve also added some exploding traps to stop anyone coming in!

Evie, Freya, Alayah and Everly

In this room the Egyptians could practice their mummifications!  They need to be perfect so that people they were mummifying could get into the underworld.  We also put in a trap door in the so we can get down into the secret room where the mummification happens.