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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

What’s been going on this year in Year 6?

This week the Year 6 children have begun listening to the story of ‘Clockwork’ for their Literacy topic, a creepy tale set 100 years ago in a town in Germany. They have also continued focusing on reproducing artworks inspired by Paul Bursnall in Art and begun investigating just how a go-kart works and how it is made. In Maths, the children have been working on rounding numbers as well as recapping using the 4 main written operations (multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting).


Mr Pollard and Mr Wise were also the proud recipients of a class mascot each, courtesy of the work undertaken in the Junior MacSuite with Mr Woolcock. They will take pride of place on their respective teacher’s tables, one by Aidan for Class 14 and Trystan for Class 13.

It’s great to see it in the classroom. – Trystan – Class 13


I made a cat for Mr Wise as apparently he likes them and I thought it’d look nice on his desk – Aidan – Class 12


3D Class Mascot Challenge

Last week our 3D design work started in earnest in the Junior Mac Suite.  To get the children learning all about the Tinkercad 3D design program they were set a challenge: to design the best class mascot to sit on their teacher’s desk.

Everyone in Year 4, 5 and 6 had the chance to build whatever they thought their teacher would like the most with the winning design being secretly chosen from each class.  The winning model was then 3D printed overnight and the children were delighted to see the finished model the following morning.

It looked even better in real life than it did on the computer, I hope Mr Pollard likes it! – Trystan


Below are photos of all the winning designs from the competition, click on them to view them full-size!

Class 9 (Y4) – Jake



Class 10 (Y4) – Martin


Class 11 (Y5) – Ethan



Class 12 (Y5) – Maggie



Class 13 (Y6) – Trystan



Class 14 (Y6) – Aidan



Celebrating European Day of Languages at Penpol

Today marks the European Day of Languages, a day to celebrate the 6000+ languages spoken around the world.  To mark the occasion at Penpol we’ve arranged a special non-uniform day where the children came to school dressed in the colours of their favourite flag.

Even more excitingly, Mr Emery and Mr Woolcock have arranged an entire day of language-learning challenges in the Junior Mac Suite for the entire school to participate in.

Throughout the day each class has had a twenty minute session using a fantastic website called Linguascope, where the children can take on their challenge in any one of nine different languages.  While most children chose French, Spanish or Italian we did have lots who were really brave and decided to take on languages including Chinese, Russian and Arabic.

The challenge itself was a multiple choice quiz where the time for each question decreases as the rounds go by.  A score of 30 or more is considered exceptional, yet Penpol pupils were often reaching the high thirties with several children achieving a nearly impossible 38 points!

With perseverance, accuracy and linguistic knowledge a mighty 38 or 39 points is achievable.  It’s incredibly difficult, but today we’ve seen it happen several times! – Mr Emery

The highest score in each year group will win a special prize, with more details to be given to the children in their next assembly.

Reception: To be announced later this week!

Year 1: To be announced later this week!

Year 2: To be announced later this week!

Year 3: Freddie (38 points)

Year 4: Jake (39 points)

Year 5: Emma (40 points)

Year 6: Aidan (38 points)

I’m really happy that I’ve won, Morgan did really well too but I just managed to beat him in the end by one point!! – Connor, Year 2





New year, new faces for Year 5

Year 5 has not only welcomed new children this September but also a new teacher with Mr Peck joining Mr Stanlake and starting work in Class 12.

The children have begun to settle in and have slipped effortlessly back into the routine of school life impressing their teachers with their hard work and enthusiasm, whilst also setting a wonderful example for the younger members of Penpol School, many of whom are only starting out on their journey at school.

The children in both Classes 11 and 12 have begun work in English and Maths whilst also starting to look at the ‘Power of the Industrial Revolution’ in topic and ‘The Force of Forces’ in Science. Year 5 has also welcomed the addition of Mr Emery who specialises in modern foreign languages and music, both of which the children are excited to continue with. The children are also very fortunate to received specialist ICT teaching with Mr Woolcock where they are set to undertake some exceptionally exciting tasks over the coming year.

After a tiring end to an exciting first week the children look set to take this coming year by storm with lots of exciting visitors and trips thrown in for good measure!

Languages lift off at Penpol

Language lessons at Penpol primary school are already underway as we begin the new academic year.  All classes have already enjoyed their first French lesson this year, with both Mr Emery and Michelle.  Every student has already demonstrated lots of enthusiasm and eagerness to take part, which are key ingredients to having fun and gaining confidence in learning a language.

Reception students have already mastered the action “tire”(pull) and the different animals in French.  Classes 1 + 2 very much enjoyed dressing up and acting out the classic French children’s story, “le navet enorme”(the giant turnip).  Classes 3, 4, 5 + 6 are already enjoying being able to greet each other in French, with lots of students even making it part of their daily routine to greet Mr Emery in French outside the classroom.


Years 2 all the way to 5 have already taken part in singing “Alouette” ( the classic French song about a skylark), showing excellent knowledge of the body parts in French, with actions.

I loved learning about the giant turnip – Hunter – Class 2

Year 6 have the unique opportunity of putting all of the French they have used over the years to the ultimate test: corresponding with their very own French pen pal from a French primary school.  The small school, situated just outside of Paris, have already expressed their excitement about this exchange and are eager to learn more about our Year 6 students.  Watch this space for more news, as Penpol students learn more about French culture and way of life.

With language club now up and running every Thursday, students at Penpol also have the opportunity of learning another language, whether it is extra French practice, or learning numbers 1-10 in Mandarin.

Finally, Penpol school will be celebrating European Day of Languages on Tuesday 26th September, with all students competing in a whole school languages competition.  The competition will be run by Mr Emery, with the aid of Penpol’s ICT teacher, Mr Woolcock.  The aim will be for students to show-off their foreign language skills, ranging from French to Mandarin.  The winners for each Year group will be rewarded with a prize in an assembly to conclude the action-packed day.

Watch this space for more news from languages over the next few weeks!

Violet’s Holiday Diary

Violet had an action packed and fun filled summer holiday and brought an amazing diary in to show the class of her adventures. Violet told the class all about going on a barefoot trail, making bug houses with Mrs Goodman, dressing up in different costumes, her arts and crafts afternoons where she made some fabulous chimneys and painting a handbag money box that broke so her very kind sister Elsie gave her painted teddy money box.

She told us all about how she loved the pony rides and how on a trip to Flambards she went on the log flume and got soaking wet. We heard all about how she  made her own tent next to a cup cake tree and during a trip to Heligan she enjoyed the singing. Violet told us about how she enjoyed going to the beach and having a go at rowing a boat with Grandad.

Finally, Violet showed us some great photos of  when she went to Montenegro. She talked about how she went up some mountains, swam into a cave where the water was blue and it turned her skin blue but her favourite thing was when she jumped into the swimming pool with her nightie on with Mummy and Elsie.


My favourite bit was jumping in the pool with my nightie on because Mummy did it with her nightie on and so did Elsie.


Violet did some fabulous writing to accompany the pictures and drawings in her diary and sounds like she had an amazing time. Well done Violet for working so hard.


A Great Start To School

The new children in classes 1 and 2 have had a great first week at school.  We have been very busy meeting all the new children in our classes as well as going on a tour of the school to see where to go for lunch, where we will be doing our IT lessons, the library and to meet the older children.

I love going to school because I like playing with my friends Dakota and Debora – Sophia (Class 1)

I like going to school because I like to do drawing and colouring in – Kensa (Class 2)

We have had our first phonics lesson where we practised saying and writing the letter ‘s’ and we had a delicious school dinner in the hall.  We’ve also been busy doing PE and practising our counting to 10!

I love school because when we play with the mobilo I’m very sneaky at getting the toys out – Finley (Class 1)

I can write my name. It starts with a big ‘s’ – Skye (Class 2)

We are looking forward to a great year and have lots planned. Our first topic will be ‘ourselves’ and we will be having a go at some self-portraits in the coming weeks!

On Fridays we are looking forward to learning some French with Mr Emery and some music with Mr Jones and are busy practising our singing ready for Harvest Festival in a few weeks time.

I loved playing with the parachute – Nicholas (Class 2)

I love school because I like playing outside and with the castles – Will (Class 1)






Let’s talk about our worries!

It doesn’t matter what age you are, if you are a boy or a girl, tall or short, EVERYONE worries about something, even adults! Sometimes the things that make us feel upset or frustrated are obvious, like when we have an important test coming up or have got into trouble! Other times we may not understand what is causing us to feel the way we do. This can cause a tummy ache, it can make us feel shaky, unable to sit still and feel sad or scared. This is because when we worry, our body thinks there is something wrong and will try and let us know. This makes worries not very easy to ignore as our body is trying to look after us.

When we worry it can help to talk to someone, before our worries get to much. This can be difficult, but there are lots of people that you can trust and that care about how you are feeling. Imagine seeing that one of your friends was worried. You might try to cheer them up, or help them to solve a problem. Sometimes all your friend might need is a hug and to be told ‘its okay’. It is important to be able to look after yourself when you are worried, like you would look after your friend when they are worried.

Some people you could share your worries with include:

  • A caring friend
  • A family member
  • Your teacher
  • Other grown ups at Penpol School
  • Mr Doyle
  • Mrs Jane

“Its okay to worry. Being worried means you really, really care. And caring makes you a kind person. -Miss Clarey”

Ideas to help you stop worrying:

  • Talk to someone
  • Write a ‘worry list’
  • Draw, paint, cut and stick!
  • Lie still, close your eyes and listen to your breathing
  • Hold something comforting like a blanket or bear
  • Read a good book or poem*
  • Dance and be silly!
  • Ask an adult to help you learn more about why we worry


It is important to challenge our fears and try new things. Remember, it is okay to make mistakes and if you have a big worry, always share it with someone!

Further information for children:

Further information for parents/carers/adults:

Thanks to the PFA for our Brand New MakerBot!

At the end of last term Mrs Turner and the Penpol Friends Association very kindly agreed to pay for half of a brand new 3D printer for the Mac Suite.

Over the last year our 3D printing work has become more and more exciting and whilst our original MakerBot Mini has helped us create some stunning 3D models in the past, it seemed the right time to push the boundaries even further and invest in a proper full-size 3D printer.

Introducing, the MakerBot Replicator+ 3D Printer!

This new printer can produce models at nearly TWICE the speed of our old printer.  It can also build objects that are up to SIXTEEN times bigger in volume!!  And to top it all off, it’s MUCH quieter when it’s being used.  It really is a fantastic upgrade for the Mac Suite and we are hugely grateful to the PFA for helping us to buy it. – Mr Woolcock

This term we’re hoping that every child in Key Stage 2 will have the chance to design and print their own creation in 3D.

I can’t wait to use the new 3D printer, I can build anything in my imagination! – Will, Y6


Here’s a photo of the very first object built by the MakerBot Replicator+ – the beautiful Egyptian Sphinx!

Year 6 – Welcome!

Back we are with a new academic year here at Penpol. The new school pupils are busy settling in and the Year 6 children have begun well, realising that they are now the role models for the younger children to look up to. The Year 6 teaching staff, comprising of Mr Wise, Mr Pollard, Mrs Turner, Mrs Keeler and Caroline, are all raring to go also.
This year we have much planned: school camp, the end of year school production and the children sitting their SATS being some of the highlights.
We will begin looking at the story of ‘Clockwork’ in Year 6, a book written by Philip Pullman. We will focus on creative writing and ideas around this story, whilst all listening and reading it together.
In Geography we will be putting map-reading skills to the test and in Science and DT we will be looking at forces in action as we build our own Go Karts!

We are also fortunate to have Computing, Music and Modern Foreign Languages taught by three other teaching experts: Mr Woolcock, Mr Jones and Mr Emery.

It’s sure to be another exciting year that flies by and we are looking forward to it!