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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Penpol School Spelling Bee 2016

Spelling Bee Champion 2016
Josie from Class 12

On Wednesday 2nd of November the culmination of the Penpol School Spelling Bee took place, with 16 supreme spellers from across Year 5 and 6 making up the competitors after defeating the rest of their class in a sub-competition in their respective classrooms.

After a lengthy battle covering over 600 spellings, which included such tricky words as fluorescent, questionnaire and embarrassment, Josie, from class 12 was the outright winner, narrowly defeating William (also from class 12).

The children in Year 5, though at a disadvantage this year, being a year younger, will be given the same list of words next year and we look forward to another highly-entertaining and closely-fought spelling battle.


Penpol School Spelling Bee Finalists

Outdoor Learning in Class 6 – Healthy eating during ‘Harvest’ time


This term Class 6 have been busy learning all about ‘Humans’ and ‘Animals’ and what they both need to remain healthy. Following an exciting trip to Trevaskis Farm, the children were then able to identify why fruit and vegetables are important for a healthy diet and which fruit and vegetables are available to us during the ‘Harvest’ period.


The children also got to meet some of the animals and a very special visitor who was working hard to scare off the birds!


Autumn art in Tehidy Woods


On the 9th November Class 5 visited Tehidy woods to do some sketching and to collect autumn leaves as part of their curriculum artwork.

The children worked very hard and drew some stunning pictures of the trees around the woods.

They then collected various kinds of leaves with wonderful autumn colours.

Back at school, the children studied the leaves and then made some incredible detailed drawings.



The tree drawings they had done earlier were copied several times and then coloured in the style of William Morris wallpaper. The final result was very effective.

Class 5 really has some superb artists!



It is really important that all families who would be entitled to Free School Meals, apply for Pupil Premium Funding. (If you have already done this, thank you so much and no further action is necessary). All Infants are entitled to have a free meal every day anyway, but if any family (Junior or Infants) are on a low income and would have been entitled to free school meals anyway, it is so very important for you to apply. The process is very straightforward and totally confidential. If you log on to the Cornwall Council website and choose ‘Schools’ and then ‘School Meals’ you can type in your details and find out immediately if you are eligible for this funding. If you are not sure how to do this, please call in and see us at the office and we will be able to help you.

It is so important to our school that everyone who is eligible applies – the money is there to be granted, but if you do not apply, the school does not receive these extra funds. We also receive extra funding for children if either of the parents are in the forces – if you think this applies to you and we don’t know about it please contact the office or click here to apply online…>>

Class 8 explore the science of electricity

This term Class 8 has been learning all about electricity in science.

We have been looking at how electrical circuits work and our class has even created their own light up pictures.

We firstly came up with a design for the pictures.

These designs were all very original and ranged from faces to animals to cartoon characters.


We then used our knowledge of electrical circuits to write plans on how to make the pictures light up. Then we created the pictures and used batteries, wires and bulbs to make them light up. We showed off our scientific knowledge by drawing the circuits using the correct symbols in our books.


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We hope you are as impressed by our hard work and finished products as we are.

Autumn fun in Reception


The reception children have been learning all about the different seasons this half term. They had a great time collecting Autumn leaves from all around the school. They made some super hedgehog pictures with the spiky leaves they foraged for.


“We made hedgehogs with leaves because in Autumn the leaves fall down and they change colour,” said Louis.


“It gets colder. The animals hibernate they sleep all through Autumn and Christmas,” Imogen tells the class.


Maisie adds, “They wake up in the Spring.”




The children also made some fabulous weather charts in class. The children really enjoyed recording the weather daily and had a go at forecasting the weather ahead.


“It was cloudy everyday.” Amelia reported.


“It was raining. I like the rain because I like getting soaked,” Louis told the class.


Caitlyn added, “I like it when it’s sunny because I like playing with my sister outside. I played inside because it was cloudy and cold.”

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Class 6 have been creative with Tie-Dye


Mixing the dye

During the art lessons, Class 6 have been looking at work produced by Artist William Morris and discussing the many patterns that he has created through ‘Mother Nature’.

The children enjoyed experimenting with blackberry juice and seeing how it can be used to stain plain materials. The children then used cold water dyes to produce their own ‘Tie-Dye’ patterns.

I really enjoyed mixing the material into the colourful dye, it was fun. – Finley

I felt excited watching the dye mixtures being made up and seeing them turn into bright colours. – Lucy

It was fun taking off the elastic bands and seeing the pattern that you had made. – Oliver


Mrs Ruffell – Class 6




Penpol’s Year 5’s Go Back In Time!

img_0440Over the last term Classes 10 and 11 have been studying the Industrial Revolution and its effect on both the town of Hayle and also the County of Cornwall.

This has involved researching all aspects of the revolution, from the mass production of cotton to the harnessing of steam power. However, it was the quality of life for children in the period that really hit home. Comparing their lives to those of the children living and working in the 1800’s allowed the Year 5 children to see how lucky they are.


The research the children did allowed them to collate a fact file in which they chose to write about either the introduction of steam, the mass production of cotton, the development of transport and the increased attention to workers rights.

The links to Cornwall, and the town of Hayle itself, are plenty with the foundries of Copperhouse and of the Harvey family and the harbour being used to bring coal in and out of the duchy to power the host of steam engines used within the mining industry. We used this in Class 10 and 11 as inspiration for our silhouette art work.

The topic culminated with a trip to the National Trust property, East Pool Mine. On this trip the children had the opportunity to explore the site whilst undertaking various activities. Such as dressing up as miners and balmaidens, the making of felt pasties and a tin trail treasure hunt. But by far the fan favourite for the day was the working steam engine. A fully restored working engine is housed in one of the engine houses at East Pool Mine and what better way to see the effect of steam than to see an engine build here in Cornwall powered by one of Richard Trevithick’s boilers.

Pupil comments:

Meghan- I really enjoyed learning about steam and how it changed the way we live, it was great how we got to see the engine working.

Ines- I enjoyed going to east pool mine and dressing up as a balmaiden and seeing how they lived.

Jake- I like walking through the flu tunnel and looking up to the top of the chimney. It was 180 feet tall!

Trystan- It was fun making our silhouette pictures because we had to wash the red sky and build our setting.






Kite surfing with Charlie and Alex


Charlie from Reception invited his dad Alex to come and talk to Class 1 about his favourite sport kite surfing.

During his visit, Alex showed the children all the equipment he needed to use to go kite surfing. He then showed the class amazing pictures of kite surfers doing some incredible tricks including flying through the air!



The excited children were able to try out the surfboard and even had a go at pumping up the giant kite. They were amazed to see that the kite took up the whole classroom once it was fully inflated. It was like a big tent!


By the end of the session all the children had gained the expert knowledge they needed to go kite surfing and they were all keen to join Alex down on Hayle beach in the near future.