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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

KS1 Cricket Morning

Last Thursday; Class 3, Class 4, Class 5 and Class 6 all walked to Hayle Cricket Club to spend the morning playing lots of fun cricket activities together!

The children had the opportunity to play Rapid Fire Cricket and Caterpillar Cricket as well as being able to have a go bowling, batting, catching and fielding!

It was fantastic to see everyone trying their absolute best and showing such incredible teamwork.


Lots of balls were bowled, many bats were swung, and plenty of stumps were hit…


…but most of all, lots of fun was had!

Penpol Mini Marathon 2022

The sun shone brightly for our first Penpol Mini-Marathon for 3 years on Wednesday; with it came the flushed red faces, the gallons of water drank and the hundreds of smiling faces.It always is such a lovely afternoon and it was bettered this year to finally be able so many parents back to spectate. I am sure this of you in attendance would agree that the children (and staff) did brilliantly; all showing determination to achieve their own person best! Our PFA do a wonderful job in supporting the school through events like this so please do send any remaining sponsorship money in with them or drop it into the office.

Paul has put together an awesome video of the event for you to enjoy below.

Platinum Picnic at Penpol

It was such a glorious sight to see the whole school on the field enjoying the sunshine and celebrating the Queens Jubilee.

Every child had a smile, younger children danced and played with children from the older years and there was a real festival feel.

It has been such a long time since we were all able to be together, but I am sure it is the beginning of many more events to come!

Penpol’s Sponsored Mile for Ukraine

Over the past few weeks, Penpol have been raising money for ShelterBox – a charity that are providing emergency shelter and resources to families who have lost their homes during the current war happening in Ukraine.


Before we embarked on our walks, we had a visitor from ShelterBox – called Danny – come in and tell us all about what they do as a charity, as well as showing us some of the items that are sent all around the world to families in need.


On Thursday 24th March, everybody in school walked one mile each – together, making up the 400+ mile journey that many Ukrainians are travelling to reach refugee camps in Poland.


Everyone arrived at school dressed in blue and yellow clothes (the colours of Ukraine’s flag). Some children even made flags and banners with their buddies to wave around as they walked through Hayle!

We even had a visit from a PirateFM reporter who wrote about the event online – here!

Classes teamed up with their Reading Buddies to go on their walk, with each team choosing various routes to complete their mile.















The grand total of all our fantastic fundraising is a flabbergasting… £7372.60!

Year 2 Visit Church for the Easter Story

This morning (Monday 4th April), Year 2 visited St. Elwyn’s Church to learn about the Easter Story before the holidays.

We got ready first thing; wrapped up warm in our coats and waterproof trousers to keep us dry – as it was a bit rainy outside – and we set off!

After a short walk down the road, we arrived at the church.


We were met inside by three lovely people from St. Elwyn’s. They introduced themselves and taught us a song to the tune of ‘London’s Burning’ which told about the Easter Story.

[videopack id=”42698″][/videopack]

Once everyone had had a good sing-song, we listened very carefully and learnt about the Easter Story.


We then had some time to look around the church and at the ‘Stations of the Cross’.




Finally, we sat down and had our snack before heading back to school!

Year 2 visit to St Michael’s Mount

On a very windy, stormy Monday 6th December, year 2 went to visit St Michael’s Mount as part of their Castles topic.

After putting on our head-to-toe waterproofs, we got on the coach and drove through the elements to Marazion.

We pulled up, gathered our things together, and started the ascent to the Mount.

Battling against the wind and the cobbles, we arrived and were welcomed by the St Michael’s Mount team. They talked us through the grounds and gave us a scavenger hunt map, leading us to lots of intriguing and exciting sights around the castle and gardens. Unfortunately, during our journey the wind had grown too strong for us to continue the final leg of the climb into the castle itself!

While we waited in hope for the winds to ease, we began our search for some of the sights on our maps.


We found the Giant’s Heart and the Giant’s Well, nestled amongst the cobbles and Mrs Hocking delighted us all to a gripping cliff-top retelling of the myth surrounding the Giant and St Michael’s Mount.


After a bit of lunch in the Visitors’ Centre and a lot of fun and games, the weather improved and we were allowed to explore the castle to our heart’s content.

We had an amazing time and loved being able to put all of our learning from this term’s topic into context. It was a delight to hear the year 2s buzzing around the rooms, pointing out different familiar features and interesting new ones, exploring, discussing and experiencing a real-life castle together.

























A particular highlight was looking out from the castle walls at the impressive vista below. Some of us had to overcome our fears to do it and it was definitely worth it!

There was still lots of exploring to do, but it was time to say our goodbyes to the Mount so we made our way back to the coach and to school.

What a fantastic way to round off this term’s topic!

Remember Remember… When Year 2 met Guy Fawkes!

Year 2 have been learning about  The Gunpowder Plot this term and loved meeting Guy Fawkes..     

Their knowledge of the event is remarkable and they successfully sequenced the events onto a timeline.


Year 2 enjoyed putting their Forest School Skills into practise with lighting a fire.


They also loved the Guy Fawkes trail and game.


Penpol Celebrates European Day of Languages 2021

This week, the whole school celebrated European Day of Languages. With a wealth of languages being spoken along the corridors of our school, from Polish to French, Lithuanian to Portuguese, it was especially important to give all languages the recognition they duly deserve.

Students and staff were invited to dress up in the colours of their favourite country and rose to the call in spectacular fashion; by 9am, the whole school was awash with all the colours of the rainbow!

In the morning, KS1 students were invited to sample a French breakfast in the yurt with Mr Emery and six KS2 volunteers. Each class enjoyed singing in French and were then able to order from KS2 students, learning the basics such as ‘Bonjour’, ‘s’il vous plaît’ and ‘merci.’

“Miam miam!” Phrase of the day, which translates as ‘yummy’ in French

KS2 students showed off their already fantastic French skills by competing as a whole class on LanguageNut Live, where each student puts their knowledge of their current French topic to the test in real time against their peers. A huge well done to Reuben and Merryn from Year 3 who came top in their year group on animals and colours in French – Bravo!!

All classes in KS2 also competed in the European Day of Languages shirt competition.
This had all students creating a design to best represent European Day of Languages. If proven successful, they will have it printed on the official European Day of Languages T shirt next year and receive 30 T-shirts for them and their class. I have already received some extremely creative designs so far – keep them coming!

Finally, Mr Emery led each of the assemblies to round off a fun European Day of Languages. From the video of students and staff speaking a multitude of different languages, to singing one of the classic “Tu as un animal” (do you have any pets) song, the assembly encouraged students to be adventurous and have a go at speaking in another language. Whether that’s greeting Diane the dinner lady with a ‘Czesc’ (hello), asking how Mrs Bailie is – ‘como você está’ (how are you?) in Portuguese, or asking for a strawberry ice cream on holiday in France(une glace à la fraise s’il vous plaît). Using a language is fun and the students and staff of Penpol proved that again today.

“Today has been the best day ever!” Louis, Class 12

A huge thank you to everyone who made the day such a great success! Check out the photos from the day, as well as the video of students and staff speaking in different languages.


Year 2 visit Penzance Gym Club

This week, all of the children in year 2 participated in their first gym session at Penzance Gym Club.

All of the children received expert coaching, whilst learning how to balance on the beam, jumping from a vault and also participating in a variety of stretch routines. All of the children had a great experience and can’t wait for their second visit next week.





Year 2 Explore North Quay

As part of this terms Geography topic, ‘Coasts and Oceans’, year 2 spent a lovely day at North Quay beach.

After walking to the beach, in the lovely sunshine, the children spent the day sketching the beautiful scenery, recording physical and human features and also creating a selection of sand sculptures.

Take a look at the scenery photographs, can you name any physical or human features?