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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Year 2 Den Building Fun!

Year 2 had a great morning today den building. Both class 5 and 6 worked together to show how sharing ideas and  team work can help you to achieve an amazing outcome! As you can see, from the great photographs, all children had a fabulous time.


Welcome Back Year 2!

What an exciting first day it has been in year two for both children and teachers.  All children have had a great first day back and from the smiles on their faces you could tell  that they were all thrilled to be back at school playing and interacting with their friends.

The children were also very delighted with the new play equipment and refurbished fire pit.

Year 2 become Kings and Queens

To coincide with their history topic, Castles, Kings and Queens, year 2 planned and participated in a very Royal Kings and Queens dressing up day. On this day, all of the children from class 5 and 6 arrived at school wearing capes, dresses, crowns and robes. During the afternoon the children sang Tudor songs, performed a Tudor dance and held a special banquet. A great day was had by all.

Class 6 have been learning in the great outdoors

Class 6 have enjoyed learning outdoors.

Class 6 have had a great start to the new term. They are really enjoying taking their learning outside where they have been able to calculate a variety of number problems and then discuss their reasoning.

The children have also been busy collecting and recording facts about polar bears and discovering who built the first castles in the U.K.

Well done Class 6, I am very proud of you all for making a great start to the new term

Mrs Ruffell




Sports Day 2020

2020 brought around a slightly different kind of sports day. Over 100 of our pupils took part in first ever Rainbow games, both at home and in school.

The day consisted of children competing in for their houses in a range of throwing, jumping and running activities alongside some cross-curricular olympic themed activities such as designing/cooking a healthy meal; researching one of the continents; creating banner and posters to show their support for their house.

A brilliant event with many children engaging in the activities. Over 18000 points were shared between the 4 houses with less than 100 separating first and second.

Results are announced in the below video!


Music Without the Marquee 2020

Here at Penpol School we are delighted to be able to bring a slice of Music in the Marquee to you virtually.  Yes, we know it’ll never be the same as being in the marquee together as we celebrate the end of another school year, but we sincerely hope that this mini-event can bring a slice of that fun to you at home.

So it is time to get the wristbands on and the fizzy pop out as we all have a bit of a party in our own homes.

This is Music Without the Marquee!

– Mr Woolcock

Play Video

Year 2 – Home Learning Challenges – Weeks 11,12 & 13

New – Week commencing – 22.06.2020

Hi Class 6 and Class 5, Mrs Ruffell and Mrs Daniel would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent images of your home  learning, which you have completed  over the past two weeks. We have now created a new home learning page, on the Penpol Times, for weeks 11, 12  and 13.  Please keep sending us images of your learning so that we can share it with your friends and families.
We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care – Mrs Ruffell & Mrs Daniel



New Link -22.06.2020 (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)

New Link 08.06.20 (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)

New Link  (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)

PE and Outdoor Learning at Home

New -  (Copy & paste link in to your browser)

New – Digital Ocean – Surfers against Sewage – Copy and paste the link in to your browser


Online safety at home – copy and paste the link in to your browser.

New – Try these simple relaxation and mindfulness activities together and help your child learn to calm down when they feel stressed or anxious. – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.

Use your mind – Laugh & Giggle – Breathe Deep – Stretch it out – Relax

Isaac B, from Class 5

The last day of term but I must share with you all these Photos of Isaac B’s amazing bee project. He has worked so hard on this as you can see and must be really proud of his effort as with all his home learning. Well done Isaac, you deserve a medal! – Mrs Daniel

Lola, from Class 6

A letter from Lola

Hi this morning Lola and her brother Caio went to visit their friend James who keeps Bees.

First we put on the Bee Suits so the Bees didn’t sting us and get into our faces. Then James lit some material to make smoke. So the Bees think there is a fire coming so they gather as much honey as they can and get ready to leave home, this makes them slower. We then looked inside the Bee Hive all the Bees flew out . We found some honey comb. Then we looked for the queen bee. She likes to hide in the dark. We knew she was the queen because she was quite big and fat compared to the other bees. Her job is to lay eggs and have babies. We saw  the baby bees ,which are grubs and some eggs. The worker bees were busy looking after them. All the other bees look after the babies and they are all female. Some of the bees go out to collect nectar and pollen. We saw the yellow pollen on the bees legs. James was stood in the way of the bees entrance and he had thousands on his leg! When we put the hive back together and walked away the bees stopped flying around us.
From Lola

Verity, from Class 6

Verity has had a very productive week, working hard with her maths and English but also having a great time making a puppet show of her favourite book, Monkey Puzzle. All her family became involved in what looks like an amazing performance, I would like to have been in the audience! Take a look at her lovely photos.

Harry, from Class 6

Hi Mrs Ruffell,
This morning, Harry thought of an animal for every letter of the alphabet. He had to Google an animal for  U – V – X and Y as they were very tricky. Harry also enjoyed I drawing the animals and watched ‘Art for kids ‘, to get ideas on how to draw them. Well done Harry.


Jessica, from Class 5

Take a look of these lovely photos of Jessica and her sisters enjoying themselves making play dough!

Emilija, from Class 5

Emilija has been extremely busy over the last couple weeks, as you can see from her photos. Well done Emilija, keep up the great effort with all your home learning, you are doing a brilliant job!

Bella, from Class 5

Bella has ben busy with some art work, story boarding and some instruction writing for Rapunzel, complete with illustration!

Tilly, from Class 6

Here are some photos of my puppets, theatre that I made out of a cereal box and my poster for my show. I enjoyed doing this as I couldn’t do my dancing show in May, which we’d been doing lots of practicing for. (Written by Tilly)

Wow! well done Tilly. I wish I could have been there to see it.

Harry, from Class 6

Thank you Harry for sharing your alphabetical home learning. I love the way you have ordered all of those items in alphabetical order. Well done!

Lily, from Class 6

Lily enjoyed making 3D shapes out of play dough this week to help her learn their names and properties! They were actually very tricky to make! She also looked for seals at Gwithian using binoculars but only managed to spot one as the others weren’t there.

Lola, from Class 6

Lola has really been focussing on bees this term and recently she visited the Heligan Gardens, where she was able to discover and  learn more interesting facts about this amazing flying insect. Lola has also been busy learning about shapes and recording their properties. Great home learning Lola!

Poppy, from Class 6

Thank you Poppy for sharing your home learning with us. You have created some lovely puppets and also designed some lovely moths, which you have also named. Wow! what a fab duck! I love its design. Well done.


Harry, from Class 6

Harry has really worked hard on this weeks home learning challenges. He has created his puppets, built a theatre , written his own story and presented his puppet show. Read Harry’s very own story below.

This is my puppet show with pictures …

Once upon a time there was a boy called Harry.
He had two meerkats who he loved very much.
One day a wolf came along, he wanted to eat the meerkats.
Then Harry came and chased the wolf away. He never came back and they lived happily ever after

Harry, from Class 6

Harry has made a great start on his puppet show. He has drawn and cut out his shadow puppets and attached them to sticks. He has also written out his storyboard and made a start on his theatre. Well done Harry, I look forward to seeing the finished production. Great home learning !

Lola, from Class 6

Lola has been very busy designing a duck for the competition, which I think looks amazing. Also well done on learning this weeks spellings and taking a test. Great results!

Emily, from Class 6

Emily has been working so hard this week on solving a variety of number problems. You really have shown great commitment towards your home learning this week. Well done Emily!

Poppy, from Class 6

Thank you Poppy for sharing your home learning. You have used great adjectives to describe the sea and also included a lot of detail in your postcard from New-York. I hope you had a great time? 🙂

Isaac, from Class 5 

Isaac has made a fantastic Jungle habitat, it must have taken him quite some time but as you can see it is well worth the effort! He has also written a football story in which the players receive super powers and an Ocean story which cleverly relays some interesting facts as well. Well done Isaac, you are doing a brilliant job with all your home learning.


Bella, from Class 5

Bella has been very busy with her maths and has done a great job on completing the worksheets. She has also designed and written about a fantastic water park which she enjoyed sharing with her dad and brother.

Lola, from Class 6

Lily, from Class 6

Wow, I love your wild flower ice sculpture Lily. I also enjoyed reading your instructions on how to build the perfect sandcastle and reading the postcard that you sent to your nanny from Menorca. I hope you had a great time on your holiday and the sun was shining?  🙂

Emily, from Class 6

Thank you Emily for sharing your home learning with us. You are demonstrating great commitment towards your home learning. I am really impressed with all of your learning. Well done!

Home Learning Challenges -Year 2 – Week 8, 9 & 10

New – Week commencing – 01.06.2020

Hi Class 6 and Class 5, Mrs Ruffell and Mrs Daniel would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent images of your home  learning, which you have completed  over the past two weeks. We have now created a new home learning page, on the Penpol Times, for weeks 8 and 9.  Please keep sending us images of your learning so that we can share it with your friends and families.

We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care – Mrs Ruffell & Mrs Daniel


New Link 08.06.2020 (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)

New Link 08.06.20 (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)

New Link  (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)

New Activity     (Copy & paste the link in to your browser)


PE and Outdoor Learning at Home

New -  (Copy & paste link in to your browser)

New – Digital Ocean – Surfers against Sewage – Copy and paste the link in to your browser


Online safety at home – copy and paste the link in to your browser.

New – Try these simple relaxation and mindfulness activities together and help your child learn to calm down when they feel stressed or anxious. – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.

Use your mind – Laugh & Giggle – Breathe Deep – Stretch it out – Relax


Faith, from Class 5

Faith has had an amazing week, not only has she engaged with all her home learning, accomplished a Brownie promise, created Indian bead bracelets but, has also won Rider of the Week at her riding club. How good is that! I’m sure that one day she will be an Olympic champion!

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has enjoyed learning about habitats this week and has chosen the rain forest to write about and make this amazing collage. She’s also tackled some maths from a Sats booklet and has done really well. Well done Verity, keep up the brilliant work, it’s so lovely to see.

Emily, from Class 6

Wow Emily, you really have been busy with your home learning, especially your number challenges. I really enjoyed reading your instruction and I could tell, from what you have written, that you have made great sandcastles in the past. Also well done on your spelling test score. Well done Emily!

Alfie, from Class 5

Alfie is doing a great job of keeping up with all of his home learning. I love his picture of a water slide and a race track that he’s made. He’s also kept in touch with his friends by virtual quiz, he didn’t win this time so wish him luck for the next!

Hugo, from Class 6

Thank you Hugo for sharing your home learning this week. I was really impressed with your number learning and I could see such concentration on your face.

Oh my goodness, look at your new addition to the family! I can’t wait to see her on the school gate and have a little cuddle. Enjoy every minute of Margot, I bet you are so excited. She looks adorable.

Lola, from Class 6

Thank you Lola for sharing your home learning. You have shown great dedication towards your number learning. I loved your picture and what a great idea to use vegetables to print with. Well done!

Ava, from Class 6

Oh my goodness Ava, what a cute little kitten. I’m surprised you’ve managed to do any home learning with this little fella around. Well done on completing the maths challenges and also for writing a  great set of instructions on how to build a sandcastle. Well done!

Tilly, from Class 6

Thank you Tilly for sharing your home learning with us. I was really impressed with your postcard from Greece, I hope Lola enjoyed reading it. Your summer picnic on the beach also sound lovely, I hope I get an invite?  Great home learning, well done

Nicholas, from Class 6

Hi Nicholas, thank you for sharing your home learning with us. I really enjoyed reading your instructions and your postcard from the pyramids. I also thought your bee picture was amazing. You have included so many interesting facts. Well done!

Chloe, from Class 6

Wow  Chloe, thank you for sharing all of your home learning with us. I really enjoyed reading your description about sheep and how you think they feel like a teddy bear.(Did you know that sheep are my favourite animal?) Well done, great home learning.

Harry, from Class 6

Well done Harry on using your senses to describe summer. I can see that you have really thought hard about this. Well done!

Bella, from Class 5

Bella, being very artistic, has been trying something new this week, watercolours! She has painted a lovely picture of a Llama for her grandparents which I know they will be thrilled with. She has also been busy with her maths and topic work (and her brother’s!), take a look at her lovely photos.

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has been up to some unusual baking this week, making biscuits for her lovely dog Ted, he certainly looks as if he enjoys them!
She has also been busy with her writing, spellings and maths and even a little craft work. take a look at her lovely photos.

Lola, from Class 6

Thank you Lola for sharing this picture of you wearing your medal that you achieved for running 2 miles for the NHS. Class 6 are all very proud of you. Well done!

Lola, from Class 6

Well done Lola, your have written clear step by step instructions on how to build a sandcastle and included great  illustrations.

Poppy, from Class 6

Poppy also made this delicious cake with her sister Lily. It looks amazing!

Poppy, from Class6

Thank you for sharing your home learning from this week Poppy,  I really loved what you are holding. You have written a great description of what your water park would look like and also written a great set of instructions on how to build a sandcastle. Great home learning. Well done!

Hugo, from Class 6

Thank you for sharing some more of your home learning challenges with us Hugo. It was lovely to see such concentration on your face. I love your pen!

Isaac, from Class 5

Isaac has really enjoyed designing and writing about a water park.

Emily, from Class 6

Well done Emily for completing your home learning challenges. You really are demonstrating great commitment towards your learning.!

Harry, from Class 6

Thank you Harry for sharing these  photographs, which shows us  the vast amount of jelly fish that were washed ashore in Hayle last week. Take care in the sea everyone.


Oliver, from Class 5

Take a look at Oliver’s lovely photos. He’s been learning a great deal about bees and has been so lucky in the fact that he has met a real bee keeper! Oliver was given some delicious honey and honeycomb to eat which he thoroughly enjoyed. He has written a fact sheet about bees and also doing really well with all his maths and English home learning. Well done, keep up the great effort.

Harry, from Class 6

Well done Harry on winning the rainbow art competition for year 2.


Isaac, from Class 5

Isaac L. has written a brilliant alien story AND completed an absolute brilliant topic on Greenland. Take a look for a great read, you will certainly learn something you didn’t know before!
Also, a big clap for Isaac on receiving two Blue Peter badges for his covid poem and global warming poster, well done Isaac!

Lola, from Class 6


Harry, from Class 6

This week I have been doing lots of home learning and my chilli plant is getting big.(Written by Harry)

wow Harry! Well done, your chilli plant looks very healthy.

Verity, from Class 5

Verity is now quite the bee expert! She has made some lovely sand bees which are so cheerful they will make you smile! She has also investigated parts of a flower and has been learning all about pollination. Take a look at her lovely photos.

Ava, from Class 6

Wow Ava, you have been very busy with your home learning. I really enjoyed reading your space story and what a great picture of you in your space suit. It was also lovely to see you helping your younger sister with her phonics. Well done!

Faith from Class 5

Faith has been busy today writing a diary entry based on the Angry Cat story, take a look to see where she has used the conjunctions in her sentences.

Joseph, from Class 5

Take a look at Joseph’s  amazing seaside picture. The colours, sand and glue effect make it something special to put on the wall.

Lola, from Class 6

Thank you for sharing your learning this week Lola. It was lovely to see you working so hard on odd and even numbers and also completing the sentences. I really loved your picture of you and Scarlett. A great start to the new term. Well done

Alfie, from Class 5

Take a look at Alfie’s lovely photos, read his brilliant alien story and admire his wonderful bee mobile. They look so happy it will put a smile on your face! He’s also had a great half term, enjoying the weather and he’s hoping to make a few pounds from his bedroom clearance sale.

Home Learning Challenges – Year 2 – Week 6 & 7

New – Week commencing – 11.05.2020

Hi Class 6 and Class 5, Mrs Ruffell and Mrs Daniel would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent images of your home  learning, which you have completed  over the past two weeks. We have now created a new home learning page, on the Penpol Times, for weeks 6 and 7.  Please keep sending us images of your learning so that we can share it with your friends and families.

We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care – Mrs Ruffell & Mrs Daniel


New – Half term activity

New – (Copy & paste the link in to your browser)

PE and Outdoor Learning at Home

New -  (Copy & paste link in to your browser)

New – Digital Ocean – Surfers against Sewage – Copy and paste the link in to your browser


Online safety at home – copy and paste the link in to your browser.

Fun ways to exercise and keep fit! – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.

New – Additional online home learning. – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.

New – Try these simple relaxation and mindfulness activities together and help your child learn to calm down when they feel stressed or anxious. – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.

Use your mind – Laugh & Giggle – Breathe Deep – Stretch it out – Relax


Emily, from Class 6

Wow Emily! I love your spaceship, it’s so colourful and what a great idea to put your photograph inside the space helmet. I can see, from the learning you have completed, that you really enjoyed this literacy based topic all about space.

Also well done on your spelling test results 10/10 great job!

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has been busy with her maths this week, drawn a great picture of a rocket and made a beeswax candle. She also found a little mole in her garden, he’s very cute!

Faith, from Class 5

Faith has really enjoyed the alien project this week, take a look at her amazing photos of all the craft work and writing she has been doing!


Lily, from Class 6

Well done Lily. You have found so many interesting facts about bees and I love your honey comb pattern.

Hana, from Class 5

Hana has been very busy lately with all her home learning, even though she is missing all her friends. Take a look at her photos and enjoy her pirate story.


Rosie, from Class 6

Rosie and George made some cheese today, after completing their numeracy challenges.
They were very proud of what they made, but didn’t like the taste.

Well done, it looks amazing!


Poppy, from Class 6

What great learning you have completed.  I love your pictures, especially your spacesuit….
I was also very impressed with your handwriting . Well done.



Poppy wanted to share this photograph of a beautiful mermaid, which she found swimming in her paddling pool. How lucky was Poppy to find a mermaid in her back garden.

Bella, from Class 5

Bella was inspired by Mrs.Pope’s assembly and has made some amazing frozen flowers! She’s also written a great bee poem and diagram and drawn a couple of brilliant self portraits, one inspired by Gustav Klimt, can you guess which one?

Nicholas, from Class 6

Thank you for sharing your learning from this week Nicholas. I can see that you are really enjoying the space theme. Well done!


Faith, from Class 5

A lovely photo of Faith showing some of her work on Noah’s Ark, she really enjoyed this R.E story. She and her mum thought it very topical at the moment as we are all looking forward to much brighter and happier times.

Bella, from Class 5

Bella has become quite the chef at home again this week, baking cookies that look delicious!
She has also completed some maths sheets and brilliantly illustrated her brothers fantastic story.

Alfie, from Class 5

Alfie has been as busy as usual this week, take a look at his photos to see what he has been up to. I love his alien story and animal game. What  a lovely picture of him on the beach too, making the most of the lovely weather.

Nicholas, from Class 6

Thank you Nicholas for sharing your home learning from this week. It looks like you are really enjoying the space writing  theme. I love your colourful space suit and what a fab rocket! Well done.

Lily, from Class 6

Wow Lily, you have been very busy with your home learning! It was lovely to see your smiley face again and to see that you are showing such dedication to your home learning challenges. I was really impressed to see you calculating your number problems by using such good resources and what a fantastic sunflower picture you have created. Well done.

Emily, from Class 6

Thank you Emily for sharing your home learning challenges from this week. You have shown such dedication towards your learning. I loved your honeycomb pattern and I was glad to see that you are still using your mathematical skills to solve number problems and also completed the R.E activity. I am so proud of you. Well done!


Tilly, from Class 6

Wow Tilly, you have completed some lovely home learning challenges. Your art work is beautiful and I can see that you have taken great care with your illustrations. I was really impressed with your bee mobile. I would love for you to bring it in to school to show your friends when we return. Great home learning Tilly.

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has finished her week by completing some great maths today, and she made some delicious cakes too!


Isaac, from Class 5

Isaac has really enjoyed the pirate craft work, take a look at his photos. A clever idea to stain paper with a tea bag to make it look old and a cleverly disguised egg box as treasure chest, well done Isaac!

Harry, from Class 6

Wow Harry! look at your chilli plant, it looks so healthy and such a lovely colour green. You must be taking great care of it. I look forward to seeing a picture of the first chilli. Well done

Verity, from Class 5

I have been looking forward to reading Verity’s pirate story and here it is, she’s had quite an adventure to find that treasure chest!

Lola, from Class 6

what a lovely picture of a bee Lola! I was also impressed to see that you are using your mathematical knowledge to solve number problems. Well done, great home learning!

Lola, from Class 6

Well done Lola! you have shown great dedication to your home learning this week. You have used your mathematical mind to complete so many number problems. Great home learning!

Emily, from Class 6

Wow Emily! it looks like you really enjoyed the pirate topic. I loved reading your letter and what a great picture of your  treasure chest and flag. What a great idea to complete a V.E day word search puzzle. Well done!

Alfie, from Class 5

Some lovely photos from Alfie this week, he’s been working hard and having fun. I loved his description of the boat journey. Apparently he adopted two snails and made a house for them!

Anya, from Class 6

Thank you Anya for sharing this lovely picture of you being the teacher. It was great to see you sharing your knowledge and supporting your younger sister with her phonics. Well done!

Faith, from Class 5

Take a look at Faith’s fantastic art work, she has really enjoyed completing all the pirate activities this week. Well done Faith.

Verity, from Class 5

Verity has been enjoying doing arty bits.   She had great fun making pebble bees and ladybirds for a game ’noughts and crosses’ and even got Grannie involved by making a special games bag!!
She has been planning her Pirate treasure hunt and has started by drawing her boat and map. She has been talking through her story with me that she is planning to write. Well done Verity!

Emilija, from Class 5

Emilija has been doing a fantastic job with all her home learning lately, take a look at her photos, I really love her paper plate pirates

Nicholas, from Class 6